Science and Technology Facilities Council Impact Acceleration Account
The focus of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) funding is to support Proof of Concept work and to demonstrate the feasibility of a specific research methods or ideas.
This account is now funding projects through the Harmonised Impact Acceleration Account.
Our projects accelerate research outputs towards end-user uptake by converting physics and astronomy research into related engagement activities which create impact on an accessible, real-world scale. We are committed to expanding the way we understand the universe, from the smallest facet to astronomical dimensions.
- support the early-stage translation of research outputs into innovative technologies, processes and methods
- understand the market needs of the research we do to increase engagement with policy, industry, and communities around the world
- inspire the next generation of students to pursue careers in science and technological subjects
As part of Cardiff University’s Harmonised Impact Acceleration Account (H-IAA), the Knowledge Exchange Placements and Secondment Scheme (KEPSs), Strategic Impact Funding (SIF), and Follow on Funding (FoF) schemes will run under the STFC IAA.