2023 publications
- Al Assaf, A. H. et al., 2023. Preliminary design and analysis of a photovoltaic-powered direct air capture system for a residential building. Energies 16 (14) 5583. (10.3390/en16145583)
- Al-Marhoobi, S. and Pepelyshev, A. 2023. Analysis of temperature and humidity in Oman using singular spectrum analysis. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 52 (4), pp.1404-1417. (10.1080/03610918.2021.1884714)
- Alasmari, A. 2023. On unique recovery of integer bounded signals. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Alghazi, M. 2023. Deep water transport by acoustic-gravity waves generated by submarine earthquakes. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Aliev, I. and Henk, M. 2023. Minkowski’s successive minima in convex and discrete geometry. Communications in Mathematics 31 (2) 3. (10.46298/cm.11155)
- Aljawi, S. and Marletta, M. 2023. On the Eigenvalues of spectral gaps of elliptic PDEs on waveguides.. Integral Equations and Operator Theory 95 (7), pp.1-40. (10.1007/s00020-023-02727-6)
- AlMarhoobi, S. and Pepelyshev, A. 2023. Study of automatic choice of parameters for forecasting in singular spectrum analysis. Statistics and Its Interface 16 (1), pp.109-116. (10.4310/21-SII707)
- Assaf, A. H. A. et al., 2023. Preliminary design and analysis of a photovoltaic-powered direct air capture system for a residential building. Energies 16 (14) 5583.
- Bachmann, L. et al., 2023. Existence of solutions for stress-rate type strain-limiting viscoelasticity in Gevrey spaces. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 381 (2263) 20220374. (10.1098/rsta.2022.0374)
- Bachmann, L. , Schlömerkemper, A. and Sengul, Y. 2023. A variational approach to strain-limiting viscoelasticity in one space dimension. Pure and Applied Functional Analysis
- Balinsky, A. A. et al. 2023. On the symplectic structure deformations related to the Monge–Ampère equation on the Kähler manifold P2(C). Ukrainskyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal 75 (1)(10.37863/umzh.v75i1.7320)
- Bannister, C. et al. 2023. Time to complete contemporary dental procedures – estimates from a cross-sectional survey of the dental team. BMC Oral Health 23 926. (10.1186/s12903-023-03671-y)
- Barker, T. et al. 2023. Well-posedness and ill-posedness of single-phase models for suspensions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 954 A17. (10.1017/jfm.2022.1004)
- Behrend, R. E. et al. 2023. Partial permutohedra. [Online].arXiv: arXiv. (10.48550/arXiv.2207.14253)Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.14253.
- Behrend, R. E. et al. 2023. Partial permutohedra. Presented at: 35th Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics 17-21 July 2023. Vol. 89B.
- Behrend, R. E. , Fischer, I. and Koutschan, C. 2023. Diagonally symmetric alternating sign matrices. [Online].arXiv: arXiv. (10.48550/arXiv.2309.08446)Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.08446.
- Behrens, D. A. et al. 2023. Still looking in the wrong place: literature-based evidence of why patients really attend an emergency department. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 90 101707. (10.1016/j.seps.2023.101707)
- Ben-Artzi, J. , Marletta, M. and Rosler, F. 2023. Computing scattering resonances. Journal of the European Mathematical Society 25 (9), pp.3633-3663. (10.4171/JEMS/1258)
- Ben-Artzi, J. , Marletta, M. and Rosler, F. 2023. On the complexity of the inverse Sturm-Liouville problem. Pure and Applied Analysis 5 (4), pp.895-925. (10.2140/paa.2023.5.895)
- Ben-Artzi, J. and Morisse, B. 2023. A uniform ergodic theorem for degenerate flows on the annulus. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 9 , pp.2814-2827. (10.3934/cpaa.2023089)
- Bhootna, N. et al., 2023. Humbert generalized fractional differenced ARMA processes. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 125 107412. (10.1016/j.cnsns.2023.107412)
- Bögli, S. et al., 2023. Spectral analysis and domain truncation for Maxwell's equations. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 170 , pp.96-135. (10.1016/j.matpur.2022.12.004)
- Borodich Suarez, S. , Heravi, S. and Pepelyshev, A. 2023. Forecasting industrial production indices with a new singular spectrum analysis forecasting algorithm. Statistics and Its Interface 16 (1), pp.31-42. (10.4310/21-SII693)
- Borodich-Suarez, S. and Pepelyshev, A. 2023. Study of impact of COVID-19 on industrial production indices using singular spectrum analysis. Statistics and Its Interface 16 (2), pp.181-188. (10.4310/21-SII719)
- Brice, S. N. et al. 2023. Modeling disease progression and treatment pathways for depression jointly using agent based modeling and system dynamics. Frontiers in Public Health 10 1011104. (10.3389/fpubh.2022.1011104)
- Bryan, P. , Ivaki, M. N. and Scheuer, J. 2023. Christoffel-Minkowski flows. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 376 (4), pp.2373-2393. (10.1090/tran/8683)
- Buckingham, L. J. and Ashby, B. 2023. The evolution of the age of onset of resistance to infectious disease. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 85 (42)(10.1007/s11538-023-01144-5)
- Buckingham, L. J. , Bruns, E. L. and Ashby, B. 2023. The evolution of age-specific resistance to infectious disease. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290 (1991) 20222000. (10.1098/rspb.2022.2000)
- Burenkov, V. I. and Senouci, M. A. 2023. On boundedness of the generalized Riesz potential in local Morrey-type spaces. Journal of Mathematical Sciences 266 , pp.765-793. (10.1007/s10958-022-06134-x)
- Burton, R. J. et al. 2023. GeoWaVe: Geometric median clustering with weighted voting for ensemble clustering of cytometry data. Bioinformatics 39 (1) btac751. (10.1093/bioinformatics/btac751)
- Capoferri, M. , Cherdantsev, M. and Velčić, I. 2023. Eigenfunctions localised on a defect in high-contrast random media. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 55 (6)(10.1137/21M1468486)
- Celaya, M. and Henk, M. 2023. Proximity bounds for random integer programs. Mathematical Programming 197 , pp.1201-1219. (10.1007/s10107-022-01786-8)
- Chen, J. et al. 2023. Does Smile help detect the UK’s price leadership change after MiFID?. International Review of Economics and Finance 84 , pp.765-769. (10.1016/j.iref.2022.11.033)
- Chen, J. et al. 2023. A fractional Hawkes process II: further characterization of the process. Physica A 615 128596. (10.1016/j.physa.2023.128596)
- Christou, A. and Artemiou, A. 2023. Adaptive L0 Regularization for Sparse Support Vector Regression. Mathematics 11 (13) 2808. (10.3390/math11132808)
- Corcoran, P. and Lewis, R. 2023. A navigability entropy model for street networks. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 50 (8), pp.2171-2186. (10.1177/23998083231170191)
- Corro, D. 2023. A-foliations of codimension two on compact simply-connected manifolds. Mathematische Zeitschrift 304 (4) 63. (10.1007/s00209-023-03317-3)
- Duerinckx, M. and Winter, R. 2023. Well-posedness of the Lenard–Balescu equation with smooth Iinteractions. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 247 71. (10.1007/s00205-023-01901-9)
- Duman, E. and Sengul, Y. 2023. Stress-rate-type strain-limiting models for solids resulting from implicit constitutive theory. Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models 2023 (6)(10.1186/s13662-023-03751-x)
- Efe-Eyefia, E. 2023. Simulation of rainfall events. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- England, T. et al. 2023. Modelling lung cancer diagnostic pathways using discrete event simulation. Journal of Simulation 17 (1), pp.94-104. (10.1080/17477778.2021.1956866)
- Escott-Price, V. and Schmidt, K. M. 2023. Pitfalls of predicting age related traits by polygenic risk scores. Annals of Human Genetics 87 (5), pp.203-209. (10.1111/ahg.12520)
- Evans, D. and Kawahigashi, Y. 2023. Subfactors and mathematical physics. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 60 (4), pp.459-482. (10.1090/bull/1799)
- Evans, D. E. and Gannon, T. 2023. Tambara-Yamagami, loop groups, bundles and KK-theory. Advances in Mathematics 421 109002. (10.1016/j.aim.2023.109002)
- Evans, L. et al. 2023. An operations research approach to automated patient scheduling for eye care using a multi-criteria decision support tool. Scientific Reports 13 553. (10.1038/s41598-022-26755-1)
- Ferraresso, F. and Marletta, M. 2023. Spectral properties of the inhomogeneous Drude-Lorentz model with dissipation. Journal of Differential Equations 346 , pp.313-346. (10.1016/j.jde.2022.11.052)
- Ferraresso, F. and Provenzano, L. 2023. On the eigenvalues of the biharmonic operator with Neumann boundary conditions on a thin set. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 55 (3), pp.1154-1177. (10.1112/blms.12781)
- Gartner, D. et al. 2023. Challenging the throwaway culture in hospitals: scheduling the mix of reusable and single-use bronchoscopes. Journal of the Operational Research Society 74 (10), pp.2215-2226. (10.1080/01605682.2022.2129490)
- Gillard, J. , Knight, V. and Wilde, H. 2023. A novel initialisation based on hospital-resident assignment for the k-modes algorithm. Soft Computing 27 , pp.9441-9457. (10.1007/s00500-023-08407-2)
- Gillard, J. , O'Riordan, E. and Zhigljavsky, A. 2023. Polynomial whitening for high-dimensional data. Computational Statistics 38 , pp.1427-1461. (10.1007/s00180-022-01277-6)
- Gillard, J. and Usevich, K. 2023. Hankel low-rank approximation and completion in time series analysis and forecasting: a brief review. Statistics and Its Interface 16 (2), pp.287-303. (10.4310/22-SII735)
- Glover, J. D. et al., 2023. The developmental basis of fingerprint pattern formation and variation. Cell 186 , pp.1-17. (10.1016/j.cell.2023.01.015)
- Goriely, A. , Moulton, D. E. and Mihai, L. A. 2023. A rod theory for liquid crystalline elastomers. Journal of Elasticity 153 , pp.509-532. (10.1007/s10659-021-09875-z)
- Hannah, S. , Laugwitz, R. and Ros Camacho, A. 2023. Frobenius monoidal functors of Dijkgraaf-Witten categories and rigid Frobenius algebras. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA) 19 075. (10.3842/SIGMA.2023.075)
- Harvey, J. et al. 2023. Epidemiological waves - Types, drivers and modulators in the COVID-19 pandemic. Heliyon (10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e16015)
- Hentosh, O. E. et al., 2023. Geometric structures on the orbits of loop diffeomorphism groups and related heavenly-type hamiltonian systems. II. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal (10.1007/s11253-023-02140-7)
- Hentosh, O. E. et al., 2023. Geometric structures on the orbits of loop diffeomorphism groups and related heavenly-type Hamiltonian systems. I. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal (10.1007/s11253-023-02129-2)
- Hergibo, P. , Phillips, T. N. and Xie, Z. 2023. A moment-of-fluid method for resolving filamentary structures using a symmetric multi-material approach. Journal of Computational Physics 491 112401. (10.1016/j.jcp.2023.112401)
- Heywood, B. R. et al. 2023. Real-world evidence from the first online healthcare analytics platform—Livingstone. Validation of its descriptive epidemiology module. PLOS Digital Health 2 (7) e0000310. (10.1371/journal.pdig.0000310)
- Hindmarsh, J. L. and Lettington, M. C. 2023. On polynomial transformations preserving purely imaginary zeros. Integral Transforms and Special Functions 34 (7), pp.522-536. (10.1080/10652469.2022.2155643)
- Hoessly, L. , Wiuf, C. and Xia, P. 2023. On the sum of chemical reactions. European Journal of Applied Mathematics 34 (2), pp.303-325. (10.1017/S0956792522000146)
- Hopewell, J. W. et al., 2023. Improving the accuracy of biologically effective dose estimates, from a previously published study, after radiosurgery for acoustic neuromas. World Neurosurgery 172 , pp.e130-e143. (10.1016/j.wneu.2022.12.119)
- Hu, Y. et al., 2023. On mean-field super-Brownian motions. The Annals of Applied Probability 33 (5), pp.3872-3915. (10.1214/22-AAP1909)
- Hutchings, M. and Gauthier, B. 2023. Local optimisation of Nyström samples through stochastic gradient descent. Presented at: The 8th International Online & Onsite Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science Siena, Italy September 18 – 22, 2022. Vol. 13810. Springer. , pp.123-140. (10.1007/978-3-031-25599-1_10)
- Jones, B. 2023. Dimension reduction for regression: Theoretical and methodological developments. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Jones, O. , Poudevigne-Durance, T. and Qin, Y. 2023. Synthesis of time-series with missing observations using generative adversarial networks. Presented at: 34th Panhellenic Statistics Conference 19-22 May 2022. Greek Statistical Institute. , pp.154-166.
- Law, A. 2023. On topics related to sum systems. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Leonenko, G. and Phillips, T. N. 2023. Transient numerical approximation of hyperbolic diffusions and beyond. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 422 114893. (10.1016/j.cam.2022.114893)
- Leonenko, N. N. and Ruiz-Medina, M. D. 2023. Sojourn functionals for spatiotemporal Gaussian random fields with long memory. Journal of Applied Probability 60 (1), pp.148-165. (10.1017/jpr.2022.30)
- Leonenko, N. N. et al. 2023. Multimodal diffusion model for increments of electroencephalogram data. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 37 , pp.4695-4706. (10.1007/s00477-023-02524-y)
- Leonenko, N. N. et al. 2023. Generalized Gaussian time series model for increments of EEG data. Statistics and Its Interface 16 , pp.17-29. (10.4310/21-SII692)
- Lettington, M. and Schmidt, K. 2023. On the sum of left and right circulant matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications 658 , pp.62-85. (10.1016/j.laa.2022.10.024)
- Lewis, R. , Corcoran, P. and Gagarin, A. 2023. Methods for determining cycles of a specific length in undirected graphs with edge weights. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 46 29. (10.1007/s10878-023-01091-w)
- Lewis, R. 2023. A comparison of Dijkstra's Algorithm using fibonacci heaps, binary heaps, and self-balancing binary trees. [Online].Preprint repository: ArXiv. Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.10034.
- Liu, A. et al. 2023. Trading patterns in the Bitcoin market. European Journal of Finance (10.1080/1351847X.2023.2241883)
- Mavron, V. C. and Phillips, T. N. 2023. Elements of mathematics for economics and finance. Springer. (10.1007/978-3-031-43910-0)
- Meza-Valle, C. , Kadri, U. and Ortega, J. H. 2023. Acoustic-gravity waves generated by surface disturbances.. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids 98 , pp.1-7. (10.1016/j.euromechflu.2022.10.006)
- Michalis, P. 2023. Workforce behaviour in healthcare systems. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Mihai, L. A. 2023. A theoretical liquid crystal elastomer model that mimics the elasticity of cat skin. Mechanics of soft materials 5 4. (10.1007/s42558-023-00051-y)
- Mihai, L. A. et al. 2023. Anti-Hertz bulging of actuated liquid crystal elastomers. Extreme Mechanics Letters 64 102066. (10.1016/j.eml.2023.102066)
- Mihai, L. A. et al. 2023. A predictive theoretical model for stretch-induced instabilities in liquid crystal elastomers. Liquid Crystals 50 (7-10), pp.1426-1438. (10.1080/02678292.2022.2161655)
- Mitra, R. et al. 2023. Learning from data with structured missingness. Nature Machine Intelligence 5 (1), pp.13-23. (10.1038/s42256-022-00596-z)
- Moore, J. 2023. Modelling the role of polarity and geometry in cell-fate dynamics of mammary organoids. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Moore, J. W. , Dale, T. C. and Woolley, T. E. 2023. Modelling polarity-driven laminar patterns in bilayer tissues with mixed signalling mechanisms. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 22 (4), pp.2945-2990. (10.1137/22M1522565)
- Ng, W. C. V. 2023. The risk models with non-local Poisson processes. MPhil Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Noonan, J. 2023. Online change-point detection for a transient change. Statistics and Its Interface 16 (2), pp.163-179. (10.4310/21-SII718)
- O'Brien, E. N. et al., 2023. The evolution of a three-dimensional microbubble at a corner in a Maxwell fluid. Physics of Fluids 35 (10) 103120. (10.1063/5.0170820)
- O'Riordan, E. 2023. Distance measures and whitening procedures for high dimensional data. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Oruganti, S. et al., 2023. Immune and metabolic markers for identifying and investigating severe Coronavirus disease and Sepsis in children and young people (pSeP/COVID ChYP study): protocol for a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open 13 e067002. (10.1136/bmjopen-2022-067002)
- Ostler, T. 2023. Mathematical modelling and image processing for some challenges in the In Vitro Fertilisation clinic. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Palmer, A. et al. 2023. Optimizing an adolescent hybrid telemedical mental health service: Staff scheduling using mathematical programming. JMIR Formative Research (7) e43222. (10.2196/43222)
- Palmer, G. and Tian, Y. 2023. Implementing hybrid simulations that integrate DES+SD in Python. Journal of Simulation 17 (3), pp.240-256. (10.1080/17477778.2021.1992312)
- Panayides, M. , Knight, V. and Harper, P. 2023. A game theoretic model of the behavioural gaming that takes place at the EMS - ED interface. European Journal of Operational Research 305 (3), pp.1236-1258. (10.1016/j.ejor.2022.07.001)
- Pronzato, L. and Zhigljavsky, A. 2023. BLUE against OLSE in the location model: energy minimization and asymptotic considerations. Statistical Papers 64 , pp.1187-1208. (10.1007/s00362-023-01423-2)
- Pronzato, L. and Zhigljavsky, A. 2023. Quasi-uniform designs with optimal and near-optimal uniformity constant. Journal of Approximation Theory 294 105931. (10.1016/j.jat.2023.105931)
- Prykarpatski, A. K. and Balinsky, A. A. 2023. Special issue editorial "symmetry of Hamiltonian systems: classical and quantum aspects". Symmetry 15 (1) 96. (10.3390/sym15010096)
- Sahjwani, P. and Scheuer, J. 2023. Stability of the quermassintegral inequalities in hyperbolic space. Journal of Geometric Analysis 34 13. (10.1007/s12220-023-01453-0)
- Salinger, Z. 2023. Stochastic models for increments of EEG recordings using heavy-tailed and multimodal diffusions. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Schmidt, K. M. and Umeda, T. 2023. Continuum limits for discrete Dirac operators on 2D square lattices. Analysis and Mathematical Physics 13 (46)(10.1007/s13324-023-00809-7)
- Scotford, C. 2023. Scaling limits of integrable quantum field theories and non-local chiral models. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Shams, M. et al., 2023. Semi-analytical scheme for solving intuitionistic fuzzy system of differential equations. IEEE Access 11 , pp.33205-33223. (10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3241482)
- Simmonds, E. et al. 2023. What does heritability of Alzheimer’s disease represent?. PLoS ONE 18 (4) e0281440. (10.1371/journal.pone.0281440)
- Smith, C. J. et al., 2023. Unravelling the clinical co-morbidity and risk factors associated with agenesis of the corpus callosum. Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (11) 3623. (10.3390/jcm12113623)
- Song, A. , Yim, K. M. and Monod, A. 2023. Generalized morse theory of distance functions to surfaces for persistent homology. [Online].Online: arXiv. (10.48550/ARXIV.2306.14716)Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.14716.
- Torras Casas, A. 2023. Distributing persistent homology via spectral sequences. Discrete & Constitutional Geometry 70 , pp.580-619. (10.1007/s00454-023-00549-2)
- Tuson, M. et al. 2023. Understanding the impact of social networks on the spread of obesity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (15) 6451. (10.3390/ijerph20156451)
- Umeorah, N. et al. 2023. Barrier options and Greeks: Modeling with neural networks. Axioms 12 (4) 384. (10.3390/axioms12040384)
- Vargas, R. O. et al., 2023. Multiscale modeling of complex fluids under SAOS and LAOS using a combined FENE transient network model. Physica Scripta 98 (2) 025213. (10.1088/1402-4896/acb23b)
- Virta, J. and Artemiou, A. 2023. Poisson PCA for matrix count data. Pattern Recognition 138 109401. (10.1016/j.patcog.2023.109401)
- Williams, B. and Kadri, U. 2023. On the propagation of acoustic–gravity waves due to a slender rupture in an elastic seabed. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 956 A6. (10.1017/jfm.2022.1091)
- Williams, E. 2023. Linking predictive and prescriptive analytics for modelling healthcare services for frail and elderly patients. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Xue, Y. , Payne, S. J. and Waters, S. L. 2023. Stokes flows in a 2D bifurcation. [Online].arXiv: arXiv. (10.48550/ARXIV.2309.11230)Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.11230.
- Xue, Y. , Waters, S. L. and Trefethen, L. N. 2023. Computation of 2D Stokes flows via lightning and AAA rational approximation. [Online].arXiv: arXiv. (10.48550/ARXIV.2306.13545)Available at: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.13545.
- Yim, K. M. and Nanda, V. 2023. Topological inference of the Conley index. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations (10.1007/s10884-023-10310-1)
- Zhang, J. , Wen, J. and Chen, J. 2023. Modelling market fluctuations under investor sentiment with a Hawkes-contact process. The European Journal of Finance 29 (1), pp.17-32. (10.1080/1351847X.2021.1957699)
Mathematics publications are available in Cardiff University's institutional repository.