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About us

Violence is a leading global cause of death and serious illness and injury of children, adolescents and adults. Therefore, the task of reducing violence is for health services, criminal justice agencies and other public services.

Through research and evidence-based advocacy, the Violence Research Group has brought about policy change and practical actions to reduce violence at local, national and international levels.  Since its establishment in 1996, the Group has and continues to:

  • understand the causes and effects of violence and to produce real-world applications to prevent it
  • evaluate violence prevention initiatives, working with service providers - health agencies, social services, criminal justice agencies, local governments and third-sector organisations
  • evaluate the effectiveness of interventions designed to reduce the psychological, social and economic impacts of violence
  • translate effective innovations into local, national and international policy and practice

The Violence Research Group draws on expertise from across Cardiff University. The strength and reputation of the group come from its interdisciplinary research across the fields of psychiatry, public health, dentistry, criminal justice, police, psychology, materials science, computer science and economics; and its extensive record of innovation and contributions to policy and violence prevention.

Group members have published findings in more than 400 papers in leading journals, lead national and international research networks and have embedded violence prevention into university and medical Royal College syllabuses.