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Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Impact Acceleration Account

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) helps to bridge the gap between our research and its outputs.

This account is now funding projects through the Harmonised Impact Acceleration Account .

Successful projects engage the public and industry through innovation with the aim of impacting society and the economy in sustainable and robust ways.


Projects awarded

We awarded 48 projects between 2017-2022.


Academics trained

417 academics engaged and trained since 2017.



Over £900,000 total IAA funding between 2017 and 2022.


  • promote knowledge exchange and movement of people through support for placements both inward and outward with industry, government departments and health boards
  • support partnership brokering and market research to gain initial insights and encourage end-user and business engagement to facilitate the de-risking of investment before committing greater resources or funds
  • support commercialisation of early-stage impact activities through technology feasibility and proof of concept studies
  • increase engagement with the research community targeting early career researchers (ECRs) to engage them in the impact agenda


  • researchers have built capacity, knowledge and skills in impact generation
  • new projects with external partners have been developed which meet the needs of users and stakeholders
  • new residences and placements for university staff, as well as staff from external organisations
  • follow-on projects secured from our impact activities through external funding and industrially sponsored development
  • collaborative opportunities grown, which support our research community to work with other Welsh universities and our GW4 partner universities


The EPSRC IAA provided approximately £908,000 of funding to our researchers between 2017 and 2022, funding 48 impactful projects.

From 2022 to 2025, the EPSRC IAA has contributed funding towards the university’s first £1,229,204 Harmonised Call and will continue to fund new projects which fulfil the Council’s aspirations.

Case studies

Solcer House

Driving investment into affordable, low-carbon housing across Wales

Our researchers at the Welsh School of Architecture have designed and built the first affordable low carbon house in the UK using market available technologies.

Research partnership leads to world's first Compound Semiconductor Cluster

Our research and our partnership with a compound semiconductor facility has led to the world’s first Compound Semiconductor Cluster and investment of over £167 million.

Close up of a grid of gold mesh

Cleaning up PVC production

Professor Graham Hutchings of the School of Chemistry has been working towards reducing the environmental dangers of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) manufacture.

Strategic Lead

Professor Jo Patterson is the Strategic Lead for the ESPRC IAA and is supported by Simon Broadbent (Impact Officer, Research and Innovation Services).

Professor Jo Patterson

Professor Jo Patterson

Professorial Research Fellow

+44 (0)29 2087 4754

Contact us

Impact and Engagement Team