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We deliver a series of events focused on topics around innovation, throughout the academic year.

From interactive workshop sessions to inspiring talks, these events create valuable opportunities to bring likeminded people together to discuss ideas and make valuable mutually beneficial connections which often lead to collaboration.

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Innovation: A Cross-Sector Approach

CalendarWednesday 19 February 2025, 09:00

Previous events

Our past events include hosting a panel of experts on achieving Net Zero targets and an interactive workshop on the innovation funding landscape in Wales.

Innovating in Wales: the funding landscape for organisations

The funding landscape in Wales is mixed, with a blend of funding programmes and initiatives. Welsh Government recently released its delivery plan for Wales Innovates: Creating a Stronger, Fairer, Greener Wales. To help achieve this, there is a range of investment and funding opportunities to support organisations.

Researching funding and applying for grants takes time. Knowing which funding is the best for your organization, can also be tricky. On May 22nd 2024, we held an Innovation Funding information workshop event, to help organisations become more familiar with the funding initiatives available. This consisted of a series of talks from the Welsh Government Innovation Team, Innovate UKRI, Cardiff University Knowledge Transfer Partnership team and a case study example from Menna AI.

Following the talks, an interactive group discussion session took place, where organisations from across sectors got together to discuss their ongoing challenges around innovation, funding, and accessing collaborative partners.

Challenge-Led innovation in Wales: Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) Centre for Excellence Wales Spotlight Session

The Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) funds the Research and Development of new exciting, innovative solutions to address unmet needs within health, where no readily available market solution exists. SBRI offers organisations the opportunity to work directly with the public sector to develop new technologies and processes, helping to meet efficiency targets and improving public services. The initiative is open to any organisation, regardless of size or previous experience of working in a specific sector.

On March 12th 2024, we partnered with the SBRI Centre of Excellence Wales on an event which provided a unique opportunity to showcase some examples of the impactful work undertaken in collaboration with the health, social care and wider public sector organisations across Wales.

Chaired by Professor Rick Delbridge, Professor of Organisational Analysis at Cardiff University and with presentations from industry partners, NHS clinicians, leaders from Welsh Government and academic experts, the session provided a cross-sector exploration of the transformative potential in challenge-led innovation.

Ibex Analytics showcased their development of an AI Supported Pathology Diagnostic Tool that has been deployed across six health boards in Wales. Results are demonstrating a significant improvement in cancer detection, increased confidence by clinicians and reduction in costly IHC testing. Another successful SBRI bidder, Victoria Mann, CEO of Near Me Now Ltd, talked through her journey with the Centre and how it led to the growth of her company and public sector contract awards.

Getting Greener Together: the Collective Effort to Reaching Net Zero

We are facing a climate emergency. Reaching Net Zero is one of the world’s answers to slowing climate change. In March 2021, Senedd Cymru approved a net zero target for 2050. Everyone in Wales will play their part in driving emissions down, with the need for government, communities and businesses to work together in response to the climate change emergency. The Welsh Government Pledge Campaign calls for organisations of all sectors and industries to think about the changes they can each make, to build on the collective actions set out in the Net Zero Wales Strategy.

On 7th February 2024, we held a breakfast briefing and networking event, where delegates heard directly from policymakers, academics and industry about the support and opportunities available to help their organisations implement greener measures collaboratively to achieve the Net Zero targets.

The event was Chaired by Professor Jo Patterson, Director of Research at the WSA and part of the Management Board of the recently established Cardiff University (CU) Net Zero Innovation Institute and our guest speakers included Net Zero Industry Wales, Media Cymru, Nesta, Ernst and Young LLP, the Cardiff University Net Zero Innovation Institute, the RemakerSpace and Sarah Dickins.