2022 publications
- Guy, B. , Williams, H. and Delaney, L. eds. 2022. Offa's Dyke Journal 4: Borders in Early Medieval Britain. JAS Arqueología. (10.23914/odj.v4i0)
- Alter, D. 2022. Ailddarganfod ac ail-greu cof diwylliannol yng Nghymru’r cyfnod modern cynnar. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Beltrachini, L. et al. 2022. Gwylia dy dafod / Watch your Welsh. [Online].Prifysgol Caerdydd / Cardiff University. Available at: https://gwyliadydafod.org/cy/index.html.
- Callander, D. 2022. Agweddau ar Naratif a Strwythur y Cerddi Cymraeg i'r Seintiau. In: Parsons, D. N. and Russell, P. eds. Seintiau Cymru, Sancti Cambrenses: Astudiaethau ar Seintiau Cymru. Aberystwyth: Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru. , pp.287-298.
- Davies, L. B. 2022. Exploring the meaning of bilingual provision in the Further Education sector in Wales. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 27 (2), pp.267-288. (10.1080/13596748.2022.2042908)
- El-Haj, M. et al., 2022. Creation of an evaluation corpus and baseline evaluation scores for Welsh text summarisation. Presented at: 4th Celtic Language Technology Workshop (CLTW 2022) Marseille, France 20 June 2022.
- Ezeani, I. et al., 2022. Introducing the Welsh text summarisation dataset and baseline systems. Presented at: 13th ELRA Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022) Marseille, France 20-25 June 2022.
- Gruffydd, I. 2022. Astudiaeth o amrywio ieithyddol yng nghyd-destun adfywio ieithyddol yng Nghymraeg Caerdydd. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Guy, B. 2022. Origin legends and genealogy. In: Brady, L. and Wadden, P. eds. Origin Legends in Early Medieval Western Europe. Reading Medieval Sources Vol. 6.Leiden: Brill. , pp.363-384. (10.1163/9789004520660_016)
- Guy, B. 2022. The changing approaches of English kings to Wales in the tenth and eleventh centuries. Offa's Dyke Journal 4 , pp.86-106. (10.23914/odj.v4i0.355)
- Guy, B. 2022. The Vespasian life of St Teilo and the evolution of the Vitae Sanctorum Wallensium. In: Parsons, D. N. and Russell, P. eds. Seintiau Cymru, Sancti Cambrenses: Astudiaethau ar Seintiau Cymru / Studies in the Saints of Wales. Aberystwyth: Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd. , pp.1-30.
- Hopwood, L. 2022. Testament Newydd Los Angeles. Cwlwm: Papur Bro Caerfyrddin , pp.8-8.
- Ifan, E. 2022. Shaping musical performance culture in a minority language context: the Gwynn Publishing Company’s Welsh and English song-translations. Translation Studies 15 (3), pp.275-289. (10.1080/14781700.2022.2116099)
- James, E. W. 2022. “Annwyl Briod”: Llythyrau John Hughes, Pontrobert, at Ruth, ei Wraig. Cylchgrawn Hanes: Cymdeithas Hanes y Methodistiaid Calfinaidd/Journal of the Historical Society of the Presbyterian Church of Wales 46 , pp.46-70.
- James, E. W. 2022. ‘Bwrlwm yn y Barri: D. Arthen Evans ym Mhwerdy’r Gymraeg’ (rhan 1). Y Dinesydd 467 , pp.12-13.
- James, E. W. 2022. ‘Bwrlwm yn y Barri: D. Arthen Evans ym Mhwerdy’r Gymraeg’ (rhan 2). Y Dinesydd 468 , pp.12-13.
- James, E. W. 2022. ‘Bwrlwm yn y Barri: D. Arthen Evans ym Mhwerdy’r Gymraeg’ (rhan 3). Y Dinesydd 469 , pp.12-13.
- James, E. W. 2022. ‘Bwrlwm yn y Barri: D. Arthen Evans ym Mhwerdy’r Gymraeg’ (rhan 4). Y Dinesydd 470 , pp.14-15.
- James, E. W. 2022. ‘Bwrlwm yn y Barri: D. Arthen Evans ym Mhwerdy’r Gymraeg’ (rhan 5). Y Dinesydd 471 , pp.12-13.
- James, E. W. 2022. ‘Bwrlwm yn y Barri: D. Arthen Evans ym Mhwerdy’r Gymraeg’ (rhan 6). Y Dinesydd 472 , pp.12-13.
- James, E. W. 2022. Caethwasiaeth Jamaica, Bedyddwyr Hengoed a Solomon Nutry [Rhan 2]. Y Dinesydd 465 , pp.12-12.
- James, E. W. 2022. Caethwasiaeth Jamaica, Bedyddwyr Hengoed a Solomon Nutry [Rhan 3]. Y Dinesydd 466 , pp.12-13.
- James, E. W. 2022. Charles, Thomas (1755–1814). In: Louth, A. ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. 4th ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press(10.1093/acref/9780199642465.001.0001)
- James, E. W. 2022. Cyfraniad Cyfoethog, Cytbwys a Chadarn Noel Gibbard (1932–2021). Y Cylchgrawn Efengylaidd 59 (1), pp.14-16.
- James, E. W. 2022. Dafydd Iwan, Cymru a'r Byd. YouTube: Prifysgol Caerdydd. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbFFiJji4Xs.
- James, E. W. 2022. Dafydd Iwan, Wales and the World. YouTube: Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZt8rXtFCj0.
- James, E. W. 2022. Griffiths, Ann (née Thomas; 1776–1805). In: Louth, A. ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. 4th ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press(10.1093/acref/9780199642465.001.0001)
- James, E. W. 2022. Harris, Howel(l) (1714–73). In: Louth, A. ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. 4th ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press(10.1093/acref/9780199642465.001.0001)
- James, E. W. 2022. Jones, Griffith (1684–1761). In: Louth, A. ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. 4th ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press(10.1093/acref/9780199642465.001.0001)
- James, E. W. 2022. Jumpers. In: Louth, A. ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. 4th ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press(10.1093/acref/9780199642465.001.0001)
- James, E. W. 2022. Mary Jones: Eicon Ryngwladol. Facebook: Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru. Available at: https://www.facebook.com/llgcymrunlwales/videos/377019944233475.
- James, E. W. 2022. Morgan, William (1545–1604). In: Louth, A. ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. 4th ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press(10.1093/acref/9780199642465.001.0001)
- James, E. W. 2022. Pan oedd Iesu dan yr hoelion. In: Nicholls, R. ed. Hoff Emynau’r Cymry. Pwllheli: Cyhoeddiadau'r Gair. , pp.109-114.
- James, E. W. 2022. Penry, John (1563–93). In: Louth, A. ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. 4th ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press(10.1093/acref/9780199642465.001.0001)
- James, E. W. 2022. Pererindod Pantycelyn. In: Elfed-Owens, P. ed. ‘Malwan bach fel fi…’ … yn cloddio am aur. Llanrwst: Prydwen Elfed-Owens. , pp.48-55.
- James, E. W. 2022. The Ballads of Troed-y-rhiw. In: Trevett, C. ed. Troedyrhiw Southward and Taff Bargoed: Glimpses of Histories and Communities. Merthyr Historian Vol. 32.Merthyr Tydfil: Merthyr Tydfil & District Historical Society. , pp.292-312.
- James, E. W. 2022. Thomas Price (‘Carnhuanawc’; 1787–1848): Cymreigydd, Celt, Cristion. youtube.com: Yr Eglwys yng Nghymru. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r5YgcgMtiY.
- James, E. W. 2022. Welsh metrical psalms, carols, and hymns. In: Louth, A. ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. 4th ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press(10.1093/acref/9780199642465.001.0001)
- James, E. W. 2022. Williams Pantycelyn, William (1717–91). In: Louth, A. ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. 4th ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press(10.1093/acref/9780199642465.001.0001)
- James, E. W. 2022. Wroth, William (c.1576–1638/41). In: Louth, A. ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. 4th ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press(10.1093/acref/9780199642465.001.0001)
- Mac giolla chriost, D. 2022. Language politics and linguistic justice: A response to 'Politics of Language in a (Dis)United Ireland' by Brian Ó Conchubhair. Irish Studies in International Affairs 33 (2), pp.68-70. (10.1353/isia.2022.0003)
- Mihoubi, A. 2022. Investigating language policy from a linguistic justice perspective in multilingual higher education - a case study of the science and technology schools in Adrar University, Algeria. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Morris, J. 2022. Fundamental frequency range in the bilingual repertoire of traditional and new Welsh speakers. International Journal of Bilingualism 26 (5), pp.564-583. (10.1177/13670069221110)
- Morris, J. et al. 2022. Welsh automatic text summarisation. Presented at: Wales Academic Symposium on Language Technologies 2022 Bangor, Wales 28/01/2022. Language and Technology in Wales. Vol. 2.Bangor: Banolfan Bedwyr.
- Morris, J. et al. 2022. Prawf darllen Cymraeg safonedig Consortiwm Canolbarth y De (Fersiwn 1.0). Project Report.
- Morris, J. and Young, K. 2022. Iaith – beth mae cyfnewid cod yn ei gyfleu?. [Online].Golwg 360: Available at: https://golwg.360.cymru/gwerddon/2108980-iaith-beth-cyfnewid-gyfleu.
- Rees, I. W. 2022. Adolygiad o: AmrywIAITH: Blas ar Dafodieithoedd Cymru (2020) gan Guto Rhys [Book Review]. Journal of Celtic Linguistics (23), pp.193-200.
- Rees, I. W. 2022. Hunanieithoedd Cymru heddiw. O'r Pedwar Gwynt 18 , pp.9-12.
- Thomas, R. 2022. An Irish sea king?: Ethnicity and legitimacy in the Vita Griffini filii Conani and Historia Gruffud vab Kenan. In: Raffensperger, C. A. ed. Authorship, Worldview, and Identity in Medieval Europe. Routledge. , pp.238-255.
- Thomas, R. 2022. History and identity in Early Medieval Wales. Studies in Celtic History Boydell & Brewer.
- Thomas, R. 2022. The Context of the Hywel Dda Penny. In: Allen, M. , Naismith, R. and Pagan, H. eds. Interpreting Early Medieval Coinage: Essays in Memory of Stewart Lyon. The British Numismatics Society. , pp.87-98.
- Uhl, K. G. and Rees, I. W. 2022. Audio recordings of the Welsh words in ‘Cadi & the Cursed Oak’. [Online].Lost Art Press. Available at: https://blog.lostartpress.com/2022/03/27/audio-recordings-of-the-welsh-words-in-cadi-the-cursed-oak/.
- Williams, C. 2022. Afterword, conviction, advocacy and resilience. In: McLeod, W. et al., Language, Policy and Territory: A Festschrift for Colin H. Williams. Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.387-421.
- Williams, C. 2022. Minority language revitalisation: European conundrums. In: Boucher, D. ed. Language, Culture and Decolonisation. Capetown: HSRC Press
- Williams, C. 2022. The democratic impulse and the light of faith: concluding interpretations from a Christian perspective. In: Barakat, Z. , Munchow, T. and Wustenberg, R. eds. Islam and Democrcay: Law, Gender and the West. Darmsdat: WBG Academic. , pp.225-233.
View our publications from previous years through Cardiff University's institutional repository.