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SIAM-IMA student chapter

Science and industry advance with mathematics. We aim to generate interest in applied mathematics and computational science by providing student opportunities.

The Cardiff University Student Chapter of SIAM and IMA is formed by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and includes students and faculty members from across Cardiff University who are interested in mathematics or scientific computing and their real-world applications. We are the first SIAM-IMA student chapter to be established in Wales.


Our objectives are consistent with the objectives of SIAM and IMA:

  • To promote the application of mathematics and computational techniques to problems of interest in science and industry.
  • To further fundamental research in applied mathematics and scientific computing leading to new methods and techniques useful to industry and science.
  • To facilitate effective interactions between researchers and students from across the University and between University members and industry by creating a forum for the exchange of scientific ideas in an inspiring and supportive environment.


Our activities include:

  • junior research seminars
  • interdisciplinary workshops
  • student competitions
  • prizes
  • technical reports
  • visiting lectures
  • social events
  • participation in SIAM and IMA meetings
  • other activities organized by SIAM or IMA


We are run by a committee of graduate research students with help from faculty advisors Professor Angela Mihai and Professor Tim Phillips. The current committee consists of:


Vice president


Picture of Aric Fowler

Aric Fowler

Teaching Associate and PhD student




Equalities officer

UG Members

Steffan Jones -


Becoming a member of the chapter is free and open to any student in the final year of a BSc or MMath degree programme, Masters and PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty members of Cardiff University who are engaged or interested in mathematics or scientific computing and their applications.

In addition, all student members of the chapter are eligible for free student memberships in SIAM. If you would like to join, please email

Visit here for the latest information about our activities.