Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Philip Lewis

Dr Philip Lewis

Research Associate & Electron Microscopy Specialist


Research Overview

$acirc; To understand and model corneal transparency at the cellular and fibrillar level taking advantage of new developments in three dimensional ultrastuctural imaging by Serial Block Face Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy  

$acirc; The development of biological artificial corneal replacements.

$acirc; Understanding the structural basis for loss of transparency or refractive function in the pathological cornea.

$acirc; Corneal development.

$acirc; Three dimensional structure of the proteoglycans in the cornea and how it controls corneal transparency.


Other Duties

I currently manage the Structural Biophysics groups Zeiss Sigma VP Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope with 3view 2 (Gatan) and Jeol 1010 100Kv Transmission Electron Microscope. As an experienced electron microscopist I also provide training in electron microscopy, EM  sample preparation and  ultramicrotomy  to students within the Biophysics group.


Selected Publication

Structural interactions between collagen and proteoglycans are elucidated by three-dimensional electron tomography of bovine cornea.  
Lewis P, Pinali C, Young RD, Quantock AJ, Meek KM, Knupp C.
Structure 18, 1-7, February 10, 2010

Structural Basis for Corneal Transparency
Knupp C. Pinali C,   Lewis P, Young RD,   Parfitt G, Quantock AJ, Meek KM,
Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Volume 87, Dec   2009

Three-dimensional reconstruction of collagen-proteoglycan
interactions in the mouse corneal stroma.
Parfitt GJ, Pinali C, Lewis PN, Young RD, Quantock AJ, Knupp C.
Journal of Structural Biology. 170(2):392-7. (2010)

Three Dimensional Reconstruction of the Cornea by Electron Tomography.
Geraint Parfitt, Pinali C, Philip Lewis, Young RD, Quantock AJ, Knupp C.
Microscopy and Analysis   24(2), 17-19.

Matrix morphogenesis in cornea is mediated by the modification of keratan sulfate by GlcNAc 6-O-sulfotransferase.
Hayashida Y, Akama TO, Beecher N, Lewis P, Young RD, Meek KM, Kerr B, Hughes CE, Caterson B, Tanigami A, Nakayama J, Fukada MN, Tano Y, Nishida K, Quantock AJ.  
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Sep 5;103(36):13333-8. Epub 2006 Aug 25.

Sulphated Proteoglycans in the Cornea Stroma of Chst5-Null Mice
Philip N Lewis,1 Yasutaka Hayashida,2 Robert D. Young,1 Tomoya O. Akama,3 Michiko N. Fukada,3 Bruce Caterson,4 Kohji Nishida,5 & Andrew J. Quantock.1
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2006;47: E-Abstract 2998.

Matrix Alterations in the Corneas of Chst5 Null Mice
A.J. Quantock1,A, Y. Hayashida2, N. Beecher1,A, P.N. Lewis 1,A, B. Caterson1,B, A. Tanigami3, T.O. Akama4, M.N. Fukada4, Y. Tano2 and K. Nishida2
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2005;46: E-Abstract 3560.
















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Educational and Professional Qualifications:

PhD Aquatic Pathobiology   Institute of Aquaculture Stirling University 2002
MSc Aquatic Resource Management King's Collage London University 1994
BSc  (Hons) Zoology  (Marine Biology) Aberdeen University 1993

Previous post doc positions held

Cambridge University, Cavendish Laboratory 2011-2013. Post- Doctoral Research Associate. Biological and Soft System Sector, Electron Microscopy, GSK funded. Bioglass interactions with dentine. Using Fib SEM, Cryo Fib, STEM, TEM, ESEM and associate techniques including  EDS and EDX

Cardiff University (2011) Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Structural Biophysics Research Group, School of Optometry and Vision Sciences. EPSRC funded project. On the structural architecture of the developing corneal stroma using cryo EM techniques and 3D cellular tomography.

Oxford University 2008-(2010) Post Doctoral Research Associate, Division of Structural Biology.  Wellcome Trust funded  project.    On  Human T-cell leukaemia virus type-1 (HTLV-1) retrovirus Virological synapse formation using 3D cellular tomography.

Cardiff University (2006-2008) Post Doctoral Research Associate  Structural Biophysics Research Group, School of Optometry and Vision sciences. BBSRC funded project.  On 3D structure of proteoglycans in the Cornea and how it controls corneal transparency.

Cardiff University (2004-2005) Post Doctoral Research Associate Structural Biophysics  Research Group, School of Optometry and Vision sciences. BBSRC funded project.  Investigation of Keratan Sulfate proteoglycan sulfation in sulfur transferase Knockout mouse using Immuno electron microscopy

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  • Cambridge University, Cavendish Laboratory 2011-2013. Post- Doctoral Research Associate. Biological and Soft System Sector, Electron Microscopy, GSK funded. Bioglass interactions with dentine. Using Fib SEM, Cryo Fib, STEM, TEM, ESEM and associate techniques including  EDS and EDX
  • Cardiff University (2011) Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Structural Biophysics Research Group, School of Optometry and Vision Sciences. EPSRC funded project. On the structural architecture of the developing corneal stroma using cryo EM techniques and 3D cellular tomography.
  • Oxford University 2008-(2010) Post Doctoral Research Associate, Division of Structural Biology.  Wellcome Trust funded  project.    On  Human T-cell leukaemia virus type-1 (HTLV-1) retrovirus Virological synapse formation using 3D cellular tomography.
  • Cardiff University (2006-2008) Post Doctoral Research Associate  Structural Biophysics Research Group, School of Optometry and Vision sciences. BBSRC funded project.  On 3D structure of proteoglycans in the Cornea and how it controls corneal transparency.
  • Cardiff University (2004-2005) Post Doctoral Research Associate Structural Biophysics  Research Group, School of Optometry and Vision sciences. BBSRC funded project.  Investigation of Keratan Sulfate proteoglycan sulfation in sulfur transferase Knockout mouse using Immuno electron microscopy