Dr Kirstie O'Neill
Senior Lecturer in Environmental Geography
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a critical human geographer with research interests in environmental governance and sustainability transitions, especially as they relate to the green economy, sustainable building and alternative food systems, as well as urban sustainability strategies. I have explored these areas through my PhD (Hull, 2012) and a number of post-doctoral research projects with colleagues at Lancaster University and the University of Hull.
I am particularly concerned with the rapidly changing climate and accelerating environmental problems and to understand how humans are living with environmental change, and reacting to these issues. Future research plans relate to how environmental politics are being (re)negotiated at different geographical scales, in a changing political climate in the context of climatic change.
Current research relates to the climate emergency declarations and how universities' existing sustainability strategies equip them to deal with the future challenges of putting the climate emergency declarations into practice. A second project relates to the multiple dimensions of veganism, given the growing interest in this as an area of consumption that could contribute to lower impact futures.
- Herman, A. and O'Neill, K. 2025. The geographies of veganism: Exploring the complex entanglements of places, plants, peoples and profits through vegan food practices. Progress in Environmental Geography (10.1177/27539687241307954)
- O'Neill, K. and Affolderbach, J. 2024. Assembling place-based transitions: capitalist logics of green building in Vancouver, Canada. Urban Geography 24(5), pp. 840-862. (10.1080/02723638.2023.2243132)
- Affolderbach, J. and O'Neill, K. 2024. Everyday sustainability transitions through green building: Spatial perspectives on materialities, discourses and lived sustainabilities. European Urban and Regional Studies 31(2), pp. 168-183. (10.1177/09697764231216407)
- O'Neill, K. 2024. Good food or industrial food: discourses of the rural idyll and alternative food networks. Journal of Rural Studies 105, article number: 103199. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2024.103199)
- O'Neill, K. 2023. Can universities be climate leaders?. In: Bryer, T. et al. eds. Rethinking University-Community Policy Connections.. Rethinking University-Community Policy Connections Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 63-81., (10.1007/978-3-031-17686-9_4)
- O'Neill, K. and Sinden, C. 2021. Universities, sustainability, and neoliberalism: contradictions of the climate emergency declarations.. Politics and Governance 9(2), pp. 29-40. (10.17645/pag.v9i2.3872)
- O'Neill, K. and Gibbs, D. 2020. Sustainability transitions and policy dismantling: Zero carbon housing in the UK. Geoforum 108, pp. 119-129. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.11.011)
- Affolderbach, J., O'Neill, K. and Preller, B. 2019. Global-local tensions in urban green neighbourhoods: A policy mobilities approach to discursive change. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 101(4), pp. 271-290. (10.1080/04353684.2019.1681286)
- Gormally, A. M., O'Neill, K., Hazas, M. D., Bates, O. E. G. and Friday, A. J. 2019. ‘Doing good science’: The impact of invisible energy policies on laboratory energy demand in higher education.. Energy Research and Social Science 52, pp. 123-131. (10.1016/j.erss.2019.02.012)
- O'Neill, K. J., Clear, A. K., Friday, A. and Hazas, M. 2019. 'Fractures' in food practices: exploring transitions towards sustainable food.. Agriculture and Human Values 36, pp. 225-239. (10.1007/s10460-019-09913-6)
- O'Neill, K. 2018. Robert Biel: Sustainable Food Systems: The role of the city. UCL Press, London, 2016, 145pp. [Book Review]. Agriculture and Human Values 35(4), pp. 911-912. (10.1007/s10460-018-9864-6)
- O'Neill, K. and Gibbs, D. 2018. Green building and sustainability: diffusing green building approaches in the UK and Germany. In: Brinkmann, R. and Garren, S. eds. The Palgrave Handbook Of Sustainability: Case Studies And Practical Solutions. Palgrave, pp. 547-565.
- O'Neill, K. and Affolderbach, J. 2018. Vancouver: leading green building transitions?. In: Affolderbach, J. and Schulz, C. eds. Green Building Transitions Regional Trajectories of Innovation in Europe, Canada and Australia,. Springer, pp. 99-131.
- Gibbs, D. and O'Neill, K. 2016. Future green economies and regional development: a research agenda. Regional Studies 51(1), pp. 161-173. (10.1080/00343404.2016.1255719)
- Clear, A. K., O'Neill, K., Friday, A. and Hazas, M. 2016. Bearing an open “Pandora's Box”: HCI for reconciling everyday food and sustainability. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 23(5), article number: 28. (10.1145/2970817)
- O'Neill, K. and Gibbs, D. 2016. Rethinking green entrepreneurship? Fluid narratives of the green economy. Environment and Planning A 48(9), pp. 1727-1749. (10.1177/0308518X16650453)
- Hultman, M., Bonnedahl, K. J. and O'Neill, K. J. 2016. Unsustainable societies - sustainable businesses? Introduction to special issue of small enterprise research on transitional Ecopreneurs. Small Enterprise Research 23(1), pp. 1-9. (10.1080/13215906.2016.1188719)
- Gibbs, D. and O'Neill, K. 2015. Building a green economy? Sustainability transitions in the UK building sector. Geoforum 59, pp. 133-141. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2014.12.004)
- Clear, A. K., O'Neill, K. and Friday, A. 2015. Designing for transitions to sustainable lifestyles. Interactions 22(3), pp. 56-58. (10.1145/2743034)
- Gibbs, D. and O'Neill, K. 2014. The green economy, sustainability transitions and transition regions: a case study of Boston. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 96(3), pp. 201-216. (10.1111/geob.12046)
- O'Neill, K. J. 2014. Situating the 'alternative' within the 'conventional' - local food experiences from the East Riding of Yorkshire, UK. Journal of Rural Studies 35, pp. 112-122. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2014.04.008)
- O'Neill, K. 2014. Localized food systems - what role does place play?. Regional Studies, Regional Science 1(1), pp. 82-87. (10.1080/21681376.2014.904596)
- Gibbs, D. and O'Neill, K. 2014. Rethinking sociotechnical transitions and green entrepreneurship: The potential for transformative change in the green building sector. Environment and Planning A 46, pp. 1088-1107. (10.1068/a46259)
- O'Neill, K. J. and Gibbs, D. C. 2013. Towards a sustainable economy? Socio-technical transitions in the green building sector. Local Environment 19(6), pp. 572-590. (10.1080/13549839.2013.818954)
- Gibbs, D. and O'Neill, K. 2012. Green entrepreneurship: Building a green economy? - Evidence from the UK. In: Underwood, S. et al. eds. Social and Sustainable Enterprise: Changing the Nature of Business., Vol. 2. (Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research Emerald, pp. 75-96.
- Herman, A. and O'Neill, K. 2025. The geographies of veganism: Exploring the complex entanglements of places, plants, peoples and profits through vegan food practices. Progress in Environmental Geography (10.1177/27539687241307954)
- O'Neill, K. and Affolderbach, J. 2024. Assembling place-based transitions: capitalist logics of green building in Vancouver, Canada. Urban Geography 24(5), pp. 840-862. (10.1080/02723638.2023.2243132)
- Affolderbach, J. and O'Neill, K. 2024. Everyday sustainability transitions through green building: Spatial perspectives on materialities, discourses and lived sustainabilities. European Urban and Regional Studies 31(2), pp. 168-183. (10.1177/09697764231216407)
- O'Neill, K. 2024. Good food or industrial food: discourses of the rural idyll and alternative food networks. Journal of Rural Studies 105, article number: 103199. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2024.103199)
- O'Neill, K. and Sinden, C. 2021. Universities, sustainability, and neoliberalism: contradictions of the climate emergency declarations.. Politics and Governance 9(2), pp. 29-40. (10.17645/pag.v9i2.3872)
- O'Neill, K. and Gibbs, D. 2020. Sustainability transitions and policy dismantling: Zero carbon housing in the UK. Geoforum 108, pp. 119-129. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.11.011)
- Affolderbach, J., O'Neill, K. and Preller, B. 2019. Global-local tensions in urban green neighbourhoods: A policy mobilities approach to discursive change. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 101(4), pp. 271-290. (10.1080/04353684.2019.1681286)
- Gormally, A. M., O'Neill, K., Hazas, M. D., Bates, O. E. G. and Friday, A. J. 2019. ‘Doing good science’: The impact of invisible energy policies on laboratory energy demand in higher education.. Energy Research and Social Science 52, pp. 123-131. (10.1016/j.erss.2019.02.012)
- O'Neill, K. J., Clear, A. K., Friday, A. and Hazas, M. 2019. 'Fractures' in food practices: exploring transitions towards sustainable food.. Agriculture and Human Values 36, pp. 225-239. (10.1007/s10460-019-09913-6)
- O'Neill, K. 2018. Robert Biel: Sustainable Food Systems: The role of the city. UCL Press, London, 2016, 145pp. [Book Review]. Agriculture and Human Values 35(4), pp. 911-912. (10.1007/s10460-018-9864-6)
- Gibbs, D. and O'Neill, K. 2016. Future green economies and regional development: a research agenda. Regional Studies 51(1), pp. 161-173. (10.1080/00343404.2016.1255719)
- Clear, A. K., O'Neill, K., Friday, A. and Hazas, M. 2016. Bearing an open “Pandora's Box”: HCI for reconciling everyday food and sustainability. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 23(5), article number: 28. (10.1145/2970817)
- O'Neill, K. and Gibbs, D. 2016. Rethinking green entrepreneurship? Fluid narratives of the green economy. Environment and Planning A 48(9), pp. 1727-1749. (10.1177/0308518X16650453)
- Hultman, M., Bonnedahl, K. J. and O'Neill, K. J. 2016. Unsustainable societies - sustainable businesses? Introduction to special issue of small enterprise research on transitional Ecopreneurs. Small Enterprise Research 23(1), pp. 1-9. (10.1080/13215906.2016.1188719)
- Gibbs, D. and O'Neill, K. 2015. Building a green economy? Sustainability transitions in the UK building sector. Geoforum 59, pp. 133-141. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2014.12.004)
- Clear, A. K., O'Neill, K. and Friday, A. 2015. Designing for transitions to sustainable lifestyles. Interactions 22(3), pp. 56-58. (10.1145/2743034)
- Gibbs, D. and O'Neill, K. 2014. The green economy, sustainability transitions and transition regions: a case study of Boston. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 96(3), pp. 201-216. (10.1111/geob.12046)
- O'Neill, K. J. 2014. Situating the 'alternative' within the 'conventional' - local food experiences from the East Riding of Yorkshire, UK. Journal of Rural Studies 35, pp. 112-122. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2014.04.008)
- O'Neill, K. 2014. Localized food systems - what role does place play?. Regional Studies, Regional Science 1(1), pp. 82-87. (10.1080/21681376.2014.904596)
- Gibbs, D. and O'Neill, K. 2014. Rethinking sociotechnical transitions and green entrepreneurship: The potential for transformative change in the green building sector. Environment and Planning A 46, pp. 1088-1107. (10.1068/a46259)
- O'Neill, K. J. and Gibbs, D. C. 2013. Towards a sustainable economy? Socio-technical transitions in the green building sector. Local Environment 19(6), pp. 572-590. (10.1080/13549839.2013.818954)
Book sections
- O'Neill, K. 2023. Can universities be climate leaders?. In: Bryer, T. et al. eds. Rethinking University-Community Policy Connections.. Rethinking University-Community Policy Connections Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 63-81., (10.1007/978-3-031-17686-9_4)
- O'Neill, K. and Gibbs, D. 2018. Green building and sustainability: diffusing green building approaches in the UK and Germany. In: Brinkmann, R. and Garren, S. eds. The Palgrave Handbook Of Sustainability: Case Studies And Practical Solutions. Palgrave, pp. 547-565.
- O'Neill, K. and Affolderbach, J. 2018. Vancouver: leading green building transitions?. In: Affolderbach, J. and Schulz, C. eds. Green Building Transitions Regional Trajectories of Innovation in Europe, Canada and Australia,. Springer, pp. 99-131.
- Gibbs, D. and O'Neill, K. 2012. Green entrepreneurship: Building a green economy? - Evidence from the UK. In: Underwood, S. et al. eds. Social and Sustainable Enterprise: Changing the Nature of Business., Vol. 2. (Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research Emerald, pp. 75-96.
My doctoral thesis explored how policy makers could help establish and support sustainable local food economies. Local food is often seen as a means of boosting local economies and giving people access to autochthonous and quality foods that are not available via supermarket supply chains. Local food businesses in East Yorkshire and the Abruzzo region in Italy were involved in the research; these two case study areas were connected through their participation in the European Union’s LEADER rural development programme, and their connections to the University of Hull. Of particular importance, this research challenged the idea that alternative food networks could only be found in non-industrial agricultural areas. The research was collaborative between the Department of Geography and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, and involved the transfer of research knowledge from my PhD to practitioners at the local authority. The Economic and Social Research Council, and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ESRC-CASE) funded my PhD.
Following my doctoral research, I have widened my research interests through research exploring the role of green entrepreneurs in enacting the green economy. Part of this involved exploring the green building sector, through in depth interviews with architects, builders, materials suppliers, to build a more heterogeneous picture of green building as a concept and niche. This research on green building looked at approaches in the UK and Germany, and subsequently in Vancouver, Canada as part of an international project (Green Regio) led by colleagues at the Universities of Hull, Luxembourg and Cologne. I was also involved in an EPSRC funded ‘Research in the Wild’ project (led by Professor Adrian Friday, Lancaster University) exploring consumers’ perceptions of sustainable food and the relationship to digital technologies. I have published from these projects and have further publications in progress.
I am currently researching universities' climate emergency declarations and plan to extend this secondary research by undertaking interviews with those working on the climate emergency within universities and local government.
I am Course Director for the undergradute BSc Human Geography and Planning and welcome enquiries about this by email.
I convene the Environment Research Group within the School and regularly organise external speakers on topics broadly relating to environmental geography and planning.
I convene CP0375 Climate Change and Environmental Governance, and CPT855 Environmental Policy and Climate Change, and teach on CPO263 Sustainable Development.
I supervise undergraduate and MSc dissertations, and am available for PhD supervision.
Following my undergraduate degree (Newcastle, 1999), I worked as a rural community development officer and rural economic development officer for local authorities and rural community councils in the North of England.
- Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (HEA Full Fellow status), LSE (2017)
- PhD in Human Geography, University of Hull (2012)
- PGCert, Open University (2003)
- BA (Hons) Geography, Newcastle University (1999)
- Fellow in Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science (2016-2018)
- Research Associate, Lancaster University (2016)
- Senior Research Associate, University of Hull (2015-2016)
- Research Associate, Lancaster University (2014-2015)
- Research Associate, University of Hull (2011-2014)
- 2000-2007: rural development and economic development roles for local authorities (North Yorkshire County Council and Durham County Council) and third sector (rural community councils in Cumbria and North Yorkshire)
Professional memberships
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
I would be interested in supervising PhD projects in areas such as:
- Sustainable food systems
- Green building (including low carbon building)
- Environmental governance
- Clean energy
- Green economies and degrowth
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29208 76271
Glamorgan Building, Room 1.78, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA