Dr Hakan Karaosman
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Dr. Hakan Karaosman is a world-renowded and award-winning expert in supply chain sustainability with a particular research interest in fashion and textiles. He is an Associate Professor at Cardiff Business School at Cardiff University, Chief Scientist at FReSCH (Fashion's Responsible Supply Chain Hub, a UN-recognized and EU-awarded action research project hosted by University College Dublin), a Visiting Scholar Professor at University College Dublin and Politecnico di Milano, Chair of the Union of Concerned Researchers in Fashion (UCRF), and an Advisory Board Member of Remake.
Hakan is named in the Vogue Business 100 Innovators: Class of 2023 as a Sustainability Thought Leader. Greenpeace Italia named him a Voice for the Climate in 2023. He is also a recipient of the Cardiff University Celebrating Excellence Awards 2023 for Excellence in Sustainability. His paper ‘For the many not the few: Introducing just transition for supply chain management’ was one of the most downloaded articles in the International Journal of Productions & Operations Management in 2024. His research project, FreSCH, won the Financial Times’ Responsible Business Education award in 2025. He is regularly featured in international media articles, including Financial Times, Forbes, Reuters, The Guardian, Vogue Italia, Vogue Business, Business of Fashion, Sourcing Journal, Irish Times, Women’s Wear Daily, InStyle Türkiye, Corriere della Sera, and La Repubblica.
Hakan has delivered keynote speeches at multi-stakeholder events, including those organized by the Financial Times, TEDx, Global Fashion Summit, British Fashion Council, and Milano Fashion Week. In addition to his published work, which includes highly cited academic papers, book chapters, teaching cases, and industrial reports, he has several collaborations focused on sustainability, supply chain management, and climate change with organizations including the UN, NGOs, fashion companies, and media platforms.
Having lived in eight countries throughout his life, Hakan holds a BSc in Environmental Engineering, an MSc in Management in Engineering of Energy and Environment, and a double degree Ph.D. in Industrial Management.
- Area Editor in Supply Chain and Sustainability. Operations Management Journals (2024 – Present)
- Advisory Board Member. ReMake World (2024 – Present)
- People Committee Member. Cardiff Business School (2023 – Present)
- Chair. The Union of Concerned Researchers in Fashion (2021 – Present)
- Ambassador. Sustainable Procurement Pledge (2020 – Present)
- Branding Director. International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) (2020 – 2023)
- Organising Committee. The True Cost Alliance (2022 – Present)
- Scientific Partner. A New Awareness (2019 – Present)
- Creative Advisory Council. State of Fashion (2020 – 2022)
- Art & Interaction Content Curator & Scientific Partner. Salvatore Ferragamo: Sustainable Thinking (2019-2021)
- Project Expert. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2019 – 2020)
- Sustainability Committee. Politecnico di Milano School of Management (2018-2019)
- Assistant Curator. State of Fashion: Searching for the New Luxury (2018)
- Scientific Partner. MSc Student Hackathon in Collaboration with the PRADA Group and Yale University (2018)
- Organising Committee. Shaping a Sustainable Digital Future, A Multistakeholder Engagement Event by the PRADA Group (2017 – 2018)
- Founder. Next Generation Assembly (MSs Student Hackathon in Collaboration with Glasgow Caledonian University and London College of Fashion, Politecnico di Milano School of Management (2016 – 2019)
- Scientific Committee. International Workshop on Luxury Retail, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Politecnico di Milano School of Management (2015 – 2019)
- Co-organiser. Responsible Luxury Summit, Politecnico di Milano School of Management (2015 – 2019)
- Karaosman, H., Marshall, D. and Irene, W. 2025. For the many not the few: introducing just transition for supply chain management. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 45(3), pp. 700-732. (10.1108/IJOPM-07-2023-0587)
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2024. Achieving socially fair decarbonization in fashion supply chains. Sourcing Journal
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2024. Supply chain decarbonisation needs to be people powered. [Online]. Sustainable Views: Financial Times. Available at: https://www.sustainableviews.com/supply-chain-decarbonisation-needs-to-be-people-powered-057dd12d/
- Karaosman, H. 2024. Per una Transizione Giusta. In: Ward, M. ed. Fuorimoda. DeAgostini
- Guerra-Scheiwiller, E. M., Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2024. Vague concepts and issue washing: women’s empowerment in fashion supply chains. International Journal of Procurement Management 20(4), pp. 462-500. (10.1504/IJPM.2024.139688)
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2024. How just transition for decarbonization could be the solution for the fashion industry. [Online]. ReMake World. Available at: https://remake.world/stories/just-transition-for-decarbonization/
- Karaosman, H., Lynch, J., Reed, A. and Patriarche, M. 2024. Back to the future: Just transition in the Welsh textile industry. Presented at: Conversation Starter, March 2024.
- Karaosman, H., Marshall, D. and Villena, V. H. 2023. Chrysalis of crisis: covid-19 as a catalyst for awakening power and justice in a luxury fashion supply chain. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 43(10), pp. 1634-1666. (10.1108/IJOPM-05-2022-0320)
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2023. Impact pathways: Just transition in fashion operations and supply chain management. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 43(13), pp. 226-237. (10.1108/IJOPM-05-2022-0348)
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2023. Supplier inclusion is key to climate action. [Online]. Union of Concerned Researchers in Fashion. Available at: https://concernedresearchers.org/blog/supplier-inclusion-is-key-to-climate-action
- Karaosman, H., Marshall, D. and Prudhomme, A. 2023. Fast fashion is out of fashion – is capitalism eventually going to collapse?. [Online]. Lampoon: Lampoon Magazine. Available at: https://lampoonmagazine.com/article/2023/03/28/dr-hakan-karaosman-and-donna-marshall-is-capitalism-going-to-collapse/
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2023. What is just transition not? A response to the latest greenwashing fad in the fashion industry. [Online]. Eco-Age. Available at: https://eco-age.com/resources/cradle-edition-eight/
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2022. Op-Ed: Shein’s EPR scheme is ‘social offsetting’. [Online]. Apparel Insider. Available at: https://apparelinsider.com/op-ed-sheins-epr-scheme-is-social-offsetting/
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. 2021. Luxury supply chain management. In: Donzé, P., Pouillard, V. and Roberts, J. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Luxury Business. Oxford University Press, pp. 127-150., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190932220.013.7)
- Karaosman, H. and Huisingh, D. 2021. The Transition issue – Dr. Hakan Karaosman talking with Prof. Donald Huisingh. [Online]. Lampoon Magazine. Available at: https://lampoonmagazine.com/article/2021/04/02/hakan-karaosman-donald-huisingh-lampoon-transition/
- Karaosman, H., Marshall, D. and Brun, A. 2020. Does the devil wear Prada? Lessons in supply chain sustainability from luxury fashion. European Business Review, pp. 103-108.
- Karaosman, H., Perry, P., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. 2020. Behind the runway: extending sustainability in luxury fashion supply chains. Journal of Business Research 117, pp. 652-663. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.09.017)
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. 2020. Supply chain collaboration for transparency. Sustainability 12(11), pp. 1-21., article number: 4429. (10.3390/su12114429)
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. 2020. Sustainability in the luxury fashion supply chain: millennials’ perception. March{é}} et organisations 37, pp. 99-121. (10.3917/maorg.037.0099)
- Karaosman, H. and Brun, A. 2019. The myth of sustainability in fashion supply chains. In: Supply Chain and Logistics Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global, pp. 160-188., (10.4018/978-1-7998-0945-6.ch008)
- Ciccullo, F., Xu, J., Karaosman, H., Pero, M. and Brun, A. 2019. Moving towards circular economy in the fashion industry: A systematic review of new product development and supply chain management practices. Presented at: XXIV Summer School “Francesco Turco” – Industrial Systems Engineering, Brescia, 11/09/2019-13/09/2019Proceeding of XXIV Summer School “Francesco Turco” – Industrial Systems Engineering, Vol. 1. pp. 268-276.
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. 2019. Customer influence on supply chain management strategies: an exploratory investigation in the yacht industry. Business Process Management Journal 25(2), pp. 288-306. (10.1108/BPMJ-05-2017-0133)
- Karaosman, H. 2019. Piano d'azione per un lusso responsabile. [Online]. Vogue Italia. Available at: https://www.vogue.it/vogue-talents/article/sostenibilita-decalogo-lusso-responsabile
- Brun, A., Sianesi, A. and Karaosman, H. 2019. Bespoke supply chains: Transforming luxury fashion supply chains. Presented at: XXIV Summer School “Francesco Turco” – Industrial Systems Engineering, Brescia, 11/09/2019-13/09/2019 Presented at Perona, M. and Zanoni, S. eds.Proceeding of XXIV Summer School “Francesco Turco” – Industrial Systems Engineering, Vol. 1. Italy: AIDI - Italian Association of Industrial Operations Professors pp. 81-87.
- Karaosman, H. and Brun, A. 2018. Product matrix: A model for sustainability assessment at product level. Presented at: Twentieth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 19-23 FebruaryThe Proceedings of the Twentieth International Working Seminar on Production Economics. pp. 1-16.
- Perry, P. and Karaosman, H. 2018. Applying circular economy principles in luxury fashion: petit h. In: Bloomsbury Fashion Business Cases. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, pp. 71-78., (10.5040/9781474208796.0025)
- Karaosman, H. 2018. Sustainability integration in luxury fashion supply chains : An empirical investigation of leather and textiles in Italy. PhD Thesis, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and Politecnico di Milano.
- Brun, A., Castelli, C. and Karaosman, H. 2017. A focused supply chain strategy for luxury fashion management. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 21(4), pp. 544-563. (10.1108/JFMM-03-2017-0026)
- Karaosman, H., Brun, A. and Morales Alonso, G. 2017. Environmental and social impact free stance and consequences on the operational performance. Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology 1(4), pp. 153-163. (10.15406/jteft.2017.01.00027)
- Karaosman, H., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. 2017. Vogue or vague: Sustainability performance appraisal in luxury fashion supply chains. In: Sustainable Management of Luxury. Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes Springer, pp. 301-330., (10.1007/978-981-10-2917-2_14)
- Karaosman, H., Morales-Alonso, G. and Brun, A. 2017. Strike a pose: luxury for sustainability. In: Gardetti, M. A. ed. Sustainable Management of Luxury. Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes Singapore: Springer, pp. 145-161., (10.1007/978-981-10-2917-2_7)
- Brun, A., Castelli, C. and Karaosman, H. 2017. See now buy now: A revolution for luxury supply chain management. Presented at: IT4 Fashion 2016, Florence, Italy, 20th-22nd April 2016Business Models and ICT Technologies for the Fashion Supply Chain, Vol. 413. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Springer International Publishing AG pp. 33-46., (10.1007/978-3-319-48511-9_4)
- Karaosman, H., Perry, P., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. 2017. Integrating sustainability in luxury fashion supply networks: an empirical investigation of leather and silk. Presented at: 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference, Vienna, 6/7/2017Proceedings of Global Fashion Management Conference. pp. 270-274., (10.15444/GFMC2017.04.02.03)
- Karaosman, H., Morales-Alonso, G. and Brun, A. 2016. From a systematic literature review to a classification framework: Sustainability integration in fashion operations. Sustainability (Switzerland) 9(1), article number: 30. (10.3390/su9010030)
- Karaosman, H., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. 2016. Slow fashion and sustainability: the luxury impact. In: Vecchi, A. and Buckley, C. eds. Handbook of Research on Global Fashion Management and Merchandising. United Kingdom: IGI Global, pp. 468-480., (10.4018/978-1-5225-0110-7.ch019)
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. 2016. A simulation study of inventory replenishment in luxury fashion SCs. Presented at: Nineteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 22-26 February 2016The Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics. pp. 1-14.
- Karaosman, H., Morales Alonso, G. and Grijalvo Martin, M. M. 2015. How can local manufacturing improve economic sustainability? Saint Brissant: a case study of local manufacturing in Spain. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, Malaga, 23/07/2014 - 25/07/20148th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management. XX International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management International IIE Conference 2014. pp. 1-8.
- Karaosman, H., Morales Alonso, G. and Brun, A. 2015. Slow fashion and sustainability in Spain: How can local manufacturing improve sustainability and how do consumers respond?. Presented at: 1st Annual EDIM PhD Conference, Milan, 11-12 June 20141st ANNUAL EDIM PhD CONFERENCE. pp. 1-14.
- Karaosman, H., Morales-Alonso, G., Grijalvo, M. and Gyakari Ntim, C. 2015. Consumers’ responses to CSR in a cross-cultural setting. Cogent Business & Management 2(1), pp. 1-18., article number: 1052916. (10.1080/23311975.2015.1052916)
- Karaosman, H., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. 2015. Integrated sustainable fashion supply chains and the impact on operational performance. Presented at: 22nd EurOMA Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 26 June - 1 July 2015Proceedings of "22nd EurOMA Conference - Operations Management For Sustainable Competitiveness". Neuchatel: pp. 1-10.
- Karaosman, H., Morales Alonso, G., Grijalvo, M. and Brun, A. 2015. The impact of ethical fashion on Spanish consumers. Direccion y Organizacion 57, pp. 63-73. (10.37610/dyo.v0i57.481)
- Karaosman, H., Mermod, A. Y. and Yuksel, U. 2014. Corporate social responsibility in the European Union: an assessment of CSR strategy., pp. 317-336. (10.1007/978-3-319-10909-1_17)
- Karaosman, H., Marshall, D. and Irene, W. 2025. For the many not the few: introducing just transition for supply chain management. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 45(3), pp. 700-732. (10.1108/IJOPM-07-2023-0587)
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2024. Achieving socially fair decarbonization in fashion supply chains. Sourcing Journal
- Guerra-Scheiwiller, E. M., Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2024. Vague concepts and issue washing: women’s empowerment in fashion supply chains. International Journal of Procurement Management 20(4), pp. 462-500. (10.1504/IJPM.2024.139688)
- Karaosman, H., Marshall, D. and Villena, V. H. 2023. Chrysalis of crisis: covid-19 as a catalyst for awakening power and justice in a luxury fashion supply chain. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 43(10), pp. 1634-1666. (10.1108/IJOPM-05-2022-0320)
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2023. Impact pathways: Just transition in fashion operations and supply chain management. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 43(13), pp. 226-237. (10.1108/IJOPM-05-2022-0348)
- Karaosman, H., Marshall, D. and Brun, A. 2020. Does the devil wear Prada? Lessons in supply chain sustainability from luxury fashion. European Business Review, pp. 103-108.
- Karaosman, H., Perry, P., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. 2020. Behind the runway: extending sustainability in luxury fashion supply chains. Journal of Business Research 117, pp. 652-663. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.09.017)
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. 2020. Supply chain collaboration for transparency. Sustainability 12(11), pp. 1-21., article number: 4429. (10.3390/su12114429)
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. 2020. Sustainability in the luxury fashion supply chain: millennials’ perception. March{é}} et organisations 37, pp. 99-121. (10.3917/maorg.037.0099)
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. 2019. Customer influence on supply chain management strategies: an exploratory investigation in the yacht industry. Business Process Management Journal 25(2), pp. 288-306. (10.1108/BPMJ-05-2017-0133)
- Brun, A., Castelli, C. and Karaosman, H. 2017. A focused supply chain strategy for luxury fashion management. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management 21(4), pp. 544-563. (10.1108/JFMM-03-2017-0026)
- Karaosman, H., Brun, A. and Morales Alonso, G. 2017. Environmental and social impact free stance and consequences on the operational performance. Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology 1(4), pp. 153-163. (10.15406/jteft.2017.01.00027)
- Karaosman, H., Morales-Alonso, G. and Brun, A. 2016. From a systematic literature review to a classification framework: Sustainability integration in fashion operations. Sustainability (Switzerland) 9(1), article number: 30. (10.3390/su9010030)
- Karaosman, H., Morales-Alonso, G., Grijalvo, M. and Gyakari Ntim, C. 2015. Consumers’ responses to CSR in a cross-cultural setting. Cogent Business & Management 2(1), pp. 1-18., article number: 1052916. (10.1080/23311975.2015.1052916)
- Karaosman, H., Morales Alonso, G., Grijalvo, M. and Brun, A. 2015. The impact of ethical fashion on Spanish consumers. Direccion y Organizacion 57, pp. 63-73. (10.37610/dyo.v0i57.481)
- Karaosman, H., Mermod, A. Y. and Yuksel, U. 2014. Corporate social responsibility in the European Union: an assessment of CSR strategy., pp. 317-336. (10.1007/978-3-319-10909-1_17)
Book sections
- Karaosman, H. 2024. Per una Transizione Giusta. In: Ward, M. ed. Fuorimoda. DeAgostini
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. 2021. Luxury supply chain management. In: Donzé, P., Pouillard, V. and Roberts, J. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Luxury Business. Oxford University Press, pp. 127-150., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190932220.013.7)
- Karaosman, H. and Brun, A. 2019. The myth of sustainability in fashion supply chains. In: Supply Chain and Logistics Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global, pp. 160-188., (10.4018/978-1-7998-0945-6.ch008)
- Perry, P. and Karaosman, H. 2018. Applying circular economy principles in luxury fashion: petit h. In: Bloomsbury Fashion Business Cases. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, pp. 71-78., (10.5040/9781474208796.0025)
- Karaosman, H., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. 2017. Vogue or vague: Sustainability performance appraisal in luxury fashion supply chains. In: Sustainable Management of Luxury. Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes Springer, pp. 301-330., (10.1007/978-981-10-2917-2_14)
- Karaosman, H., Morales-Alonso, G. and Brun, A. 2017. Strike a pose: luxury for sustainability. In: Gardetti, M. A. ed. Sustainable Management of Luxury. Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes Singapore: Springer, pp. 145-161., (10.1007/978-981-10-2917-2_7)
- Karaosman, H., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. 2016. Slow fashion and sustainability: the luxury impact. In: Vecchi, A. and Buckley, C. eds. Handbook of Research on Global Fashion Management and Merchandising. United Kingdom: IGI Global, pp. 468-480., (10.4018/978-1-5225-0110-7.ch019)
- Karaosman, H., Lynch, J., Reed, A. and Patriarche, M. 2024. Back to the future: Just transition in the Welsh textile industry. Presented at: Conversation Starter, March 2024.
- Ciccullo, F., Xu, J., Karaosman, H., Pero, M. and Brun, A. 2019. Moving towards circular economy in the fashion industry: A systematic review of new product development and supply chain management practices. Presented at: XXIV Summer School “Francesco Turco” – Industrial Systems Engineering, Brescia, 11/09/2019-13/09/2019Proceeding of XXIV Summer School “Francesco Turco” – Industrial Systems Engineering, Vol. 1. pp. 268-276.
- Brun, A., Sianesi, A. and Karaosman, H. 2019. Bespoke supply chains: Transforming luxury fashion supply chains. Presented at: XXIV Summer School “Francesco Turco” – Industrial Systems Engineering, Brescia, 11/09/2019-13/09/2019 Presented at Perona, M. and Zanoni, S. eds.Proceeding of XXIV Summer School “Francesco Turco” – Industrial Systems Engineering, Vol. 1. Italy: AIDI - Italian Association of Industrial Operations Professors pp. 81-87.
- Karaosman, H. and Brun, A. 2018. Product matrix: A model for sustainability assessment at product level. Presented at: Twentieth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 19-23 FebruaryThe Proceedings of the Twentieth International Working Seminar on Production Economics. pp. 1-16.
- Brun, A., Castelli, C. and Karaosman, H. 2017. See now buy now: A revolution for luxury supply chain management. Presented at: IT4 Fashion 2016, Florence, Italy, 20th-22nd April 2016Business Models and ICT Technologies for the Fashion Supply Chain, Vol. 413. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Springer International Publishing AG pp. 33-46., (10.1007/978-3-319-48511-9_4)
- Karaosman, H., Perry, P., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. 2017. Integrating sustainability in luxury fashion supply networks: an empirical investigation of leather and silk. Presented at: 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference, Vienna, 6/7/2017Proceedings of Global Fashion Management Conference. pp. 270-274., (10.15444/GFMC2017.04.02.03)
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. 2016. A simulation study of inventory replenishment in luxury fashion SCs. Presented at: Nineteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 22-26 February 2016The Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics. pp. 1-14.
- Karaosman, H., Morales Alonso, G. and Grijalvo Martin, M. M. 2015. How can local manufacturing improve economic sustainability? Saint Brissant: a case study of local manufacturing in Spain. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, Malaga, 23/07/2014 - 25/07/20148th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management. XX International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management International IIE Conference 2014. pp. 1-8.
- Karaosman, H., Morales Alonso, G. and Brun, A. 2015. Slow fashion and sustainability in Spain: How can local manufacturing improve sustainability and how do consumers respond?. Presented at: 1st Annual EDIM PhD Conference, Milan, 11-12 June 20141st ANNUAL EDIM PhD CONFERENCE. pp. 1-14.
- Karaosman, H., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. 2015. Integrated sustainable fashion supply chains and the impact on operational performance. Presented at: 22nd EurOMA Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 26 June - 1 July 2015Proceedings of "22nd EurOMA Conference - Operations Management For Sustainable Competitiveness". Neuchatel: pp. 1-10.
- Karaosman, H. 2018. Sustainability integration in luxury fashion supply chains : An empirical investigation of leather and textiles in Italy. PhD Thesis, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and Politecnico di Milano.
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2024. Supply chain decarbonisation needs to be people powered. [Online]. Sustainable Views: Financial Times. Available at: https://www.sustainableviews.com/supply-chain-decarbonisation-needs-to-be-people-powered-057dd12d/
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2024. How just transition for decarbonization could be the solution for the fashion industry. [Online]. ReMake World. Available at: https://remake.world/stories/just-transition-for-decarbonization/
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2023. Supplier inclusion is key to climate action. [Online]. Union of Concerned Researchers in Fashion. Available at: https://concernedresearchers.org/blog/supplier-inclusion-is-key-to-climate-action
- Karaosman, H., Marshall, D. and Prudhomme, A. 2023. Fast fashion is out of fashion – is capitalism eventually going to collapse?. [Online]. Lampoon: Lampoon Magazine. Available at: https://lampoonmagazine.com/article/2023/03/28/dr-hakan-karaosman-and-donna-marshall-is-capitalism-going-to-collapse/
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2023. What is just transition not? A response to the latest greenwashing fad in the fashion industry. [Online]. Eco-Age. Available at: https://eco-age.com/resources/cradle-edition-eight/
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2022. Op-Ed: Shein’s EPR scheme is ‘social offsetting’. [Online]. Apparel Insider. Available at: https://apparelinsider.com/op-ed-sheins-epr-scheme-is-social-offsetting/
- Karaosman, H. and Huisingh, D. 2021. The Transition issue – Dr. Hakan Karaosman talking with Prof. Donald Huisingh. [Online]. Lampoon Magazine. Available at: https://lampoonmagazine.com/article/2021/04/02/hakan-karaosman-donald-huisingh-lampoon-transition/
- Karaosman, H. 2019. Piano d'azione per un lusso responsabile. [Online]. Vogue Italia. Available at: https://www.vogue.it/vogue-talents/article/sostenibilita-decalogo-lusso-responsabile
Karaosman, H, Marshall, D. and Ward, I. (2023), “For the many not the few: introducing just transition for supply chain management”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management
Karaosman, H., Marshall, D. and Villena, V. H. 2023. Chrysalis of crisis: covid-19 as a catalyst for awakening power and justice in a luxury fashion supply chain. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 43(10), pp. 1634-1666. (10.1108/IJOPM-05-2022-0320)
- Guerra-Scheiwiller, E. M., Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2023. Vague concepts and issue washing: women’s empowerment in fashion supply chains. International Journal of Procurement Management (10.1504/IJPM.2023.10058814)
- Karaosman, H. and Marshall, D. 2023. Impact pathways: Just transition in fashion operations and supply chain management. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 43(13), pp. 226-237. (10.1108/IJOPM-05-2022-0348)
- Karaosman, H., Marshall, D. and Brun, A. (2020), “Does the devil wear Prada? Lessons in supply chain sustainability from luxury fashion”, European Business Review, November-December, pp. 103–108.
- Karaosman, H., Perry, P., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. (2020), “Behind the runway: Extending sustainability in luxury fashion supply chains”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 117, September, pp. 652–663.
- Brun, A., Karaosman, H. and Barresi, T. (2020), “Supply chain collaboration for transparency”, Sustainability, Vol. 12 No. 11, 4429.
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. (2020), “Sustainability in the luxury fashion supply chain: Millennials’ perception”, Marche et Organisations, Vol. 37 No. 1, pp. 99 –121
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. (2019), ‘’Customer influence on supply chain management strategies’’, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 25 No. 2, pp. 288-306.
- Brun, A., Castelli, C. and Karaosman, H. (2017), ‘’A focused supply chain strategy for luxury fashion management’’, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Vol. 21 No. 4, pp. 544–563.
- Karaosman, H., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. (2017), “Environmental and social impact free stance and consequences on the operational performance”, Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology, Vol. 1 No. 4, pp. 1–12.
- Karaosman, H., Morales-Alonso, G. and Brun, A. (2016), “From a systematic literature review to a classification framework: Sustainability integration in fashion operations”, Sustainability, Vol. 9 No. 1, p. 30.
- Karaosman, H., Morales-Alonso, G. and Grijalvo, M. (2015), “Consumer response to CSR in a cross-cultural setting”, Cogent Business & Management, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 1–18.
- Karaosman, H., Morales-Alonso, G., Grijalvo, M. and Brun, A. (2015), “The impact of ethical fashion on Spanish consumers”, Direccion y Organizacion, Vol. 57, pp. 63–73.
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. (Eds.) (2017), “Luxury retail, operations and supply chain management: Proceedings of the 4th and 5th international workshops”
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. (2022), “Luxury supply chain management”, in Donzé, P.-Y., Pouillard, V. and Roberts, J. (Eds.), Luxury Business, Oxford Handbooks Online.
- Karaosman, H., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. (2017), “Vogue or Vague: Sustainability performance appraisal in luxury fashion supply chains”, in Gardetti, M.A. (Ed.), Sustainable Management of Luxury, Springer, Singapore, pp. 301–330.
- Karaosman, H., Morales-Alonso, G. and Brun, A. (2017), “Strike a pose: Luxury for sustainability”, in Gardetti, M.A. (Ed.), Sustainable Management of Luxury, Springer, Singapore, pp. 145–162.
- Brun, A., Castelli, C. and Karaosman, H. (2017), “See now buy now: A revolution for luxury supply chain management”, in Rinaldi, R. and Bandinelli, R. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, pp. 33–46.
- Karaosman, H. and Brun, A. (2016), “The myth of sustainability in fashion supply chains”, in Vecchi, A. and Buckley, C. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Global Fashion Management and Merchandising, IGI Global, pp. 481–509.
- Karaosman, H., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. (2016), “Slow fashion and sustainability: The luxury impact”, in Vecchi, A. and Buckley, C. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Global Fashion Management and Merchandising, IGI Global, pp. 468–481.
- Karaosman, H., Mermod, A.Y. and Yuksel, U. (2014), “Corporate social responsibility in the European Union: An assessment of CSR strategy”, in Idowu, S.O., Frederiksen, C.S., Mermod, A.Y. and Nielsen, M.E.J. (Eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance: Practice & Theory, Springer, Berlin, 1st. ed., pp. 317–337.
- Karaosman, H. (2017) “Sustainability integration in luxury fashion supply chains: An empirical investigation of leather and textiles in Italy”, Submitted at the European Commission’s European Doctorate in Industrial Management (EDIM)
Karaosman H., Marshall D., Van-Staden H., and Schneider F., “To: Fashion Giants I Subject: What You Need to Understand to Take Appropriate Climate Action In Your Supply Chains”, Systemic Change: IPSERA Conference 2023
Benstead, A., Boffelli, A., Visintin, F., Karaosman, H., “Modern slavery in a developed country: the empirical case of Prato, Italy”, 2023 EurOMA Conference
- Karaosman H, and Marshall D. (2023). “Climate action and social justice in fashion supply chains”, IPSERA UK-Ireland Regional Conference on Sustainability for Early-Career Researchers, Newcastle, UK, February 2023
- Karaosman H, and Marshall, D., “For the many not the few introducing radical just transition for purchasing and supply management”, International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) Conference, Jonkoping, Sweden, April 2022
- Karaosman H, and Marshall, D., "Arrogant Hero’: A Fast Fashion Giant’s Supply Chain Just Transition”, International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) Conference, Jonkoping, Sweden, April 2022
- Karaosman H., Marshall D., and Villena V.H. (2021). “Brand power use and innovative sources of supplier power in the fashion industry in response to COVID-19”. IPSERA 2021 Online Conference, April 2021
- Karaosman H. and Marshall D. (2020). “Social resource impact on supply chain sustainability”. 7th international European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Forum, University of Nottingham, UK, Feb 2020
- Ciccullo F., Karaosman H., Xu J., Pero M., and Brun A. (2019). “Toward circular supply chain management in the fashion industry”. XXIV Summer School “Francesco Turco” – Industrial Systems Engineering, September 2019
- Karaosman H., Marshall D., and Brun A. (2019). “Unlocking responsible luxury”. International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) Conference, Milan, Italy, April 2019
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. (2019). “Bespoke supply chains: Transforming luxury supply networks”. 20th Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, February 2019
- Brun, A., Zampieri, A., and Karaosman, H. (2018). “Sustainability in the Luxury Fashion Supply Chain: Millennials’ Perception”. Third Monaco Symposium on Luxury, April 2018
- Karaosman, H., Perry, P., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. (2017). ‘’Integrating sustainability in luxury fashion supply chains’’. Global Fashion Management Conference, Vienna, July 2017
- Karaosman, H., Perry, P., Brun, A. and Morales-Alonso, G. (2017). “Integrating sustainability in luxury fashion production networks: An empirical investigation of leather and silk”. Circular Economy: Transitioning to Sustainability? CE2S Conference, Coventry, July 2017
- Brun, A. and Karaosman, H. (2017). ‘’Product sustainability matrix’’. IT4 Fashion Conference, Florence, April 2017
- Karaosman, H., Brun A., and Morales-Alonso, G. (2017). “Embarking on environmental and social sustainability in luxury fashion supply chains”, EurOMA Sustainability Forum, Milan, February 2017
- Brun, A., and Karaosman, H. (2017). ‘’A simulation study of inventory replenishment in luxury fashion supply chains’’. 19th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, February 2017
- Karaosman, H., Brun A., and Morales-Alonso, G. (2017). “Joining the dots: Sustainability impact on operational performance’’. 19thInternational Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, February 2017
- Karaosman, H., and Brun, A. (2016). ‘Vogue or Vague? The hindrances of sustainability inclusion in fashion supply networks’’. 5thInternational Workshop on Luxury Retail, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Milan, November 2016
- Karaosman, H., Morales-Alonso, G. and Brun, A. (2016). ‘’From a systematic review to a classification framework: Sustainability integration in fashion operations’’. 5th International Workshop on Luxury Retail, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Milan, November 2016
- Karaosman, H., Brun, A., and Morales-Alonso, G. (2016) ‘’Vogue or Vague? Sustainability Performance Appraisal’’. IT4 Fashion Conference, Florence, April 2016
- Brun. A, Castelli. C, and Karaosman, H. (2016) ‘’See now buy now: A revolution for luxury fashion supply chain management’’. IT4 Fashion Conference, Florence, April 2016
- Karaosman, H., Brun A., and Morales-Alonso, G. (2015) “Integrated sustainable fashion supply chains and the impact on operational performance: Assessing annual sustainability reports’’. 22nd EurOMA Conference, Neuchatel, July 2015
- Karaosman, H., Morales-Alonso, G. and Brun, A. (2015). “How can local manufacturing improve economic development? Saint Brissant: A case study of local manufacturing in Spain”. 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management, Malaga, July 2014
- Karaosman, H. and Onurlu, Ö. (2009). ‘’ Corporate social responsibility and branding’’, 5th International Conference of the Academy of Marketing on Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation, Cambridge, September
- Karaosman, H., Brun. A., Michele-Vicario, A., Sinibaldi, A., and Magnani, M. (2019), “Unlocking Responsible Luxury: The Manifesto 2019”, Politecnico di Milano School of Management and Mazars Italy
- Karaosman, H., Alexander, B., Teunissen, J., Huisingh, D., Marshall, D., Niepelt, L., Pal, R., and Moore, S. (2018), “Unlocking Responsible Luxury: The Manifesto”, Politecnico di Milano School of Management and Mazars Italy
- Carbon footprint (CDP) and corporate social responsibility (GRI) reports written for a wide range of companies between 2012-2013 (names are not to be disclosed due to business confidentiality)
- Perry, P. and Karaosman, H. (2018), “Applying Circular Economy Principles in Luxury Fashion: petit h”, Bloomsbury Publishing
Since 2013, I have created lectures and delivered academic, as well as corporate, teaching on supply chain management, sustainability, fashion supply management and various industrial engineering topics. During my teaching, I provide personal, constructive, and customised feedback to students and provide an inclusive and encouraging environment to stimulate continuous learning. I create my lectures to facilitate reflexive and participatory conversations to foster rigour, creativity, innovation, and responsibility in decision-making. By discussing cases, current affairs, policy, and practice and by inviting practitioners to my lectures, I create and sustain the attention of the students. I am currently teaching Strategic Supply Chain Management at Cardiff Business School.
Honours and awards
- Financial Times Responsible Business Education Awards (2025)
- Top Downloaded Paper (2024), International Journal of Operations & Production Management
- Cardiff University Celebrating Excellence Awards (2023), Excellence in Environmental Sustainability
- The Vogue Business 100 Innovators: Class of 2023; Sustainability Thought Leader
- Greenpeace Italy, Voice for the Climate (2023)
- European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (2020), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, 200,000 applicants (5% success rate), €200,000
- European Union Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Programme (2013), European Doctorate in Industrial Management (EDIM), Double Degree PhD Programme, €110,000
- European Union Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme (2010), European Joint Master’s in Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy (ME3), €48,000
- Shortlisted for the Best Paper Award (2022) IPSERA 2022 Annual Conference, Jonkoping University, “For the many not the few introducing radical just transition for purchasing and supply management”
- Audience Prize for Best Talk (2021), University College Dublin Earth Institute, Earth Day Flash Talk Competition, “Decolonizing Fashion: How to move from window-dressing to a just transition?”
Academic positions
Speaking engagements
- Moda tedarik zincirlerinde kadınların güçlenmesi aşağıdan yukarıya bir süreç”, Harvard Business Review Türkiye, December 2024
- “Achieving socially fair decarbonisation in fashion supply chains”, Sourcing Journal, 17 October 2024
- “Supply chain decarbonisation needs to be people powered”, Sustainable Views, The Financial Times, 7 October 2024
- "Empowering young consumers: Understanding the journey of garment and making ethical choices”, Page Magazine, 13 April 2024
- “How just transition for decarbonisation could be the solution for the fashion industry”, ReMake World, 3 April 2024
- "Supplier inclusion is key to climate action", Union of Concerned Researchers in Fashion, 11 April 2023
- "Fast fashion is out of fashion - is capitalism going to collapse?" Lampoon Magazine, 28 March 2023
- "What is just transition not? A response to the latest greenwashing fad in the fashion industry", Eco-Age, 22 February 2023
- "Shein’s EPR scheme is ‘Social Offsetting”, Apparel Insider, 30 June 2022
- "Green è sexy: Il future della moda in 5 domande” (Green is sexy: The future of fashion in five questions), Elle Italia, April 2022 (in Italian)
- “We need a people-centred transition to a just fashion system”, Ferragamo, September 2021
- “A cleaner and fairer supply chain: representation and inclusion are needed for the transition to a low-carbon circular economy”, Lampoon Magazine, The Transition Issue, 12 April 2021
- “The new frontiers of awareness”, Vogue Talents, 1 February 2021
- “Luxury fashion to spread ethical and environmental stewardship”, Sustainable Thinking: Museo Salvatore Ferragamo, 12 April 2019
- “Piano d'azione per un lusso responsabile” (Action plan for responsible luxury), Vogue Italia, 8 February 2019 (In Italian)
- Are Shein's skyrockettnig emissions being overlooked ahead of its IPO?, Vogue Business, 23 January 2025
- Research making a real difference, Financial Times, 22 January 2025
- Five ways fashion needs to step up on sustainability in 2025, Vogue Business, 9 January 2025
- Mark your calendars: 2025 is a big year for sustainable fashion events, Vogue Business, 9 January 2025
- Inside luxury goods' broken audit system, Reuters, 31 December 2024
- Industry experts set out fashion's sustainability priorities for 2025, Forbes, 20 December 2024
- Will ‘Made in Italy’ survive the next generation?, Vogue Business, 21 November 2024
- Growth in Italy: The push for local raw materials,Vogue Business, 14 November 2024
- Regulations are weighing down Made in Italy,Vogue Business, 31 October 2024
- Can ‘Made in Italy’ survive its scattered supply chains?, Vogue Business, 24 October 2024
- Inside luxury’s Italian sweatshops problem, Business of Fashion, 17 September 2024
- Where does Bangladesh’s ‘Second Independence’ leave its garment workers?, Sourcing Journal, 8 August 2024
- Brands paid garment workers 3 cents per piece — Until these organizers stepped in, NBC News, 6 August 2024
- Is Lululemon greenwashing?, Remake, 25 July 2024
- Armani, Dior investigated by Italian watchdog for 'Unfair commercial practices', Sourcing Journal, 19 July 2024
- Can collaborative financing help fashion decarbonise?, Sourcing Journal, 17 June 2024
- Should fashion suppliers bear the cost of becoming more sustainable?, Vogue Business, 10 June 2024
- How fashion works: A dive into supply chains & the state of fashion, ReMake World, 29 March 2024
- European Union ecodesign for sustainable products regulation, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, 12 March 2024
- Sustainable fashion: Can 2024 deliver radical change for the industry?, Vogue Business, 11 January 2024
- Legislation is coming for fashion's supply chains. Are you ready?, Vogue Business, 8 January 2024
- COP28 is over. What's next for fashion?, Sourcing Journal, 15 December 2023
- A call for change without commitment: What COP28's fossil fuel deal means for fashion, Vogue Business, 13 December 2023
- 'É chiaro che l'unica via di uscita sia la decrescita, ma é necessario che avvenga attraverso la Just Transition' spiega Livia Firth, Vogue Italia, 9 December 2023
- COP petition steers fashion toward more fossil fuel use - here's why, Forbes, 2 December 2023
- Why are climate activists so upset about Kim Kardashian's nipple bra?, Vogue Business, 6 November 2023
- The Vogue Business 100 Innovators: Sustainability thought leaders, Vogue Business, 11 September 2023
- As emissions rise, fashion grapples with growth, Vogue Business, 24 August 2023
- Too hot to handle?, Business of Fashion, 21 July 2023
- Tracing the way for an environmentally and socially fair fashion supply chain, European Commission CORDIS, 19 July 2023
- Moda dünyasinda her yil 100 milyar adet ürün pazara sunuluyor: BM'den asiri tüketime önlem cagrisi, Hurriyet (in Turkish), 19 July 2023
- Time for a truly global sustainability summit?, Vogue Business, 5 July 2023
- Global fashion summit - focus needed, notable absentees, and the O-word, Forbes, 4 July 2023
- Fashion brands must stop moving suppliers to cut costs, Yahoo News, 27 June 2023
- In the aftermath of earthquakes, Türkiye's textile industry calls on brands for support, Vogue Business, 1 May 2023
- 10 years since Rana Plaza, not enough has changed, Vogue Business, 24 April 2023
- Project FReSCH: How can fashion supply chains cope with future crises and disruptions?, European Commission, March 2023
- Nobody left behind: Why fashion should strive for a 'just transitiion', Vogue Business, 6 February 2023
- Fashion's Responsible Supply Chain Hub (FReSCH), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs I Sustainable Development, January 2023
- Shein’s sudden rise: The human cost of fast fashion, Context (Powered by Thomson Reuters Foundation), 28 October 2022
- Silk stories part 1: The bodies of Bodhisattvas transformed, the manifestation of unparalleled generosity, Fibershed, 19 January 2022
- Döngüsel moda mümkün mü?” (Is circular fashion possible?), InStyle Turkey, November 2021 (in Turkish)
- “Sustainable fashion aims to make green the new black”, European Commission Horizon, The EU Research & Innovation Magazine, 27 October 2021
- The great green washing machine part 1: Back to the roots of sustainability, Geneva Centre for Business & Human Rights & Eco-Age, 15 September 2021
- “What is the deal with synthetic fibres?”, Green News Ireland, 16 July 2021
- “Profits and pollution: The truth about fashion’s lockdown”, Flock Magazine, 27 January 2021
- “Closing the business circle worth upwards of €1.8tn”, The Irish Times, 4 December 2020
- “Company helps organisations measure and manage greenhouse gas emissions”, The Irish Times, 4 December 2020
- “Constructive activism for fashion justice”, Save Your Wardrobe, 4 December 2020
- "Riaprono le fabricche di moda in Bangladesh, ma senza sicurezza per i lavoratori: perché è un problema anche dei marchi", la Republica, 12 May 2020 (in Italian)
- "Social sustainability, overstock and 'greenwashing': How COVID-19 is changing the fashion industry", Forbes, 21 April 2020
- "Shall I compare thee to my old jumper? Stories of love for old clothes", The Guardian, 20 April 2020
- "Moda e coronavirus: perché si dovrebbe ripartire dalla sostenibilità, la Republica, 9 April 2020
- "Sustainability: A levelr for post-coronavirus relaunch", WWD, 1 April 2020
- "Is carbon offsetting the answer?" Fashion Revolution, 25 September 2019
- "'A New Awareness' spotlights sustainable fashion in Milan", WWD, 22 September 2019
- Karaosman H. (2024). Keynote Speaker. “Paradoxical Nature of Luxury and Just Transition in Fashion”. 1st International Society for Luxury Management Meeting. 7 March
- Karaosman H. (2023). Speaker. "The activist academic". The Power of Public Value Podcast, Cardiff Business School, 10 October
- Karaosman H. (2023). Chair. Annual General Assembly UCRF 2023, 4 July
- Karaosman H. (2023). Speaker. Annual General Assembly IPSERA 2023 Conference, 4 April
- Karaosman H. (2023). Speaker. "Research activism unraveled". 10th EurOMA Sustainability Forum. 23 March
- Karaosman H. (2022). Speaker. “Sustainable supply chain management through innovative and creative methods: Action research”. 10th EurOMA Summer School. 30 June.
- Karaosman H. (2022). Speaker. “The value of embracing diversity in qualitative research methods”. Journal of Supply Chain Management’s Virtual Methods Series, Online. 2 May
- Karaosman H., (2022). Speaker. Annual General Assembly IPSERA 2022 Conference, 12 April
- Karaosman H. (2021). Speaker. The Sustainable Fashion Forum. The Asociación Moda Sostenible Barcelona in collaboration with EADA. 15 December
- Karaosman H., Ward I., and Marshall D. (2021). Speaker. “Ensuring a just and inclusive transition to low-carbon supply chains”. UCD College of Business Research Symposium, Online, June 2021
- Karaosman H. (2021). Speaker. “How to decolonize fashion? Investigating justice and empowerment in fashion supply chains”. ESADE BuNeD Research Seminar, 26 May
- Karaosman H. Annual General Assembly (2021). Speaker. IPSERA Online Conference 2021, 30 March
- Karaosman H. (2020). Speaker. U21 ECR workshop 2020 modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking: Roadmaps to 2030, 3 December
- Back to the Future: Just Transition in the Textile Sector in Wales (2024). Co-chair. Cardiff University Conversation Starter. 5 March
- Just Transition Forum (2023). Track Chair. UCRF Forum. 27 April
- Sustainability-Sector Studies (2023). Track Chair. IPSERA Annual Conference. 3 April
- How to Enable Systemic Change in Fashion? (2023). Track Chair. IPSERA Annual Conference. 3 April
- Doctoral Workshop (2023). Track Chair. IPSERA Annual Conference. 2 April
- Circular Economy and Sustainability (2023). Track Chair. IPSERA UK-Ireland Regional Conference on Sustainability for Early-Career Researchers. 2 February
- Ways of Caring: Practicing Solidarity (2022). Track Chair. International Fashion Conference. ArtEZ University x State of Fashion. 30 June
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management (2022). Track Chair. IPSERA 2022 Conference, 13 April
- Social Sustainability 2022). Track Chair. IPSERA 2022 Conference, 11 April
- COVID-19 and Supply Chain Management (2021). Track Chair. IPSERA Online Conference 2021, 30 March
- Masterclass: Masters of Change (2018). Fashion Colloquium: Searching for the New Luxury, 1 June
- Sustainability in Luxury Supply Chain Management (2017). Track Chair. International Workshop on Luxury Retail, Operations and Supply Chain Management Politecnico di Milano School of Management. 27 November
- Just transition and sustainable supply chain management in fashion (2024). Keynote Speaker, Sustainability Talks Istanbul. 3 December
- Revolutionizing sustainable supply chain strategies: responsibility, transparency and value optimization (2024). Speaker, Venice Sustainable Fashion Forum. 25 October
- Fashion forward: A path to ethical and resilient supply chains (2024). Keynote Speaker. Fashion for Future and University of Florence. 18 October
- Una transizione giusta e sostenibile (2024). Keynote Speaker. 4Sustainability, Process Factory, Annual Summit. 3 October
- Buen Vivir: Creating Future-looking, People-centred Fashion Supply Chains (2024). Keynote Speaker. Future Works Ideathon. Yavuzcehre Tekstil. 7 March (online)
- Water Crisis, Humanity and Sustainability (2024). Sabancı Vakfı 8. Kısa Film Yarışması Perspektif Buluşmaları. Keynote Speaker. Sabancı Vakfı Kisa Film Platformu. 16 January
- ACTION: Fashion Justice (2024). Keynote Speaker. Mango Headquarters. 12 January
- Reimagining Sustainability Transitions (2023). Keynote Speaker. Setting the Future Business Conference. Cardiff Business School x Politecnico di Milano. 29 November
- Solutions beyond Growth: Social Justice and Fashion Decarbonisation (2023). Keynote Speaker. Global Fashion Agenda. Global Fashion Summit. 27 June
- #NoNewClothes + Why Paying Living Wages is a Climate Solution (2023). Keynote Speaker. ReMake Press Conference. 31 May
- Putting People and Planet Front and Center: The Ability to Sustain through Fashion (2023). Keynote Speaker. Milano Fashion Week, Fashion for Planet: Open Parliament. 23 February
- Climate Change and Social Inequality (2021). Keynote Speaker. TEDx Archivorum. 15 April
- Justice and Equity in Fashion (2021). Keynote Speaker. III Transparency & Sustainability Forum (Brazil). 4 March
- Reset Fashion (2020). Keynote Speaker. Process Factory 4Sustainability Annual Event. 26 November (in Italian)
- Crafting a More Resilient, Effective and Responsible Supply Chain Culture (2020). Keynote Speaker. Financial Times x The Next Web Summit. 18 June
- Progetto Quid Flagship Milan Store Inauguration (2019). Keynote Speaker. Progetto Quid. 25 October
- Manifesto for Ethical and Environmental Responsibility in Fashion (2019). Keynote Speaker. Good Brand Guru Annual Conference. 10 May
- Unlocking Responsible Luxury (2017). Keynote Speaker. Politecnico di Milano School of Management, 27 November
- Why Change? (2017). Keynote Speaker. Sustainable Luxury Academy Industrial Workshop Politecnico di Milano School of Management, 12 October
- Sustainable Fashion (2017). Keynote Speaker. Glasgow Caledonian University Fashion Showcase. 30 May
- Sustainability and Luxury: Welcome to the Next Generation Assembly (2016). Keynote Speaker. Responsible Luxury Summit Politecnico di Milano School of Management, 30 November
- Ensuring Clean Production And Green Growth In International Volume Manufacturing Markets (2024). Speaker. British Fashion Council Institute of Positive Fashion Forum. 18 April
- Fashion Accountability (2024). Speaker. ReMake Fashion Ambassador Community Call. 5 February
- The Industry We Want (2024). Moderator. The OECD Forum 2024. 29 February
- La Moda e Sostenabilita (2023). Speaker. Cooperativa Lamongolfiera. 13 October
- Business Fashion Environment Summit (2023). Speaker. Vogue Polska. 10 October
- Beyond Decarbonisation: The Fashion Industry Needs an Equitable and Rapid Transition That Avoids False Solutions (2023). Speaker. Stand.Earth and Oxfam Canada. 20 September
- What is Ahead? Legislation, Greenwashing and Fashion Supply Chains (2023). Speaker. Process Factory 4Sustainability Advisory Board Meeting. 24 May
- Just Transition in Fashion (2023). Union of Concerned Researchers in Fashion Forum. Speaker. 27 April
- The Renaissance of Italian Fashion Supply Chains (2021). Speaker. Process Factory 4Sustainability Annual Event. 2 December
- Fashionscapes: A Circular Economy (2021). Speaker. Documentary by Livia Firth, Lucy Siegle and Andrew Morgan. 20 September
- Fashionscapes: A Circular Economy (2021). Speaker. Documentary launch. 20 September
- Jeans and Circular Economy (2021). Speaker. Genova Jeans. 5 September (in Italian)
- Waste Nothing: Why? (2021). Speaker. WRAD x PVH. 6 July (in Italian)
- Fashion and Supply Chains: Opportunities and Bottlenecks (2021). Speaker. Bez Atölye Moda Çalıştayı. 22 May (in Turkish)
- From Window-dressing to Radical Supply Chain Transformation (2021). Speaker. Instagram Live with Beira. 22 April
- Has the Pandemic Enlightened Us to Become Ethical Consumers (2021). Speaker. Liverpool Fashion Summit. 21 April
- Moda e catena produttiva all’inizio (Fashion and Production Chain) (2021). Speaker. Benetton Group. 20 April
- What about State of Fashion 2022 Biennial? (2021). Speaker. Instagram Live with State of Fashion. 16 January
- Education and Career in Sustainable Fashion (2021). Speaker. Moda Kariyeri (The Fashion Career). 9 January (in Turkish)
- Sustainable Supply Chains versus Covid-19. (2020). Speaker. IPSERA Sustainability Workshop. 30 November
- Fashion between the Pandemic and Sustainability (2020). Speaker. Good Morning Doers. 28 November (in Italian)
- Block Black Friday (2020). Speaker. Cube Radio. 21 November (in Italian)
- 4 Sustainability (2020). Speaker. Process Factory. 22 October (in Italian)
- Fashion Trust (2020). Speaker. National Chamber of Italian Fashion (Camera nazionale della moda italiana). 24 June
- Redefining Fashion from A to Z (2020). Speaker. Evde Moda Sohbetleri (Fashion Conversations during the Lockdown). 20 June (in Turkish)
- Sustainability and Supply Chains: Respect and Empathy in Fashion Supply Chains (2020). Speaker. Notion Kolektif. 31 May (in Turkish)
- Building Resilient, Efficient + Sustainable Supply Chains Amidst and Beyond Covid-19 (2020). Speaker. Conscious Chatter. 28 May
- Sustainability in the Personal Luxury Goods Industry (2020). Speaker. Luxury Management Talks – Politecnico di Milano School of Management. 18 May
- Sustainable Fashion Trends (2020). Speaker. Moda Kariyeri (The Fashion Career). 9 May (in Turkish)
- Enhancing Transparency and Traceability of Sustainable Value Chains: The Leather Sector (2019). Speaker. 34th UN/CEFACT Forum United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. 2 November
- How to Accelerate the Transition to Sustainability in The Context of Fashion? (2019). Speaker. Unitelma Sapienza - University of Roma. 30 September
- Fashion Victims (2019). The European Premiere Speaker. 23 April
- Fashion Film Festival Milano for Green Conversation (2018). Speaker. Fashion Film Festival Milano, 24 September
- Decarbonisation in the fashion and textile industry (2024). Moderator. 3 December
- Rethinking Decarbonisation (2023). Moderator. 29 November
- Just Transition in Fashion (2023). Union of Concerned Researchers in Fashion Forum. Moderator. 27 April
- How Students and Young Professionals Transform Corporate Supply Chains for the Better? (2022). Moderator. World Sustainable Procurement Day, 21 March
- Fashion, Supply Chain and Sustainability: How to Fix a Broken System? (2021). Moderator. IPSERA Online Conference 2021, 30 March
- FFF Milano for Green Conversation 2021: Upcycling Nature with Javier Goyeneche and Hakan Karaosman (2021). Moderator. Fashion Film Festival Milano. 7 January
- How Are Current Times Pushing for A New Awareness in Fashion (Community Engagement and Awareness Raising Campaign for Environmentally Responsible and Socially Just Fashion) (2020). Moderator. 2020-Present
- How to Redefine Fashion to Ensure Fairness for All: A Frank Conversation between Hakan Karaosman and Livia Firth (2020). Moderator. Rio Ethical Fashion Forum. 30 October
- Sustainability Reporting & Comms Europe (2020). Moderator. Reuters Event. 1 September
- Fashion is ‘Climate Change & Circular Economy’ (2020). Moderator. Fashinnovation Worldwide. 8 June
- Interaction Hub: Sustainability Education and Fashion (2020). Moderator. White Sustainable Milan. 11-12 January
- Fostering Public Engagement: A Conversation with Vogue Italia and United Nations (2019). Moderator. Responsible Luxury Summit Politecnico di Milano School of Management. 21 November
- FFF Milano for Green Conversation with Oskar Metsavaht: The Italian Premiere of the Documentary “ASAP” (2019). Moderator. Fashion Film Festival Milano, 7 November
- A New Awareness for Radical and Fair Change (2019). Co-founder & Moderator. A New Awareness. 20 September
- Responsible Fashion to Accelerate the Transition to Sustainability (2019). Co-founder & Moderator. A New Awareness. 20 September
- Give a FOK-us: Fashion Force (2019). Moderator. White Sustainable Milan Fashion Reboot. 15 June
- Sustainable Thinking (2019). Art & Interaction Content Curator & Academic Partner. Salvatore Ferragamo. April 2019-2021
- State of Fashion: Searching for the New Luxury (2018). Moderator, International Workshop on Luxury Retail, Operations and Supply Chain Management Politecnico di Milano School of Management, 28 November
Committees and reviewing
- Impact Conversation Curator and Host. Journal of Supply Chain Management (2025 – Present)
- Advisory Board Member. Governance for Tomorrow (London College of Fashion x Kering) (2024 – Present)
- Advisory Board Member. Sustainability Talks Istanbul (2024 – Present)
- Advisory Board Member. ReMake World (2024 – Present)
- Area Editor in Supply Chain and Sustainability. Operations Management Journals (2024 – Present)
- People Committee Member. Cardiff Business School (2023 – Present)
- External Engagement Committee Member. Cardiff Business School (2023 – Present)
- Advisory Board Member. Process Factory, 4Sustainability (2023– Present)
- Chair. The Union of Concerned Researchers in Fashion (2021 – Present)
- Ambassador. Sustainable Procurement Pledge (2020 – Present)
- Branding Director. International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) (2020 – 2023)
- Organising Committee. The True Cost Alliance (2022 – Present)
- Scientific Partner. A New Awareness (2019 – Present)
- Creative Advisory Council. State of Fashion (2020 – 2022)
- Art & Interaction Content Curator & Scientific Partner. Salvatore Ferragamo: Sustainable Thinking (2019-2021)
- Project Expert. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2019 – 2020)
- Sustainability Committee. Politecnico di Milano School of Management (2018-2019)
- Assistant Curator. State of Fashion: Searching for the New Luxury (2018)
- Scientific Partner. MSc Student Hackathon in Collaboration with the PRADA Group and Yale University (2018)
- Organising Committee. Shaping a Sustainable Digital Future, A Multistakeholder Engagement Event by the PRADA Group (2017 – 2018)
- Founder. Next Generation Assembly (MSs Student Hackathon in Collaboration with Glasgow Caledonian University and London College of Fashion, Politecnico di Milano School of Management (2016 – 2019)
- Scientific Committee. International Workshop on Luxury Retail, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Politecnico di Milano School of Management (2015 – 2019)
- Co-organiser. Responsible Luxury Summit, Politecnico di Milano School of Management (2015 – 2019)
- Impact Conversation Curator and Host. Journal of Supply Chain Management (2025 – Present)
- Scientific Committee Member, International Society for Luxury Management, 2024 – Present
- Area Editor (Editorial Board Member), Operations Management Research, 2024 – Present
- UKRI – UK Research and Innovation, 2023, Assessment Panel for the UKRI (AHRC, Innovate UK, and NERC) Circular Fashion and Textile Programme
- Reviewer, Journal of Business Ethics, 2024 – Present
- Reviewer, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023 – Present
- Reviewer, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2022 – Present
- Reviewer, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2022 – Present
- Reviewer, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 – Present
- Reviewer, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. 2021 – Present
- Reviewer, Journal of Business Research, 2020 – Present
- Reviewer, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 2018 – Present
- Reviewer, Business Process Management Journal, 2017 – Present
- Reviewer, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 2014 – Present
Having completed a double degree PhD in an international environment, I experienced the enriching and challenging facets of thesis supervision as a student. I would like to bring my experiences to help our students enrich their experience at academic, personal, and professional levels.
I am interested in supervising students in the areas of:
- Just transition
- Social justice and environmental sustainability in complex supply chains
- Fashion supply chain sustainability
- Power issues, inclusion and agency
- Paradoxical issues in supply chain management
Contact Details
+44 29208 79366
Aberconway Building, Room Room C22, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU