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We collaborate with industry across both our teaching and research activities. There are a wide variety of opportunities to collaborate with our staff and students, notable examples include:

National Software Academy

A centre of excellence for software engineering education in Wales and part of the School of Computer Sciences and Informatics.

Data analytics in a server room

Data Science Academy

The Data Science Academy is a hub for data-intensive science set up to educate the next generation of experts in the field.

We actively seek industry engagement in all areas of our activities. Examples of ways in which we collaborate with industry include:

  • Offering placements, summer internships or other work experience to our students
  • Engaging with our National Software Academy by:
    • Providing challenges or project ideas for students
    • Giving guest talks or contributions to the curriculum
    • Working with our academic staff to influence the curriculum
    • Employing an apprentice and engaging with our degree apprenticeship programme
  • Engaging with our Data Science Academy by:
    • Providing challenges or project ideas for students
    • Giving guest talks or contributions to the curriculum
    • Working with our academic staff to influence the curriculum
  • Graduate employment opportunities – we hold a number of regular networking events throughout the academic year to promote employment opportunities.
  • Engaging with our research community through initiatives such as:
    • Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP)
    • Consultancy
    • Contract research
    • Collaborative research and/or joint funding bids to bodies such as Innovate UK
    • Staff secondments



For further information, please contact:

Joanna Emery

Joanna Emery

Knowledge Exchange Officer

+44 (0)29 2087 0851