Training skills lab

Our skills lab is a flexible space which accommodates both ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ skills for open and minimally invasive training in surgery and endoscopy.
The space consists of 10 flexible training stations which include 10 fully kitted Karl Storz Laparoscopic Stack systems and a range of equipment to support hands-on training across most surgical specialties.
A range of resources are also available for activity support in the lab, including the use and manipulation of bespoke animal tissue-based models.
The lab area can be used for:
- large and small group teaching
- 'Sandbox' testing new ideas, innovations and developmental concepts
- practical research of efficacy with existing clinical techniques.
Please speak to the team to discuss how we can fulfill your training requirements.
Technical support is available and chargeable in addition to the lab space.
Please contact us for more information:
Welsh Institute for Minimal Access Therapy (WIMAT)
Our comprehensive educational programme includes basic, intermediate and advanced level courses.