2024 publications
- Aliev, I. , Celaya, M. and Henk, M. 2024. Sparsity and integrality gap transference bounds for integer programs. Presented at: IPCO 2024: The 25th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Wroclaw, Poland 3-5 July 2024. Published in: Vygen, J. and Byrka, J. eds. Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 25th International Conference, IPCO 2024, Wroclaw, Poland, July 3–5, 2024, Proceedings. Association for Computing Machinery. , pp.1-13. (10.1007/978-3-031-59835-7_1)
- Aliev, I. et al. 2024. New bounds for the integer Caratheodory rank. SIAM Journal on Optimization 34 (1), pp.190-200. (10.1137/23M1561312)
- Altafini, D. et al. 2024. The spatial logic of e-mobility commutes within urban areas. Presented at: uSIM2024 - Shaping Net Zero Policies with Building Simulation The 4th IBPSA-Scotland Conference Edinburgh, Scotland 25 November 2024.
- Anno, R. and Logvinenko, T. 2024. Unbounded twisted complexes. Journal of Algebra 647 , pp.794-822. (10.1016/j.jalgebra.2024.01.039)
- Balinsky, A. A. and Balinsky, A. D. 2024. Enhancing conformal prediction using E-test statistics. Presented at: 13th Symposium on Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction with Applications Milan, Italy 9-11 September 2024.
- Balinsky, A. A. , Bovdi, V. A. and Prykarpatski, A. K. 2024. On the quantum deformations of associative Sato Grassmannian algebras and the related matrix problems. Symmetry 16 (1) 54. (10.3390/sym16010054)
- Barnes, H. A. et al., 2024. Ken Walters: Reflections [Editorial]. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 331 105285. (10.1016/j.jnnfm.2024.105285)
- Behrend, R. E. 2024. Ehrhart polynomials of partial permutohedra. [Online].arXiv. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2403.06975.
- Beliën, J. et al., 2024. Fifty years of operational research applied to healthcare. European Journal of Operational Research (10.1016/j.ejor.2024.12.040)
- Ben-Artzi, J. , Morisse, B. and Pankavich, S. 2024. Asymptotic growth and decay of two-dimensional symmetric plasmas. Kinetic and Related Models 17 (1), pp.29-51. (10.3934/krm.2023015)
- Bonnet, L. and Lewis, R. 2024. Exact bar nesting with industrial symmetry considerations. Presented at: 25e Congres Annuel de la Societe Francaise de Recherche Operationnelle et d'Aide a la Decision Amiens, France 4-7 March, 2024.
- Borodich, F. M. and Pepelyshev, A. 2024. Synthesis of engineering surfaces using representative elementary patterns of roughness. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 480 (2299) 20240242. (10.1098/rspa.2024.0242)
- Borodich, F. M. , Pepelyshev, A. and Jin, X. 2024. A multiscale statistical analysis of rough surfaces and applications to tribology. Mathematics 12 (12) 1804. (10.3390/math12121804)
- Boulton, L. and Marletta, M. 2024. The pseudospectrum of an operator with Bessel-type singularities. Journal of Spectral Theory 14 (2), pp.557-595. (10.4171/JST/505)
- Brehmer, J. R. et al., 2024. Comparative evaluation of point process forecasts. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 76 (1), pp.47-71. (10.1007/s10463-023-00875-5)
- Brice, S. et al. 2024. Close-up on ambulance service estimation in Indonesia: Monte Carlo simulation study. Interactive Journal of Medical Research 13 e54240. (10.2196/54240)
- Brown, M. et al., 2024. The spectral form of the functional model for maximally dissipative operators: A Lagrange identity approach. St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 35 , pp.25-59. (10.1090/spmj/1792)
- Buckingham, L. J. and Ashby, B. 2024. Coevolution of age-structured tolerance and virulence. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 86 (6) 62. (10.1007/s11538-024-01292-2)
- Buckingham, L. J. and Ashby, B. 2024. Separation of evolutionary timescales in coevolving species. Journal of Theoretical Biology 579 111688. (10.1016/j.jtbi.2023.111688)
- Bullock, S. et al., 2024. Artificial intelligence for collective intelligence: A national-scale research strategy. Knowledge Engineering Review 39 e10. (10.1017/S0269888924000110)
- Celaya, M. et al. 2024. Proximity and flatness bounds for linear integer optimization. Mathematics of Operations Research 49 (4), pp.2446-2467. (10.1287/moor.2022.0335)
- Celaya, M. , Kuhlmann, S. and Weismantel, R. 2024. On matrices over a polynomial ring with restricted subdeterminants. Presented at: IPCO 2024: The 25th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Poland 3 - 5 July 2024. Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. IPCO 2024. Vol. 14679.Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Cham, Switzerland: Springer. , pp.43-56. (10.1007/978-3-031-59835-7_4)
- Celaya, M. , Loho, G. and Yuen, C. H. 2024. Oriented matroids from triangulations of products of simplices. Selecta Mathematica (New Series) 30 47. (10.1007/s00029-024-00938-2)
- Chakraborty, A. 2024. Incorporating calcium signalling in Vertex models of neural tube closure. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Charlesworth, I. et al. 2024. Random permutation matrix models for graph products. Documenta
- Charlesworth, I. and Nelson, B. 2024. On free Stein dimension. Indiana University Mathematics Journal
- Chen, L. et al., 2024. On the radius of self-repellent fractional Brownian motion. Journal of Statistical Physics 191 19. (10.1007/s10955-023-03227-y)
- Chen, L. and Xia, P. 2024. Asymptotic properties of stochastic partial differential equations in the sublinear regime. The Annals of Probability
- Citti, G. et al., 2024. Horizontal mean curvature flow as a scaling limit of a mean field equation in the Heisenberg group. [Online].arXiv: Cornell University.
- Cooper, A. et al., 2024. The last resort: reducing avoidable employee harm by improving the application of the disciplinary policy and process. Frontiers in Psychology 15 1350351. (10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1350351)
- Corcoran, P. and Lewis, R. 2024. Optimisation of livestock routing on farms. Computers & Industrial Engineering 188 109882. (10.1016/j.cie.2024.109882)
- Corcoran, P. and Lewis, R. 2024. Path planning in payment channel networks with multi-party channels. Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice (10.1145/3702248)
- Corradini, M. and Strokorb, K. 2024. Stochastic ordering in multivariate extremes. Extremes 27 , pp.357-396. (10.1007/s10687-024-00486-0)
- Dadarlat, M. , McClure, J. E. and Pennig, U. 2024. Computing cohomology groups that classify bundles of strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras. Journal of Topology and Analysis (10.1142/S1793525324500110)
- Dădărlat, M. and Pennig, U. 2024. Bundles of strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras with a Clifford grading. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan (10.2969/jmsj/92259225)
- Deadman, T. 2024. Unitary R-Matrices: Representations of deformations of the Braid Group arising from the BMW algebra and racks. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Detter, H. , Pepelyshev, A. and Zhigljavsky, A. 2024. Prediction in regression models with continuous observations. Statistical Papers 65 , pp.1985-2009. (10.1007/s00362-023-01465-6)
- Dijkstra, L. et al. 2024. Digraphs and k-domination models for facility location problems in road networks: Greedy heuristics. Presented at: International Network Optimization Conference 2024 Dublin, Ireland 11-13 March 2024. Proceedings of the 11th International Network Optimization Conference (INOC). OpenProceedings. , pp.22-27. (10.48786/inoc.2024.05)
- Doherty, W. , Phillips, T. N. and Xie, Z. 2024. The log-conformation formulation for single- and multi-phase axisymmetric viscoelastic flows. Journal of Computational Physics 508 113014. (10.1016/j.jcp.2024.113014)
- Dragoni, F. 2024. Semiconcavity, viscosity solutions and the square distance in Carnot groups.. Presented at: Summer School Workshop IV Ghent November 2024.
- Dragoni, F. et al. 2024. A fundamental solution for a subelliptic operator in finsler geometry. [Online].arXiv: Cornell University. (10.48550/arXiv.2401.06736)Available at: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.06736.
- Dragoni, F. , Liu, Q. and Zhang, Y. 2024. Horizontal semiconcavity for the square of Carnot-Carathéodory distance on step 2 Carnot groups and applications to Hamilton-Jacobi equations. [Online].arXiv. (10.48550/arXiv.2402.19164)Available at: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2402.19164.
- Erbay, H. A. et al., 2024. Dispersive transverse waves for a strain-limiting continuum model. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 29 (6), pp.1216-1227. (10.1177/10812865231188931)
- Evans, D. and Pugh, M. 2024. Spectral measures for Sp(2). Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 5 , pp.2249-2305. (10.4310/PAMQ.2023.v19.n5.a1)
- Evans, D. E. and Jones, C. 2024. Quantum symmetries of noncommutative tori. [Online].arXiv. (10.48550/arXiv.2404.14466)Available at: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2404.14466.
- Fang, Z. et al., 2024. Implication of capillary morphogenesis gene 2 (CMG2) in the disease progression and peritoneal metastasis of pancreatic cancer. Cancers 16 (16) 2893. (10.3390/cancers16162893)
- Ferraresso, F. and Marletta, M. 2024. Essential spectrum for dissipative Maxwell equations in domains with cylindrical ends. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 536 (1) 128174. (10.1016/j.jmaa.2024.128174)
- Finegan, O. 2024. Cohomologies of derived intersections. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Fuchs, J. et al., 2024. Grothendieck-Verdier duality in categories of bimodules and weak module functor. In: Creutzig, T. et al., Quantum Symmetries: Tensor Categories, Topological Quantum Field Theories, Vertex Algebras. Contemporary Mathematics American Mathematical Society
- Gagarin, A. and Kocay, W. L. 2024. Embedding K3,3 and K5 on the double torus. Discrete Applied Mathematics 354 , pp.29-47. (10.1016/j.dam.2023.05.018)
- Gallagher, K. , Ostler, T. and Woolley, T. 2024. Retinal oxygenation with conventional 100ms vs short-pulse pan-retinal laser photocoagulation. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging Retina 55 (1), pp.40-45. (10.3928/23258160-20231114-01)
- Gauthier, B. 2024. Kernel embedding of measures and low-rank approximation of integral operators. Positivity 28 29. (10.1007/s11117-024-01041-8)
- Glynatsi, N. E. , Knight, V. and Harper, M. 2024. Properties of winning Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma strategies.. PLoS Computational Biology 20 (12) e1012644. (10.1371/journal.pcbi.1012644)
- Golinskii, L. and Stepanenko, A. 2024. Lieb-Thirring and Jensen sums for non-self-adjoint Schrödinger operators on the half-line. Journal of Spectral Theory 13 (4), pp.1345-1391. (10.4171/jst/489)
- Gómez-López, A. et al., 2024. Multiscale simulations of viscoelastic fluids in complex geometries using a finitely extensible nonlinear elastic transient network model. Physics of Fluids 36 (4) 043117. (10.1063/5.0203787)
- Grange, H. et al., 2024. Capacity planning of virtual wards for frail and elderly patients. Healthcare 12 (5) 533. (10.3390/healthcare12050533)
- Greaves, G. 2024. The sum of multiplicative functions arising in Selberg's sieve. In: Berndt, B. ed. Number Theory for the Millennium II. London: A K Peters/CRC Press. , pp.103-116. (10.1201/9780138747060-6)
- Gupta, N. et al., 2024. Generalized fractional derivatives generated by Dickman subordinator and related stochastic processes. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis 27 , pp.1527-1563. (10.1007/s13540-024-00289-x)
- Hainaut, D. , Chen, J. and Scalas, E. 2024. The rough Hawkes process. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods (10.1080/03610926.2024.2389959)
- Hambly, D. , Lewis, R. and Corcoran, P. 2024. Determining fixed-length paths in directed and undirected edge-weighted graphs. Presented at: Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA) 2024 Vienna, Austria 24-26 July 2024. Published in: Liberti, L. ed. 22nd International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2024).. Vol. 301.Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) , pp.15.1-15.11. (10.4230/LIPIcs.SEA.2024.15)
- Hamdan, M. 2024. Infinite volume ground states in the non-Abelian quantum double model. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Hannah, S. 2024. Detecting and classifying algebra objects in fusion categories. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Hannah, S. , Ros Camacho, A. and Young, D. 2024. Detecting algebra objects from NIM-reps in pointed, near-group and quantum group-like fusion categories. Nuclear Physics B 1002 116525. (10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2024.116525)
- Henley, L. et al., 2024. A simple and fast method for estimating bat roost locations. Royal Society Open Science 11 (4) 231999. (10.1098/rsos.231999)
- Henley, L. et al., 2024. Bat motion can be described by leap frogging. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 86 16. (10.1007/s11538-023-01233-5)
- Hergibo, P. , Phillips, T. N. and Xie, Z. 2024. Resolving subgrid-scale structures for multiphase flows using a filament moment-of-fluid method. Computers & Fluids 285 106455. (10.1016/j.compfluid.2024.106455)
- Howells, M. et al. 2024. Fractured systems: a literature review of OR/MS methods applied to orthopaedic care settings and treatments. Health Systems 13 (3), pp.151-176. (10.1080/20476965.2023.2264348)
- Hu, Y. , Schaeffer, D. G. and Barker, T. 2024. Onsager-symmetric constitutive laws for 3D granular flow in the inertial regime. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and physical sciences 480 (2304)(10.1098/rspa.2023.0955)
- Hu, Y. , Wang, X. and Xia, P. 2024. Moment asymptotics for super-Brownian motions. Bernoulli 30 (4), pp.3119 - 3136. (10.3150/23-BEJ1708)
- Hutchings, M. 2024. Energy-based sampling strategies for the low-rank approximation of positive semidefinite matrices. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Hutchings, M. and Gauthier, B. 2024. Energy-based sequential sampling for low-rank PSD-matrix approximation. SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 6 (4), pp.1055-1077. (10.1137/23M162449X)
- Huxley, M. N. 2024. Integer points, exponential sums and the Riemann Zeta function. In: Berndt, B. ed. Number Theory for the Millennium II. London: A K Peters/CRC Press. , pp.275-290. (10.1201/9780138747060-13)
- Jabi, W. and Li, Y. 2024. Graph neural networks for node classification and attribute allocation in architectural BIM. Presented at: eCAADe 2024 Conference Nicosia, Cyprus 09 - 13 September 2024. Published in: Kontovourkis, O. , Phocas, M. C. and Wurzer, G. eds. Proceedings of the 42nd Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe. Vol. 1.Cyprus: eCAADe. , pp.675-684. (10.52842/conf.ecaade.2024.1.675)
- Kadri, U. 2024. Underwater acoustic analysis reveals unique pressure signals associated with aircraft crashes in the sea: Revisiting MH370. Scientific Reports 14 10102. (10.1038/s41598-024-60529-1)
- Kim, D. et al., 2024. Bitcoin as a legal tender. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (10.1007/s10690-024-09499-y)
- Kluck, T. and Ros Camacho, A. 2024. Computational aspects of orbifold equivalence. Contributions to Algebra and Geometry [English] Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie [German] 65 , pp.809-826. (10.1007/s13366-024-00731-4)
- Knight, V. et al. 2024. Recognising and evaluating the effectiveness of extortion in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma. PLoS ONE 19 (7) e0304641. (10.1371/journal.pone.0304641)
- Kovacevic, R. M. , Behrens, D. A. and Hyll, W. 2024. Nursing interventions in a newly established community health nursing system: A cross sectional survey.. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances 7 , pp.100258. 100258. (10.1016/j.ijnsa.2024.100258)
- Krczal, E. and Behrens, D. A. 2024. Trust-building in temporary public health partnerships: a qualitative study of the partnership formation process of a Covid-19 test, trace and protect service. BMC Health Services Research 24 (1) 467. (10.1186/s12913-024-10930-3)
- Leonenko, N. , Olenko, A. and Vaz, J. 2024. On fractional spherically restricted hyperbolic diffusion random field. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 131 107866. (10.1016/j.cnsns.2024.107866)
- Leonenko, N. et al. 2024. Limit theorems for p-domain functionals of stationary Gaussian fields. Electronic Journal of Probability 29 136. (10.1214/24-EJP1197)
- Lewis, R. and Corcoran, P. 2024. Fast algorithms for computing fixed-length round trips in real-world street networks. SN Computer Science 5 (7) 868. (10.1007/s42979-024-03223-3)
- Lewis, R. 2024. Cardiff: Software solutions for designing school transport systems. [Online].Delft: Website of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry. Available at: https://ecmiindmath.org/2024/10/24/cardiff-software-solutions-for-designing-school-transport-systems/.
- Mackay, A. and Phillips, T. 2024. Computational modelling of compressible nonisothermal viscoelastic fluids. Computers and Fluids 272 106189. (10.1016/j.compfluid.2024.106189)
- Maguire, E. S. F. et al., 2024. Particle-size segregation patterns in a partially filled triangular rotating drum. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 979 A40. (10.1017/jfm.2023.1022)
- Mahardika, N. et al., 2024. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations of nematic liquid crystal elastomers. International Journal of Solids and Structures 291 112717. (10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.112717)
- Mihai, L. A. 2024. A mathematical mechanics mixed tape: Editor's foreword to special issue in honor of Alain Goriely. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 29 (6), pp.1049-1052. (10.1177/10812865231210188)
- Mihai, L. A. 2024. A theoretical model for power generation via liquid crystal elastomers. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 29 (6), pp.1198-1215. (10.1177/10812865231193735)
- Mihai, L. A. and Goriely, A. 2024. Controllable deformations of unconstrained ideal nematic elastomers. Journal of Elasticity 156 (1), pp.95-106. (10.1007/s10659-023-10038-5)
- Morris, J. et al. 2024. Prawf Sillafu Cymraeg Safonedig Consortiwm Canolbarth y De. Project Report.[Online].Swansea: Consortiwm Addysg Canolbarth y De. Available at: https://www.cscjes-cronfa.co.uk/repository/resource/fca9da98-acc7-4b47-974e-8a90112c85c3/overview.
- Musa, C. et al., 2024. Scenario modeling for dentistry in Malaysia: Utilization, privatization, and specialization. Journal of International Oral Health 16 (5), pp.403-413. (10.4103/jioh.jioh_133_24)
- Musa, M. F. C. et al., 2024. Modelling the future Malaysian clinician dental workforce using system dynamics. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 20 (2), pp.122-132. (10.47836/mjmhs.20.2.17)
- Noonan, J. and Zhigljavsky, A. 2024. Improving exploration strategies in large dimensions and rate of convergence of global random search algorithms. Journal of Global Optimization 88 , pp.1-26. (10.1007/s10898-023-01308-6)
- Nwankwo, C. et al., 2024. Deep learning and American options via free boundary framework. Computational Economics 64 , pp.979-1022. (10.1007/s10614-023-10459-3)
- Palmer, G. et al., 2024. Use and understanding of AI in the ART laboratory: an international survey. Reproductive BioMedicine Online (10.1016/j.rbmo.2024.104435)
- Panayides, M. and Artemiou, A. 2024. Least squares minimum class variance support vector machines. Computers 13 (2) 34. (10.3390/computers13020034)
- Pennig, U. and Sogabe, T. 2024. Spanier–Whitehead K-duality and duality of extensions of C*-algebras. International Mathematics Research Notices 2024 (23), pp.14321-14351. (10.1093/imrn/rnae242)
- Pepelyshev, A. , Scherbakova, I. and Staroselskiy, Y. 2024. Mixed Poisson processes with dropout for consumer studies. Stats 7 (4), pp.1128-1140. (10.3390/stats7040066)
- Perry, W. B. et al. 2024. Addressing the challenges of combined sewer overflows. Environmental Pollution 343 123225. (10.1016/j.envpol.2023.123225)
- Pindza, E. et al., 2024. Neural network for valuing Bitcoin options under jump-diffusion and market sentiment model. Computational Economics (10.1007/s10614-024-10792-1)
- Poudel, R. , Sengul, Y. and Mihai, L. A. 2024. Deformation localisation in stretched liquid crystal elastomers. Mechanics of Soft Materials 6 8. (10.1007/s42558-024-00063-2)
- Poudevigne-Durance, T. 2024. Generative adversarial networks for the synthesis of unbalanced irregular time series. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Prykarpatski, A. K. and Balinsky, A. A. 2024. The two-dimensional boole-type transform and its ergodicity. Journal of Mathematical Sciences 278 , pp.1055–1076. (10.1007/s10958-024-06977-6)
- Rajagopal, K. R. and Sengul, Y. 2024. Solutions for the unsteady motion of porous elastic solids within the context of an implicit constitutive theory. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 163 104728. (10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2024.104728)
- Ros Camacho, A. and Wasserman, T. A. 2024. Landau-Ginzburg/Conformal field theory correspondence for xd and module tensor categories. Journal of Mathematical Physics 65 121701. (10.1063/5.0184941)
- Sengul, Y. 2024. A variational approach to frame-indifferent quasistatic viscoelasticity of rate type. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences 382 (2277) 20230307. (10.1098/rsta.2023.0307)
- Shafiq, J. 2024. Modular properties of sl2 Torus 1-point functions. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Thompson, J. 2024. Genetic algorithms and applications. In: Kulkarni, A. and Gandomi, A. eds. Handbook of Formal Optimization. Singapore: Springer(10.1007/978-981-19-8851-6_30-1)
- Thompson, J. 2024. Heuristics: An overview. In: Kulkrani, A. J. and Gandomi, A. H. eds. Handbook of formal optimization. Singapore: Springer. , pp.1149-1177. (10.1007/978-981-97-3820-5_32)
- Torras Casas, Á. and Pennig, U. 2024. Interleaving Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequences. Algebraic and Geometric Topology 24 (8), pp.4265-4306. (10.2140/agt.2024.24.4265)
- Tseng, C. et al., 2024. Gap junctions in Turing-type periodic feather pattern formation. PLoS Biology 22 (5) e3002636. (10.1371/journal.pbio.3002636)
- Twumasi, C. , Cable, J. and Pepelyshev, A. 2024. Mathematical modelling of parasite dynamics: A stochastic simulation-based approach and parameter estimation via modified sequential-type approximate Bayesian computation. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 86 54. (10.1007/s11538-024-01281-5)
- Williams, B. 2024. Tsunami propagation in Cartesian space over rigid & elastic seabeds, plus propagation on the sphere with rigid seabed. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Wu, F. et al. 2024. Analysing network dynamics: The contagion effects of SVB's collapse on the US tech industry. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 17 (10) 427. (10.3390/jrfm17100427)
- Xue, Y. et al. 2024. Modelling indoor airborne transmission combining architectural design and people movement using the VIRIS simulator and web app. Scientific Reports 14 28220. (10.1038/s41598-024-79525-6)
- Zhang, J. et al., 2024. Cryptocurrency price bubble detection using log-periodic power law model and wavelet analysis. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 71 , pp.11796-1812. (10.1109/TEM.2024.3427647)
Mathematics publications are available in Cardiff University's institutional repository.