Industry engagement

We have strong links with key industrial partners across our research and teaching activities.
We work with a variety of companies and external organisations including Admiral, AIRBUS, BT, General Electric, KPMG, Nationwide, Rolls Royce and Welsh Water.
Opportunities to collaborate with our staff and students include:
- MSc dissertations (no cost for the external partner)
- Co-funded PhD projects
- Co-funded research projects responding to an industry need (e.g. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships)
- Funded research projects after successful joint proposal to a funder (e.g. UKRI or Innovate UK)
- Placements for undergraduate students
- Work@One talk series: potential employers provide talks on career opportunities to our students
- Maths Careers Fair
- Problem-solving workshops
- Secondments (to industry and from industry)
- Guest lectures by industrial leaders
- Bespoke training responding to specific industry needs
Examples of our impactful research with industry:
- Collaborating with the NHS to use maths to save lives by reducing hospital waiting times (Prof Paul Harper, Prof Daniel Gartner)
- Working with leading internet advertising experts on improving the efficiency of online advertising (Prof Anatoly Zhigljavsky, Dr Andrei Pepelyshev)
- Strategic partnership with the Office of National Statistics with co-funded research projects (Prof Jonathan Gillard)
- Early warning system for tsunamis, endorsed by UNESCO (Dr Usama Kadri)
- Modelling airborne viral transmission in indoor spaces, in collaboration with the Welsh Government (Dr Katerina Kaouri, Dr Thomas Woolley)
Discover our range of research impact case studies.
Industrial Advisory Board
Our partnership with industry is strengthened through our Industrial Advisory Board (IAB), which includes influential industry leaders and experts in knowledge exchange. Members provide valuable guidance across the whole spectrum of our research, innovation and teaching activities, while also helping to improve the employability of our graduates.
Maths for Industry Day
The Maths for Industry Day (MID) is our annual event with industry, taking place in November. It is a great opportunity for industry and academia to exchange knowledge about real challenges and new mathematics and launch new collaborations. Find out more about MID23 and MID24.
Get in touch
We welcome external partners to collaborate with us. Get in touch by contacting the Impact and Engagement Team at
Student queries relating to industry projects and placements should be directed to the Maths School Office at