Yr Athro James Field
Athro Deintyddiaeth Adferol ac Addysg Ddeintyddol / Ymgynghorydd Anrhydeddus mewn Prosthodonteg / Cymrawd Addysgu Cenedlaethol / Cyfarwyddwr Dysgu ac Addysgu
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Yng Nghaerdydd rydw i ar hyn o bryd yn Athro Deintyddiaeth Adferol ac Addysg Ddeintyddol, ac yn Ymgynghorydd Anrhydeddus mewn Prosthodonteg, a fi hefyd yw Cyfarwyddwr Learing ac Addysgu yr Ysgol, a Chyfarwyddwr Addysg Ddigidol
Rwy'n cynrychioli Caerdydd yn rhyngwladol fel:
- Arweinydd academaidd ar gyfer porth ADEE Ewropeaidd DigEdDent (Addysg Ddigidol mewn Deintyddiaeth)
- Arweinydd Pan-Ewropeaidd ar gyfer y Tasglu Cwricwlwm Deintydd Ewropeaidd sy'n Graddio
- Arweinydd byd-eang ar gyfer Llunio Dyfodol Addysg Ddeintyddol: Addysg Ryngbroffesiynol
- Partner trawswladol yn O-Health-Edu, prosiect Erasmus+ K2 i gysoni addysg ddeintyddol ledled Ewrop.
Mae fy ymrwymiad a'm cyfraniad i ddeintyddiaeth ac addysg ddeintyddol yn cael ei gydnabod gan yr anrhydeddau a'r gwobrau canlynol:
- 2005 Gwobr Israddedig Cymdeithas Deintyddiaeth Adferol Prydain
- 2007 Gwobr Astudiaeth Achos FGDP RCS Lloegr
- Gwobr Ymddiriedolaeth Ymchwil Llafar a Deintyddol 2007
- 2007 Gwobr Ymchwil Cymdeithas Prydain ar gyfer Astudio Prosthodonteg (BSSPD)
- Gwobr Cyflwyniad Llafar BSSPD Schottlander 2008
- Gwobr Arloesi mewn Addysgu 2013
- Gwobr ADEE International Dental Educator Award 2013
- Gwobr Athro Nodedig yr Is-Ganghellor 2013
- Uwch Gymrawd 2013 , Ymlaen AU
- 2014 Cymrawd, Academi Addysgwyr Meddygol
- Gwobr Ymchwil a Datblygu Addysgol 2015
- 2015 'Datblygu technolegau symudol i gefnogi addysg' (Gwobr Arloesi)
- Gwobr Ymchwil a Datblygu Addysgol 2016
- Prif Gymrawd 2016, Ymlaen AU
- Cymrawd 2017, Cyfadran yr Hyfforddwyr Deintyddol, RCS Caeredin
- Cymrawd Addysgu Cenedlaethol 2018 (Advance HE)
- Gwobr ADEE International Mature Dental Educator Award 2021
Mae fy rolau allanol eraill yn cynnwys:
- Cynghorydd Safonau Proffesiynol UKPSF
- ADEE Cadeirydd Pan-Ewropeaidd: Addysgu sgiliau
- Arholwr RCS Caeredin
- Cymdeithas Brydeinig ar gyfer Astudio Aelod o'r Cyngor Deintyddiaeth Prosthetig
- Aelod Pwyllgor y Sefydliad Safonau Prydeinig (BSI)
- Hyfforddwr Endodontic Maillefer Cofrestredig
- Achredu allanol i raglenni yn erbyn y Fframwaith Cymwysterau Ewropeaidd (EQF)
- Aelod bwrdd golygyddol: Heliyon, Elsevier
- Field, J., Vital, S., Dixon, J., Murphy, D. and Davies, J. 2025. The Graduating European Dentist Curriculum Framework: A 7-Year Review [Commentary]. European Journal of Dental Education 29(1), pp. 155-161. (10.1111/eje.13058)
- Nassief, S., Al Ali, H., Towers, A., Field, J. and Martin, N. 2024. Dental students’ perceptions of the use of two-dimensional and three-dimensional vision in dental education using a three-dimensional haptic simulator: A qualitative study. Journal of Dental Education 88(12), pp. 1730-1738. (10.1002/jdd.13682)
- Long, R., Forty, L. and Field, J. 2024. Resilience in oral health professional education: a scoping review. European Journal of Dental Education 28(4), pp. 978-994. (10.1111/eje.13034)
- Dixon, J., Field, J., van Harten, M., Duane, B. and Martin, N. 2024. Environmental sustainability in oral health professional education: Approaches, challenges, and drivers— ADEE Special‐Interest Group Report. European Journal of Dental Education 28(4), pp. 969-977. (10.1111/eje.13033)
- Al Ali, H., Nassief, S., Towers, A., Field, J. and Martin, N. 2024. The value of stereoscopic three dimensional vision on dental students' performance in a virtual reality simulator. Journal of Dental Education 88(11) (10.1002/jdd.13630)
- Herrera, D. et al. 2024. Consensus report of the second European Consensus Workshop on Education in Periodontology. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 51(S27) (10.1111/jcpe.13983)
- Dixon, J., Martin, N. and Field, J. 2024. Current practice, barriers and drivers to embedding environmental sustainability in undergraduate dental schools in the UK and Ireland. British Dental Journal 237(9), pp. 723–728. (10.1038/s41415-024-8011-6)
- Field, J., Dixon, J., Vital, S., Murphy, D., O'Connell, B. and Davies, J. 2024. Graduating European dentist curriculum DOMAIN V: Research. European Journal of Dental Education (10.1111/eje.13040)
- Dixon, J. et al. 2024. O-HEALTH-EDU: A viewpoint into the current state of oral health professional education in Europe: Part 1: Programme-level data. European Journal of Dental Education 28(2), pp. 591-606. (10.1111/eje.12989)
- Dixon, J. et al. 2024. O-Health-Edu: A viewpoint into the current state of oral health professional education in Europe: Part 2: Curriculum structure, facilities, staffing and quality assurance. European Journal of Dental Education 28(2), pp. 607-620. (10.1111/eje.12987)
- Dixon, J., Field, J., Gibson, E. and Martin, N. 2024. Curriculum content for environmental sustainability in dentistry. Journal of Dentistry (10.1016/j.jdent.2024.105021)
- Serban, C., Dixon, J., Adam, M., Par, M., Ligusovà, I. and Field, J. 2024. The views of European students on the inclusion of research in undergraduate Oral Health Professional curricula. European Journal of Dental Education 28(1), pp. 86-93. (10.1111/eje.12917)
- Brooks, L., Edwards, D., Field, J. and Ellis, J. 2024. Exploring the declared and the formal and informal taught curricula at a UK dental school through the lens of pulp management. British Dental Journal 236(2), pp. 117–123. (10.1038/s41415-024-6762-8)
- Field, J. et al. 2023. Embedding environmental sustainability within oral health professional curricula- Recommendations for teaching and assessment of learning outcomes. European Journal of Dental Education 27(3), pp. 650-661. (10.1111/eje.12852)
- Field, J. and Wassell, R. 2023. Provisional restorations (Part 2). British Dental Journal 235(1), pp. 35-40. (10.1038/s41415-023-6006-3)
- Field, J. and Wassell, R. 2023. Provisional restorations (Part 1). British Dental Journal 234(11), pp. 805-809. (10.1038/s41415-023-5974-7)
- Davies, J. et al. 2023. ARTICULATE: A European glossary of terms used in oral health professional education. European Journal of Dental Education 27(2), pp. 209-222. (10.1111/eje.12794)
- Al-Sultani, H., Breckons, M., Field, J., Thomason, M. and Moynihan, P. 2023. Development of patient-centric eating advice for complete denture wearers. Gerodontology 40(1), pp. 56-73. (10.1111/ger.12618)
- Pattem, J., Field, J., Waterhouse, P. J. and German, M. J. 2022. The dynamic interplay of dietary acid pH and concentration during early-stage human enamel and dentine erosion. Frontiers in Dental Medicine 3, article number: 1040565. (10.3389/fdmed.2022.1040565)
- Field, J. et al. 2022. O‐Health‐Edu: A vision for oral health professional education in Europe. European Journal of Dental Education (10.1111/eje.12819)
- Towers, A., Dixon, J., Field, J., Martin, R. and Martin, N. 2022. Combining virtual reality and 3D printed models to simulate patient-specific dental operative procedures - a study exploring student perceptions. European Journal of Dental Education 26(2), pp. 393-403. (10.1111/eje.12715)
- Duane, B. et al. 2021. Embedding environmental sustainability within the modern dental curriculum – Exploring current practice and developing a shared understanding. European Journal of Dental Education 25(3), pp. 541-549. (10.1111/eje.12631)
- Ishak, H., Field, J. and German, M. 2021. Baseline specimens of erosion and abrasion studies. European Journal of Dentistry 15(2), pp. 369-378. (10.1055/s-0040-1721235)
- Field, J. et al. 2021. Defining dental operative skills curricula: an ADEE consensus paper. European Journal of Dental Education 25(2), pp. 405-414. (10.1111/eje.12595)
- Dixon, J., Towers, A., Martin, N. and Field, J. 2021. Re-defining the virtual reality dental simulator: demonstrating concurrent validity of clinically relevant assessment and feedback. European Journal of Dental Education 25(1), pp. 108-116. (10.1111/eje.12581)
- Dixon, J. et al. 2021. O-HEALTH-EDU: a scoping review on the reporting of oral health professional education in Europe. European Journal of Dental Education 25(1), pp. 56-77. (10.1111/eje.12577)
- Quinn, B. et al. 2020. COVID‐19: the immediate response of European academic dental institutions and future implications for dental education. European Journal of Dental Education 24(4), pp. 811-814. (10.1111/eje.12542)
- Jongbloed-Zoet, C., Nyblom, Y., Bol, E. and Field, J. 2020. A common European curriculum for dental hygiene. European Journal of Dental Education 24(4), pp. 611-615. (10.1111/eje.12501)
- Öhrn, K., Danielsen, B. and Field, J. 2020. A common European Curriculum for Dental Hygiene ‐ Domain I: Professionalism. European Journal of Dental Education 24(4), pp. 616-618. (10.1111/eje.12508)
- Öhrn, K., Henrique Soares, L., Marchisio, O. and Field, J. 2020. A common European curriculum for Dental Hygiene – Domain IV: Oral health in Society. European Journal of Dental Education 24(4), pp. 626-627. (10.1111/eje.12511)
- Öhrn, K., Howell, Y., Fugill, M. and Field, J. 2020. A common European Curriculum for Dental Hygiene ‐ Domain III: Patient‐centred Care. European Journal of Dental Education 24(4), pp. 622-625. (10.1111/eje.12510)
- Öhrn, K., van Boxtel, A. and Field, J. 2020. A common European Curriculum for Dental Hygiene ‐ Domain II: Safe and Effective Clinical Practice. European Journal of Dental Education 24(4), pp. 619-621. (10.1111/eje.12509)
- Tubert-Jeannin, S. et al. 2020. O-Health-Edu: Advancing oral health: A vision for dental education. European Journal of Public Health 30(5), article number: v764. (10.1093/eurpub/ckaa166.631)
- Field, J. and Storey, C. Field, J. ed. 2020. Removable prosthodontics at a glance. At a Glance (Dentistry). Wiley Blackwell.
- Field, J., Hervey, T., Walsh, S., Davis, J., Garcia, L. T. and Valachovic, R. W. 2020. ADEA-ADEE shaping the future of dental education III. Journal of Dental Education 84(1), pp. 105-110. (10.1002/jdd.12023)
- Field, J., Spencer, R., Johnson, I. and Cure, R. 2020. Professional standards in dental education. British Dental Journal 228(11), pp. 875-881. (10.1038/s41415-020-1640-5)
- Field, J., Barbour, M. and Wassell, R. 2019. Luting, cements and bonding. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 207-230., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_15)
- Field, J., Steele, J. and Wassell, R. 2019. Fundamentals of tooth preparation. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 329-362., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_20)
- Meyer-Lueckel, H. et al. 2019. EFCD Curriculum for undergraduate students in Integrated Conservative Oral Healthcare (ConsCare). Clinical Oral Investigations 23, pp. 3661-3670. (10.1007/s00784-019-02978-x)
- Towers, A., Field, J., Stokes, C., Maddock, S. and Martin, N. 2019. A scoping review of the use and application of virtual reality in pre-clinical dental education. British Dental Journal 226, pp. 358-366. (10.1038/s41415-019-0041-0)
- Field, J. C., Zhang, E., Milke, V., McCance, S., Worts, C., Stone, S. J. and Edwards, D. C. 2019. Patterns of verbal interaction and student satisfaction within a clinical setting: a video‐enhanced observational study. European Journal of Dental Education 23(1), pp. e45-e52. (10.1111/eje.12399)
- Al-Sultani, H. F., Field, J. C., Thomason, J. M. and Mynihan, P. J. 2019. The impact of replacement conventional dentures on eating experience. JDR Clinical and Translational Research 4(1), pp. 29-40. (10.1177/2380084418803091)
- Field, J., Keeling, A., Wassell, R. and Nohl, F. 2018. Aesthetic control. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 247-273., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_17)
- Field, J., Kiford, L. and Wassell, R. 2018. Adapting crowns to existing prostheses. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 445-452., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_25)
- Field, J., Steele, J. and Wassell, R. 2018. Managing tooth surface loss. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 147-160., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_13)
- Field, J., Walls, A., Steel, J. and Wassell, R. 2018. Recognising tooth surface loss. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restoration: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 67-74., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_6)
- Field, J. and Wassell, R. 2018. Provisional restorations. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 395-420., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_23)
- Yule, P., Holliday, R., Field, J., Nohl, F. and Wassell, R. 2018. Fitting and cementation. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 421-444., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_24)
- Field, J., Stone, S., Orsini, C., Hussain, A., Vital, S., Crothers, A. and Walmsley, D. 2018. Curriculum content and assessment of pre-clinical dental skills: a survey of undergraduate dental education in Europe. European Journal of Dental Education 22(2), pp. 122-127. (10.1111/eje.12276)
- Gallagher, J. and Field, J. C. 2017. The graduating European dentist - domain IV: dentistry in society. European Journal of Dental Education 21(S1), pp. 25-27. (10.1111/eje.12311)
- Field, J. C. et al. 2017. The graduating European dentist: contemporaneous methods of teaching, learning and assessment in dental undergraduate education. European Journal of Dental Education 21(S1), pp. 28-35. (10.1111/eje.12312)
- Field, J. C., Kavadella, A., Szep, S., Davies, J. R., DeLap, E. and Manzanares Cespedes, M. C. 2017. The graduating European dentist - domain III: patient-centred care. European Journal of Dental Education 21(S1), pp. 18-24. (10.1111/eje.12310)
- McLoughlin, J., Zijlstra-Shaw, S., Davies, J. R. and Field, J. C. 2017. The graduating European dentist - domain I: professionalism. European Journal of Dental Education 21(S1), pp. 11-13. (10.1111/eje.12308)
- Field, J. C., DeLap, E. and Manzanares Cespedes, M. C. 2017. The graduating European dentist—domain II: safe and effective clinical practice. European Journal of Dental Education 21(S1), pp. 14-17. (10.1111/eje.12309)
- Field, J. C., Cowpe, J. G. and Walmsely, A. D. 2017. The graduating European dentist: a new undergraduate curriculum framework. European Journal of Dental Education 21(S1), pp. 2-10. (10.1111/eje.12307)
- Field, J. C., Waterhouse, P. J. and German, M. J. 2017. The early erosive and abrasive challenge: a profilometric, electron microscopic and microhardness study using human, bovine and ovine enamel.. European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry 25(2), pp. 93-100. (10.1922/ejprd_01660field08)
- Field, J., Al-Bazaranchi, T., German, M. and McCracken, G. 2017. Management of fractured resin composites by dentists in north-east England. Presented at: IADR/AADR/CADR General Session 2017, San Francisco, California, 22-25 March 2017.
- German, M., Al-Bazaranchi, T., Field, J. and McCracken, G. 2017. Surface pre-treatment effects composite-to-composite bond strength. Presented at: IADR/AADR/CADR General Session 2017, San Francisco, California, 22-25 March 2017.
- Field, J. 2016. First impressions count: how to take a primary impression. Dental Nursing 12(2), pp. 72-79. (10.12968/denn.2016.12.2.72)
- Field, J. 2015. Pre-clinical dental skills at a glance. At a Glance (Dentistry). John Wiley & Sons.
- Field, J. C., German, M. . and Waterhouse, P. . 2014. Qualifying the lapped enamel surface: a profilometric, electron microscopic and microhardness study using human, bovine and ovine enamel. Archives of Oral Biology 59(5), pp. 455-460. (10.1016/j.archoralbio.2014.02.007)
- Field, J., German, M. and Waterhouse, P. 2013. Using bearing area parameters to quantify early erosive tooth surface changes in enamel: a pilot study. Journal of Dentistry 41(11), pp. 1060-1067. (10.1016/j.jdent.2013.08.015)
- Field, J. and Vernazza, C. 2013. Developing a grading matrix for reflection.. Medical Education 47(5), pp. 531. (10.1111/medu.12179)
- Critchlow, S. B., Ellis, J. S. and Field, J. C. 2012. Reducing the risk of failure in complete denture patients. Dental Update 39(6), pp. 427-436. (10.12968/denu.2012.39.6.427)
- Field, J. 2012. The investigation of enamel subjected to early erosive and abrasive challenges. PhD Thesis, Newcastle University.
- Field, J., Ellis, J., Abbas, C. and Germain, P. 2010. Teaching and assessment of professional attitudes in UK dental schools - commentary. European Journal of Dental Education 14(3), pp. 133-135. (10.1111/j.1600-0579.2009.00601.x)
- Field, J., Waterhouse, P. and German, M. 2010. Quantifying and qualifying surface changes on dental hard tissues in vitro. Journal of Dentistry 38(3), pp. 182-190. (10.1016/j.jdent.2010.01.002)
- Field, J., Rousseau, N., Thomason, J., Exley, C., Finch, T., Steele, J. and Ellis, J. 2009. Facilitation of implant provision in primary care. British Dental Journal 207(10), article number: E20. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2009.1013)
- Field, J., Rousseau, N., Thomason, J., Exley, C., Finch, T., Steele, J. and Ellis, J. 2009. Summary of: Facilitation of implant provision in primary care. British Dental Journal 207(10), pp. 490-491. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2009.1040)
- Exley, C. E. et al. 2009. Paying for treatments? Influences on negotiating clinical need and decision-making for dental implant treatment. BMC Health Services Research 9(1), article number: 7. (10.1186/1472-6963-9-7)
- Guy, J. H., Field, J. C., Slaughter, D. and Rose, S. P. 2001. Preliminary observations on the effect of perches and objects in the feed trough on the behaviour and welfare of caged hens. British Poultry Science 42(S71)
- Field, J., Vital, S., Dixon, J., Murphy, D. and Davies, J. 2025. The Graduating European Dentist Curriculum Framework: A 7-Year Review [Commentary]. European Journal of Dental Education 29(1), pp. 155-161. (10.1111/eje.13058)
- Nassief, S., Al Ali, H., Towers, A., Field, J. and Martin, N. 2024. Dental students’ perceptions of the use of two-dimensional and three-dimensional vision in dental education using a three-dimensional haptic simulator: A qualitative study. Journal of Dental Education 88(12), pp. 1730-1738. (10.1002/jdd.13682)
- Long, R., Forty, L. and Field, J. 2024. Resilience in oral health professional education: a scoping review. European Journal of Dental Education 28(4), pp. 978-994. (10.1111/eje.13034)
- Dixon, J., Field, J., van Harten, M., Duane, B. and Martin, N. 2024. Environmental sustainability in oral health professional education: Approaches, challenges, and drivers— ADEE Special‐Interest Group Report. European Journal of Dental Education 28(4), pp. 969-977. (10.1111/eje.13033)
- Al Ali, H., Nassief, S., Towers, A., Field, J. and Martin, N. 2024. The value of stereoscopic three dimensional vision on dental students' performance in a virtual reality simulator. Journal of Dental Education 88(11) (10.1002/jdd.13630)
- Herrera, D. et al. 2024. Consensus report of the second European Consensus Workshop on Education in Periodontology. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 51(S27) (10.1111/jcpe.13983)
- Dixon, J., Martin, N. and Field, J. 2024. Current practice, barriers and drivers to embedding environmental sustainability in undergraduate dental schools in the UK and Ireland. British Dental Journal 237(9), pp. 723–728. (10.1038/s41415-024-8011-6)
- Field, J., Dixon, J., Vital, S., Murphy, D., O'Connell, B. and Davies, J. 2024. Graduating European dentist curriculum DOMAIN V: Research. European Journal of Dental Education (10.1111/eje.13040)
- Dixon, J. et al. 2024. O-HEALTH-EDU: A viewpoint into the current state of oral health professional education in Europe: Part 1: Programme-level data. European Journal of Dental Education 28(2), pp. 591-606. (10.1111/eje.12989)
- Dixon, J. et al. 2024. O-Health-Edu: A viewpoint into the current state of oral health professional education in Europe: Part 2: Curriculum structure, facilities, staffing and quality assurance. European Journal of Dental Education 28(2), pp. 607-620. (10.1111/eje.12987)
- Dixon, J., Field, J., Gibson, E. and Martin, N. 2024. Curriculum content for environmental sustainability in dentistry. Journal of Dentistry (10.1016/j.jdent.2024.105021)
- Serban, C., Dixon, J., Adam, M., Par, M., Ligusovà, I. and Field, J. 2024. The views of European students on the inclusion of research in undergraduate Oral Health Professional curricula. European Journal of Dental Education 28(1), pp. 86-93. (10.1111/eje.12917)
- Brooks, L., Edwards, D., Field, J. and Ellis, J. 2024. Exploring the declared and the formal and informal taught curricula at a UK dental school through the lens of pulp management. British Dental Journal 236(2), pp. 117–123. (10.1038/s41415-024-6762-8)
- Field, J. et al. 2023. Embedding environmental sustainability within oral health professional curricula- Recommendations for teaching and assessment of learning outcomes. European Journal of Dental Education 27(3), pp. 650-661. (10.1111/eje.12852)
- Field, J. and Wassell, R. 2023. Provisional restorations (Part 2). British Dental Journal 235(1), pp. 35-40. (10.1038/s41415-023-6006-3)
- Field, J. and Wassell, R. 2023. Provisional restorations (Part 1). British Dental Journal 234(11), pp. 805-809. (10.1038/s41415-023-5974-7)
- Davies, J. et al. 2023. ARTICULATE: A European glossary of terms used in oral health professional education. European Journal of Dental Education 27(2), pp. 209-222. (10.1111/eje.12794)
- Al-Sultani, H., Breckons, M., Field, J., Thomason, M. and Moynihan, P. 2023. Development of patient-centric eating advice for complete denture wearers. Gerodontology 40(1), pp. 56-73. (10.1111/ger.12618)
- Pattem, J., Field, J., Waterhouse, P. J. and German, M. J. 2022. The dynamic interplay of dietary acid pH and concentration during early-stage human enamel and dentine erosion. Frontiers in Dental Medicine 3, article number: 1040565. (10.3389/fdmed.2022.1040565)
- Field, J. et al. 2022. O‐Health‐Edu: A vision for oral health professional education in Europe. European Journal of Dental Education (10.1111/eje.12819)
- Towers, A., Dixon, J., Field, J., Martin, R. and Martin, N. 2022. Combining virtual reality and 3D printed models to simulate patient-specific dental operative procedures - a study exploring student perceptions. European Journal of Dental Education 26(2), pp. 393-403. (10.1111/eje.12715)
- Duane, B. et al. 2021. Embedding environmental sustainability within the modern dental curriculum – Exploring current practice and developing a shared understanding. European Journal of Dental Education 25(3), pp. 541-549. (10.1111/eje.12631)
- Ishak, H., Field, J. and German, M. 2021. Baseline specimens of erosion and abrasion studies. European Journal of Dentistry 15(2), pp. 369-378. (10.1055/s-0040-1721235)
- Field, J. et al. 2021. Defining dental operative skills curricula: an ADEE consensus paper. European Journal of Dental Education 25(2), pp. 405-414. (10.1111/eje.12595)
- Dixon, J., Towers, A., Martin, N. and Field, J. 2021. Re-defining the virtual reality dental simulator: demonstrating concurrent validity of clinically relevant assessment and feedback. European Journal of Dental Education 25(1), pp. 108-116. (10.1111/eje.12581)
- Dixon, J. et al. 2021. O-HEALTH-EDU: a scoping review on the reporting of oral health professional education in Europe. European Journal of Dental Education 25(1), pp. 56-77. (10.1111/eje.12577)
- Quinn, B. et al. 2020. COVID‐19: the immediate response of European academic dental institutions and future implications for dental education. European Journal of Dental Education 24(4), pp. 811-814. (10.1111/eje.12542)
- Jongbloed-Zoet, C., Nyblom, Y., Bol, E. and Field, J. 2020. A common European curriculum for dental hygiene. European Journal of Dental Education 24(4), pp. 611-615. (10.1111/eje.12501)
- Öhrn, K., Danielsen, B. and Field, J. 2020. A common European Curriculum for Dental Hygiene ‐ Domain I: Professionalism. European Journal of Dental Education 24(4), pp. 616-618. (10.1111/eje.12508)
- Öhrn, K., Henrique Soares, L., Marchisio, O. and Field, J. 2020. A common European curriculum for Dental Hygiene – Domain IV: Oral health in Society. European Journal of Dental Education 24(4), pp. 626-627. (10.1111/eje.12511)
- Öhrn, K., Howell, Y., Fugill, M. and Field, J. 2020. A common European Curriculum for Dental Hygiene ‐ Domain III: Patient‐centred Care. European Journal of Dental Education 24(4), pp. 622-625. (10.1111/eje.12510)
- Öhrn, K., van Boxtel, A. and Field, J. 2020. A common European Curriculum for Dental Hygiene ‐ Domain II: Safe and Effective Clinical Practice. European Journal of Dental Education 24(4), pp. 619-621. (10.1111/eje.12509)
- Tubert-Jeannin, S. et al. 2020. O-Health-Edu: Advancing oral health: A vision for dental education. European Journal of Public Health 30(5), article number: v764. (10.1093/eurpub/ckaa166.631)
- Field, J., Hervey, T., Walsh, S., Davis, J., Garcia, L. T. and Valachovic, R. W. 2020. ADEA-ADEE shaping the future of dental education III. Journal of Dental Education 84(1), pp. 105-110. (10.1002/jdd.12023)
- Field, J., Spencer, R., Johnson, I. and Cure, R. 2020. Professional standards in dental education. British Dental Journal 228(11), pp. 875-881. (10.1038/s41415-020-1640-5)
- Meyer-Lueckel, H. et al. 2019. EFCD Curriculum for undergraduate students in Integrated Conservative Oral Healthcare (ConsCare). Clinical Oral Investigations 23, pp. 3661-3670. (10.1007/s00784-019-02978-x)
- Towers, A., Field, J., Stokes, C., Maddock, S. and Martin, N. 2019. A scoping review of the use and application of virtual reality in pre-clinical dental education. British Dental Journal 226, pp. 358-366. (10.1038/s41415-019-0041-0)
- Field, J. C., Zhang, E., Milke, V., McCance, S., Worts, C., Stone, S. J. and Edwards, D. C. 2019. Patterns of verbal interaction and student satisfaction within a clinical setting: a video‐enhanced observational study. European Journal of Dental Education 23(1), pp. e45-e52. (10.1111/eje.12399)
- Al-Sultani, H. F., Field, J. C., Thomason, J. M. and Mynihan, P. J. 2019. The impact of replacement conventional dentures on eating experience. JDR Clinical and Translational Research 4(1), pp. 29-40. (10.1177/2380084418803091)
- Field, J., Stone, S., Orsini, C., Hussain, A., Vital, S., Crothers, A. and Walmsley, D. 2018. Curriculum content and assessment of pre-clinical dental skills: a survey of undergraduate dental education in Europe. European Journal of Dental Education 22(2), pp. 122-127. (10.1111/eje.12276)
- Gallagher, J. and Field, J. C. 2017. The graduating European dentist - domain IV: dentistry in society. European Journal of Dental Education 21(S1), pp. 25-27. (10.1111/eje.12311)
- Field, J. C. et al. 2017. The graduating European dentist: contemporaneous methods of teaching, learning and assessment in dental undergraduate education. European Journal of Dental Education 21(S1), pp. 28-35. (10.1111/eje.12312)
- Field, J. C., Kavadella, A., Szep, S., Davies, J. R., DeLap, E. and Manzanares Cespedes, M. C. 2017. The graduating European dentist - domain III: patient-centred care. European Journal of Dental Education 21(S1), pp. 18-24. (10.1111/eje.12310)
- McLoughlin, J., Zijlstra-Shaw, S., Davies, J. R. and Field, J. C. 2017. The graduating European dentist - domain I: professionalism. European Journal of Dental Education 21(S1), pp. 11-13. (10.1111/eje.12308)
- Field, J. C., DeLap, E. and Manzanares Cespedes, M. C. 2017. The graduating European dentist—domain II: safe and effective clinical practice. European Journal of Dental Education 21(S1), pp. 14-17. (10.1111/eje.12309)
- Field, J. C., Cowpe, J. G. and Walmsely, A. D. 2017. The graduating European dentist: a new undergraduate curriculum framework. European Journal of Dental Education 21(S1), pp. 2-10. (10.1111/eje.12307)
- Field, J. C., Waterhouse, P. J. and German, M. J. 2017. The early erosive and abrasive challenge: a profilometric, electron microscopic and microhardness study using human, bovine and ovine enamel.. European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry 25(2), pp. 93-100. (10.1922/ejprd_01660field08)
- Field, J. 2016. First impressions count: how to take a primary impression. Dental Nursing 12(2), pp. 72-79. (10.12968/denn.2016.12.2.72)
- Field, J. C., German, M. . and Waterhouse, P. . 2014. Qualifying the lapped enamel surface: a profilometric, electron microscopic and microhardness study using human, bovine and ovine enamel. Archives of Oral Biology 59(5), pp. 455-460. (10.1016/j.archoralbio.2014.02.007)
- Field, J., German, M. and Waterhouse, P. 2013. Using bearing area parameters to quantify early erosive tooth surface changes in enamel: a pilot study. Journal of Dentistry 41(11), pp. 1060-1067. (10.1016/j.jdent.2013.08.015)
- Field, J. and Vernazza, C. 2013. Developing a grading matrix for reflection.. Medical Education 47(5), pp. 531. (10.1111/medu.12179)
- Critchlow, S. B., Ellis, J. S. and Field, J. C. 2012. Reducing the risk of failure in complete denture patients. Dental Update 39(6), pp. 427-436. (10.12968/denu.2012.39.6.427)
- Field, J., Ellis, J., Abbas, C. and Germain, P. 2010. Teaching and assessment of professional attitudes in UK dental schools - commentary. European Journal of Dental Education 14(3), pp. 133-135. (10.1111/j.1600-0579.2009.00601.x)
- Field, J., Waterhouse, P. and German, M. 2010. Quantifying and qualifying surface changes on dental hard tissues in vitro. Journal of Dentistry 38(3), pp. 182-190. (10.1016/j.jdent.2010.01.002)
- Field, J., Rousseau, N., Thomason, J., Exley, C., Finch, T., Steele, J. and Ellis, J. 2009. Facilitation of implant provision in primary care. British Dental Journal 207(10), article number: E20. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2009.1013)
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- Guy, J. H., Field, J. C., Slaughter, D. and Rose, S. P. 2001. Preliminary observations on the effect of perches and objects in the feed trough on the behaviour and welfare of caged hens. British Poultry Science 42(S71)
Book sections
- Field, J., Barbour, M. and Wassell, R. 2019. Luting, cements and bonding. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 207-230., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_15)
- Field, J., Steele, J. and Wassell, R. 2019. Fundamentals of tooth preparation. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 329-362., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_20)
- Field, J., Keeling, A., Wassell, R. and Nohl, F. 2018. Aesthetic control. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 247-273., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_17)
- Field, J., Kiford, L. and Wassell, R. 2018. Adapting crowns to existing prostheses. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 445-452., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_25)
- Field, J., Steele, J. and Wassell, R. 2018. Managing tooth surface loss. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 147-160., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_13)
- Field, J., Walls, A., Steel, J. and Wassell, R. 2018. Recognising tooth surface loss. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restoration: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 67-74., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_6)
- Field, J. and Wassell, R. 2018. Provisional restorations. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 395-420., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_23)
- Yule, P., Holliday, R., Field, J., Nohl, F. and Wassell, R. 2018. Fitting and cementation. In: Wassell, R. et al. eds. Extra-Coronal Restorations: Concepts and Clinical Application. BDJ Clinician’s Guides Springer International Publishing, pp. 421-444., (10.1007/978-3-319-79093-0_24)
- Field, J. and Storey, C. Field, J. ed. 2020. Removable prosthodontics at a glance. At a Glance (Dentistry). Wiley Blackwell.
- Field, J. 2015. Pre-clinical dental skills at a glance. At a Glance (Dentistry). John Wiley & Sons.
- Field, J., Al-Bazaranchi, T., German, M. and McCracken, G. 2017. Management of fractured resin composites by dentists in north-east England. Presented at: IADR/AADR/CADR General Session 2017, San Francisco, California, 22-25 March 2017.
- German, M., Al-Bazaranchi, T., Field, J. and McCracken, G. 2017. Surface pre-treatment effects composite-to-composite bond strength. Presented at: IADR/AADR/CADR General Session 2017, San Francisco, California, 22-25 March 2017.
- Field, J. 2012. The investigation of enamel subjected to early erosive and abrasive challenges. PhD Thesis, Newcastle University.
- Field, J., Vital, S., Dixon, J., Murphy, D. and Davies, J. 2025. The Graduating European Dentist Curriculum Framework: A 7-Year Review [Commentary]. European Journal of Dental Education 29(1), pp. 155-161. (10.1111/eje.13058)
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Ar ôl cwblhau BSc gydag Anrhydedd mewn Sŵoleg, derbyniais BDS gyda Rhagoriaeth mewn Deintyddiaeth Adferol yn 2005 o Brifysgol Newcastle.
Cwblheais fy Hyfforddiant Proffesiynol Cyffredinol yn 2007 a llwyddais i ddod yn aelod o Gyfadran Ddeintyddol Coleg Brenhinol Llawfeddygon Lloegr a Chaeredin. Astudiais ar gyfer fy PhD, a chefais gymwysterau addysgu clinigol a chyffredinol, ochr yn ochr ag Uwch Gymrodoriaeth a Phrif Gymrodoriaeth yr Academi Addysg Uwch.
Cyn dod i Gaerdydd, cefais fy mhenodi'n Newcastle fel Darlithydd mewn Deintyddiaeth Adferol rhwng 2012 a 2017, fel Cyfarwyddwr Rhaglen Hyfforddi ar gyfer DCT1 (HEE) o 2011-2013 ac fel Uwch Athro Clinigol ac Ymgynghorydd Anrhydeddus yn Sheffield o 2017-2020.
Rwy'n mwynhau ymgysylltu â chydweithwyr ledled Ewrop wrth gadeirio'r grŵp Diddordeb Arbennig Pan-Ewropeaidd mewn Addysgu Sgiliau Clinigol, ac fel rhan o Dasglu Adolygu Cwricwlwm Ewrop ar gyfer Deintyddiaeth a Hylendid a Therapi Deintyddol
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