Skills for Adolescent WELLbeing study

The Wolfson Centre for Young People's Mental Health is seeking participants for an exciting research study focused on protecting young people against depression.
We are looking for young people aged between 13 and 19 and their parent or carer to take part in the Skills for Adolescent Wellbeing (SWELL) study.
The study will offer support for parents experiencing low mood. It will also test whether an online group cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) programme for young people can help protect against depression and improve quality of life for adolescents.
The group CBT programme for the young person involves learning and applying skills for managing stress and boosting wellbeing.
Both a young person and their parent or carer are needed to take part in the study.
Who can take part?
To identify people who are most likely to benefit from the program, the SWELL team are seeking parents who have experienced low mood or have been diagnosed with depression.
Parents must also have a child who is aged between 13 and 19 who has had low mood in the past or currently, but is not receiving or does not require specialist treatment.
The research team will check whether you are eligible to take part in the study. If you are interested but not sure if this applies to you, please do get in touch with us.
What does it involve?
Young people will be randomly chosen to either:
- attend an online CBT group to learn skills for supporting wellbeing
- continue as usual
Parents who are depressed at the start of the study will have their depression treatment optimised in a personalised 12-week programme, which includes treatment from the trial doctors and clinical team.
Questionnaires and interviews will be completed by young people and parents with help from the research team. These responses will help the researchers understand whether the CBT group programme works, and which aspects are most important in preventing depression.
Watch a short video about the study to learn more.
Benefits of taking part
- participants will be reimbursed for their time with vouchers (up to a maximum of £160)
- parents currently meeting diagnostic criteria for depression will receive optimized treatment for this from the study specialist doctor
- some young people will join a group CBT program, teaching them skills for coping with stress and improving their wellbeing
- those participating in the study will contribute to developing an increased understanding of interventions that can help prevent depression in young people
How to take part
If you and your child are interested in taking part, please enter some brief contact details, or click the button below.
The research team will contact you to organise a convenient time to discuss the study and to ask you some questions to see if you are eligible to take part.
You can also contact the Wolfson Centre research team via email at if you have any questions.
Download the full Information booklet:

SWELL Information Booklet 2023.pdf
SWELL Information booklet 2023
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We are looking for parents with a history of depression, who have a child aged between 13 and 19 years old, to take part in the Skills for Adolescent Wellbeing study.