Global change
Llyn Brianne produced some of the world’s first data on the effects of large-scale climate change on stream ecosystems.
Changes in stability, the composition of stream communities and local extinctions have all been linked with global climate change.

Drought and salmonids
The influence of drought on trout and salmon in Welsh rivers
Ifan Jams started his PhD in 2013 to investigate drought, a likely impact of climate change. Our upland stream mesocosms were manipulated into drought conditions to investigate the impact on stream invertebrates. These organisms are important food sources for young trout and salmon.
Managing aquatic ecosystems and water resources under multiple stress
MARS is a €9 million EU-funded project investigating how multiple stressors affect rivers, lakes and estuaries. Previously, rivers and lakes were impacted by strong, single stressors such as organic pollution or acidification. These were replaced by a complex mix of stressors resulting from urban and agricultural land use, water power generation and climate change.
The biodiversity impacts of climate change observation network
BICCO-Net was a comprehensive assessment of the impact of climate change on UK biodiversity, completed in 2015. It was a collaborative project led by the British Trust for Ornithology.
Preparing for climate change impacts on freshwater ecosystems
PRINCE was commissioned by the Environment Agency, English Nature and the Countryside Council for Wales. It was completed in 2007.