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Cardiff academic to set subject benchmark statement

16 February 2022

Dr Jonathan Gillard has been appointed to the Advisory Board for the Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research Benchmark Statement by the QAA

Artificial intelligence could be used to accurately predict tsunamis

29 November 2021

Machine learning could provide rapid assessment of underwater earthquakes

Impact award for Cardiff mathematical modelers

22 November 2021

Cardiff University academics recognised with prestigious award for pioneering work with the NHS

Covid model flowchart

Mathematical modelling crucial in reducing spread of Covid-19

5 August 2021

Experts from the School of Mathematics have created an online app to predict the threat of Covid-19 in educational settings.

Stock image of coronavirus

Maths playing a significant role in fight against COVID-19 with important new project

9 February 2021

Researchers at the School of Mathematics are developing mathematical models that assess the transmission of COVID-19 in indoor spaces, and how this is affected by ventilation, masks and antiviral technologies.

Infographic representing big data

Positive response to new CPD modules

14 January 2021

Public sector workers praise the benefits of CPD modules.

Farmers getting water

Maths expertise part of major international project to tackle climate change resilience in the Horn of Africa

12 November 2020

An international team of researchers and organisations has been awarded over €6.7M from EU Horizon 2020 to help tackle food and water insecurity in the Horn of Africa Drylands.

Tom Hyett stood on top of the Abacws building

ISG and Cardiff mark Abacws high point

14 October 2020

Remote ‘topping out’ for new centre

Stock image of COVID-19 test tubes

Faster COVID-19 testing with simple algebraic equations

7 October 2020

Cardiff University mathematician proposes new technique to drastically increase the amount of testing for COVID-19

Stock image of coronavirus

New models to better predict spread of COVID-19

2 October 2020

Study shows that the presence of significant demographic heterogeneity, delayed spread of the virus through the population as well as different degrees of isolation for different groups of the population could make the pandemic less severe than current models suggest