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Robert Trubey

Research Fellow


I am a Research Fellow based at the Centre for Trials Research (CTR).

I have a particular interest in working with health and adminstrative data to help support research and trials in population health and social care. I have experience of working with data providers like SAIL, ONS, NHS England and eDRIS in Scotland. I am currently routine data lead for an osteoarthritis trial (TIPTOE) and have been working with Health Data Research UK to produce video-based training for clinical trialists who use routine data. I have previously been involved in leading routine data workpackges of studies looking at homelessnes and health (Moving-On) and the views of young people with Type-1 Diabetes on the use of their health and education data for research (Steadfast). I am a member of the NIHR's Trials Methodology Research Partnership's Health Informatics working group and oversee CTR's Data Security Protection Toolkit.

I also have expertise in designing and conducting systematic reviews. As part of the PUMA project, I led and published an international review of the clinical effectiveness of 'Peadiatric Early Warning Scores' for detecting deterioration in paediatric in-patients. I was also a co-applicant on a DECIPHer-lead review of interventions to improve the mental health of care-experienced children (CHIMES), leading the outcome evaluation and meta-analysis.

Prior to working at CTR, I led a series of process evaluations of a Welsh Government school-based toothbrushing programme (Designed to Smile), informing the expanded roll-out of the scheme across Wales.















Education and qualifications

  • 2015: PhD, Cardiff University
  • 2006: MSc Research Methods in Psychology, University of Wales, Swansea
  • 2004: BSc (Hons.) Psychology, University of Wales, Swansea

Career overview

  • 2013-present: Centre for Trials Research, School of Medicine, Cardiff University
  • 2008-2013: Dental Public Health, School of Dentistry, Cardiff University