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Hack Day 2016

Combining technology, healthcare and innovation at NHS Hack Day

25 February 2016

Students and staff from the Cardiff University School of Computer Science & Informatics enjoyed a fun and successful day at the NHS Hack Day recently, winning a number of prizes.

Game of Codes

Students enter the ‘Game of Codes’

17 December 2015

Budding computer coders gather at Cardiff University for the final of software development competition

tab on computer showing Twitter URL

Cyber risk research recognised by world-leading insurers

1 December 2015

University researchers pick up award for developing new methods to detect malicious links on Twitter

National Software Academy

University launches ‘National Software Academy’

12 October 2015

New software engineering degree programme will equip graduates with “on the job” experience required by employers.

tab on computer showing Twitter URL

Scientists combat cyber-attacks on Twitter

30 September 2015

University researchers develop intelligent system to identify malicious links spread through social media

tab on computer showing Twitter URL

Detecting crime using social media

12 August 2015

‘World-leading’ predictive tools will be used by Met Police to monitor real-time crime events.

National Software Academy a hit at Digital 2015

12 June 2015

The National Software Academy has made quite an impact at Digital 2015, Wales' largest festival of digital inspiration and innovation.

CCTV cameras

Fight-sensing cameras to cut crime on Britain’s streets

12 February 2015

Cardiff researchers develop 'smart' cameras that guide police before anyone gets hurt.

Professor Ralph Martin

Cardiff Professor receives People’s Republic of China Friendship Award

7 October 2014

Prof Ralph Martin receives Friendship Award for contribution to academia.



7 August 2014

Researchers develop new ‘impromptu productivity’ app.