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Young boy with his hood up using a laptop at home

Waterloo Foundation Annual Conference an online success

19 May 2021

This year's conference gave a valuable insight into the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of young people.

Study shows how lockdown has increased mental health difficulties for vulnerable children

28 April 2021

Cardiff University research is first to assess impact of COVID-19 on ‘at risk’ children

REF - Education

Two thirds of children look forward to transitioning to secondary school, new report finds

20 April 2021

The transition between primary and secondary school is an important milestone in a young person’s life and while many children look forward to it, it is also a source of worry for many.

WISERD research

School Health Research Network report highlights high level of mental health symptoms for young people in Wales

29 March 2021

A fifth of young people in Wales reported very high levels of mental health symptoms before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Teacher standing in class with whiteboard

New paper investigates how children's mental health influences move to secondary school

24 March 2021

A child’s transition into secondary school education is a challenging period and can have an impact on a pupil’s future mental health and academic achievement.

National Assembly for Wales

Minister acknowledges Wolfson Centre's work

2 December 2020

Research from Cardiff University’s brand-new Wolfson Centre for Young People’s Mental Health highlights that 80% of problems with mental health begin when an individual is young.

Professor Stephan Collishaw and Professor Frances Rice

Tackling youth anxiety and depression

7 December 2020

£10m Wolfson Foundation funding to establish the Wolfson Centre for Young People’s Mental Health