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Why study with us


Flexible courses

We offer work placement and study abroad opportunities on the majority of our courses. Plus, all students take regular field trips in South Wales, the UK and overseas.


Skills society needs

Climate change, pollution, land degradation and natural hazards are at the forefront of many global challenges, creating an ever-increasing demand for geographical skills.


Wide-ranging subjects

We offer degree courses in the various branches of geology and geoscience, physical geography and a unique programme in environmental sustainability science.

Field trips teach you new techniques you will use throughout your degree and give you an overview of the course. They are also a great opportunity to meet new people. When you are dropped off on one of your first trips, you can’t help but make friends. Whilst all my flatmates were sat in lectures day after day, I was out exploring Cardiff and the surrounding area.
Philippa Smith, BSc Environmental Geography


Entry year

Environmental Geography (BSc)

Full time, 3 years

Environmental geographers use their scientific understanding of the natural and physical environment to find solutions to crucial environmental issues.

Environmental Geography (MSci)

Full time, 4 years

Discover how to analyse and solve wide-ranging environmental problems with a focus on learning how to conduct research.

Environmental Geography with a Year of Study Abroad (BSc)

Full time with year abroad, 4 years

Environmental geographers use their scientific understanding of the natural and physical environment to find solutions to crucial environmental issues.

Environmental Geoscience (BSc)

Full time, 3 years

Environmental geoscientists explore human-made and natural geoenvironmental issues, such as geohazards, engineering geology, pollution, sustainability, climate change and sea-level rise.

Environmental Geoscience (MSci)

Full time, 4 years

This four year degree combines components of Geology and Physical Geography, with a focus on learning how to conduct your own research project.

Environmental Geoscience with a Year of Study Abroad (BSc)

Full time with year abroad, 4 years

Environmental geoscientists explore human-made and natural geoenvironmental issues, such as geohazards, engineering geology, pollution, sustainability, climate change and sea-level rise.

Environmental Sustainability Science (BSc)

Full time, 3 years

Environmental scientists use their knowledge of Earth's systems to protect the environment and human health.

Exploration Geology (BSc)

Full time, 3 years

Exploration geologists are responsible for identifying and assessing the location, quantity and quality of mineral deposits.

Exploration Geology (MSci)

Full time, 4 years

Specialise in the exploration of our natural resources and gain valuable research skills on this four-year degree.

Exploration Geology with a Year of Study Abroad (BSc)

Full time with year abroad, 4 years

Exploration geologists are responsible for identifying and assessing the location, quantity and quality of mineral deposits.

Geology (MSci)

Full time, 4 years

This accredited four-year Master's degree investigates the formation of Earth and its constant evolution with a focus on learning how to conduct research.

Geology (BSc)

Full time, 3 years

Geologists study the minerals and rocks that form the solid Earth, the processes that occur on and within our planet, and the evolution of life on its surface.

Geology with a Year of Study Abroad (BSc)

Full time with year abroad, 4 years

Geologists study the minerals and rocks that form the solid Earth, the processes that occur on and within our planet, and the evolution of life on its surface.

Marine Geography (MSci)

Full time, 4 years

This four year marine geography degree covers a broad range of marine and coast-related subjects and includes an independent research project.

Marine Geography (BSc)

Full time, 3 years

Our marine geography degree covers a broad range of marine and coast-related subjects from climate change, meteorology and oceanography, through to ocean exploitation and sustainability.

Marine Geography with a Year of Study Abroad (BSc)

Full time with year abroad, 4 years

Our marine geography degree covers a broad range of marine and coast-related subjects from climate change, meteorology and oceanography, through to ocean exploitation and sustainability.

Physical Geography (MSci)

Full time, 4 years

On this four-year degree programme, you will work on an independent research project of your choice, developing the skills needed for an academic or consulting career.

Physical Geography (BSc)

Full time, 3 years

Physical geographers explore the evolution of Earth's surface, the science behind its physical processes and the impacts and influences surrounding them, including glacial environments, natural hazards and climate change.

Physical Geography with a Year of Study Abroad (BSc)

Full time with year abroad, 4 years

Physical geographers explore the evolution of Earth's surface, the science behind its physical processes and the impacts and influences surrounding them, including glacial environments, natural hazards and climate change.

Facilities and location

Our talks

Dr Huw Davies and Dr Shasta Marrero talk about our degree programmes, and the different options available to you.

Our Open Day talk

Dr Huw Davies and Dr Shasta Marrero talk about our degree programmes, and the different options available to you.

Dr Andrew Kerr reviews some of the possible careers that can be pursued after studying with us, including case examples from former students.

Graduate career opportunities

Dr Andrew Kerr reviews some of the possible careers that can be pursued after studying with us, including case examples from former students.

I spent three amazing years studying Environmental Geoscience at Cardiff University. Since graduating I have become the Conservation Officer for the Bermuda National Trust, where I manage 270 acres of green space in Bermuda. This will always be a challenge, but I am constantly aided by the experiences and processes taught during the BSc Environmental Geoscience course. I gained invaluable international experience and made many lifelong friends during my time at Cardiff University.
Lawrence Doughty, BSc Environmental Geoscience

Explore Cardiff University

Student getting advice

Student support

Get free, impartial and confidential advice on disability and dyslexia, money, careers, counselling and more.

Guaranteed accommodation

If you arrive in September, you're guaranteed a single occupancy room, and you'll be allocated with other first-year students.

Swimmer at Varsity in pool competing

Student life

Learn more about our sport and recreation, free language programmes, living costs, learning support and the Students' Union.

A student shopping in a mini mart

Living costs

See how far your money goes by using our living costs calculator.

Next steps

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Other subjects you may be interested in

Underwater species survey in Samos

Geography (physical)

Explore the landscapes, climate and the dynamic physical processes that shape the Earth's surface, with a focus on the global challenges facing our oceans or the effect humans are having on our planet.

Volcano erupting


Explore the structure, evolution and dynamics of Earth and its natural mineral and energy resources. Find out how processes, such as landslides, earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions, change the world around us.

Student looking at a map

Geography (Human) and Planning

Passionate about tackling global social, political, economic and development challenges to improve where and how we live? Our human geography and planning programmes are the choice for you.

Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency, latest Graduate Outcomes Survey 2019/20, published by HESA in June 2022.

Copyright: Contains HESA Data: Copyright Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited 2022. The Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited cannot accept responsibility for any inferences or conclusions derived by third parties from its data.