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Online Chinese health and wellbeing resources for Primary and Secondary School pupils

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This is students in the Shaolin Temple in China practising Kung Fu. Image by Manfred Bieser from Pixabay

These resources have been brought together to support the fourth purpose of the Four Purposes of the New Curriculum for Wales.

It relates to children as ‘healthy, confident individuals ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society’ and focuses specifically on Chinese health and wellbeing. The resources can be used by both primary and secondary school teachers in their classrooms, or by individuals at home.

Chinese health and wellbeing

Eyes exercises

Chinese schools have been using eye exercises to help protect vision and prevent myopia since the 1960s. Children perform the five-minute exercises in class alongside music once or twice a day.

They are based on the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and said to stimulate the flow of energy or ‘qi’, relieving eye strain and aiding function.

In terms of Western medicine, the exercises increase blood circulation and relax muscles around the eyes, helping with fatigue in this area.


Children learn how to do three eye exercises using this YouTube video from China’s ‘King of Medicine’ Sun Simiao.

Song and dance routine

Teach your pupils to sing and dance like Chinese children with this song and dance routine. Once they know how to do it, they can practice together during break-time and even perform a talent show!


The Yin and Yang of Chinese food

The duality of Yin and Yang is one of the key principles of Chinese thought. Stemming from Taoist philosophy, this principle is embedded in many aspects of Chinese culture, so what does it mean when it comes to Chinese food?

When we talk about Yin and Yang we mean it in relative terms, and it is believed that everything has both yin and yang aspects. So how do Chinese people divide food into these two kinds? How is Yin and Yang philosophy applied to an authentic Chinese meal, to the balance of flavours, ingredients and cooking techniques? Why is it so important to maintain a balance of Yin and Yang in the diet?


Tai chi - Chinese martial art

Tai chi (or Tàijí quán in Chinese), also known as "Shadowboxing", is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for defence training, health benefits and meditation.

The term taiji is a Chinese cosmological concept for the flux of yin and yang, and 'quan' means fist.


Other primary and secondary school online resources

The Wales China Schools Project is a collaboration of the three Welsh Confucius Institutes at Cardiff, Bangor and UWTSD Universities.

We provide support for Confucius Classrooms and Associate schools that teach, or are interested in teaching, Chinese language and culture.

The following is a list of online courses and resources currently provided by the Wales China Schools Project.

Bangor University

Bangor University’s Confucius Institute provides a range of online HSK courses on their website, and a series of cultural activities including videos, calligraphy and paper-cutting on their Facebook page.

They also offer Chinese language lessons and workshops on their YouTube channel.

Cardiff University

Primary and Secondary school teachers can attend Cardiff Confucius Institute’s free Mandarin for Teachers’ courses and progress, fully funded, onto the University’s Professional Education Chinese courses.

You can also find suggested learning and teaching resources on our website, and gain access as a school to our pre-recorded Mandarin language and culture classes by emailing

University of Wales Trinity St. David (UWTSD)

The Confucius Institute at the University of Wales Trinity St. David offers weekly Chinese language courses via Zoom, which includes one hour of weekly tuition and access to resources for home-study.

You can also take weekly online courses in Qigong and Chinese Culture, and online learning for Key Stage 2 pupils including a ‘learn to teach’ resource for Primary School teachers.

About the organiser

This activity is organised by Cardiff Confucius Institute. Contact Victoria Ucele at for more details.

How to book

These online resources are designed for primary, middle and secondary schoolteachers to use with their pupils in class. They can also be used by children independently, either by themselves or with others.

TicketThis activity is free

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  • TickTeachers
  • TickFamilies
  • TickFoundation - ages 3-7, foundation year and years 1 and 2
  • TickKey stage two - ages 7-11, years 3-6
  • TickKey stage three - ages 11-14, years 7-9
  • TickKey stage four - ages 14-16, years 10-11
  • TickKey stage five - ages 16-18, years 12-13

Teacher supervision is required.

Curriculum themes

  • TickHealth and wellbeing
  • TickHumanities
  • TickLanguages, literacy and communication
  • TickExtracurricular

Activity type

  • TickActivity
  • TickEvent
  • TickOnline resource


  • TickSupporting curriculum themes

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  • Bangor University
  • Hanban
  • University of Wales Trinity Saint David