Patient information
Everything you need to know about your positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scan, from making an appointment to getting your results.
To help them with their overall diagnosis and decide on your best course of treatment, your doctor has referred you to us for a PET/CT scan.
A PET/CT scan is a specialist imaging technique that uses a small amount of radioactive injection to produce sensitive information about your internal organs in a dedicated scanner. Find out more about positron emission technology (PET).
Our aim is to provide the best quality images to help with your treatment plan, and we want to make sure that your visit to our clinic is a relaxed and comfortable one.
Where to find us
We're located at the University Hospital Wales. Download our map for detailed instructions on how to find us:

Map of University Hospital Wales
A map with directions to the Wales Research and Diagnostic PET Imaging Centre at University Hospital Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff.
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Cardiff is easy to reach whether you're travelling by public transport, by car or by air.