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Water Research Institute

Addressing the grand challenge of sustaining water for people and ecosystems in a changing world.

We deliver research on the health of people and ecosystems along the urban rivers of south-east Wales.

Latest news


Welsh rivers provide evidence for more effective river monitoring

24 June 2024

Baseline established for riverine eDNA transport

A closeup photograph of the common European eel (Anguilla anguilla) on a rocky and vegetation covered riverbed

Textured tiles help endangered eels overcome human-made river obstacles, study finds

10 June 2024

Scientists observe new asymmetric swimming technique used by ray-finned fish to take full advantage of reduced river velocity

Plastic pollution floating on the surface of a river

Scientists develop new method for quantifying ‘invisible’ plastics in rivers

9 May 2024

Method could provide more realistic picture of plastic pollution and better informed clean-up strategies

Through interdisciplinary research, we provide innovative solutions to the challenges of water use and management.

Contact our team to find out more about the Institute and how you can work with us.

Our long-term research in the Wye and Usk delivers evidence for the management of freshwaters as well as wider advances in whole systems knowledge.