Research culture

The School of Mathematics supports a vibrant research culture where our staff and students conduct research of the highest quality.
We uphold the academic freedom of colleagues to pursue research motivated by pure interest, whether that involves topics traditionally regarded as pure mathematics, or interdisciplinary and collaborative research to solve some of our most pressing societal and economic challenges.
We are also committed to ensuring that all of our staff and students are supported through a range of policies and actions which provide them with an inclusive environment and equal opportunities to succeed in their careers. We are proud of our Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity processes which are embedded in all aspects of our School’s activities.
Distinguished visitors programme
The School has an established programme of exchanges and visits involving distinguished colleagues from around the world. We also host eminent speakers to take part in our seminars and conferences. This helps to enhance our research culture and creates an inspiring environment for staff and students.
Supporting our staff
The School provides a variety of different processes and activities to ensure that staff are given the support they need to engage in research of the highest standard.
We mentor our early career research staff to help them identify funding, provide examples of successful proposals and use our experienced senior researchers to give advice and guidance. They also receive personal development funding to allow them to develop networks, participate in exchanges with other universities, and collaborate on research proposals. Support and guidance for obtaining research fellowship funding such as Marie Sklodowska-Curie, UKRI and ERC fellowships, is also provided.
All staff are encouraged to participate in research networks and engage with funding bodies.
The opportunity to take study leave is available to all academic staff after five years’ service and the university provides funding for travel grants and replacement teaching on a competitive basis.
Support for our research students
We believe in equipping our research students with the necessary technical and research skills they need to pursue a successful career. To this end we provide our students with taught courses as part of the MAGIC Consortium.
As a student, you will also be encouraged to attend an annual meeting of mathematics departments from across Wales where you will hear eminent external speakers and take part in parallel sessions presenting your own work. You will attend group seminars in the School and some supported by the School. Our students have initiated their own seminar series, reading groups, and a Women in Mathematics Forum, which has been beneficial in attracting women students. They have also developed activities to encourage undergraduate students to consider the benefits of a research career. In addition, they run an active SIAM-IMA student chapter.