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Funding your healthcare course

There are two funding options available to new students who plan to study a healthcare-related course.

You will have a choice between two funding options if you choose to study one of the following courses at Cardiff University:

  • Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging (BSc)
  • Occupational Therapy (BSc)
  • Nursing (BN)
  • Midwifery (BMid)
  • Radiotherapy and Oncology (BSc)
  • Physiotherapy (BSc)
  • Dental Therapy and Hygiene (BSc)
  • Dental Hygiene (DipHE)

Subject to the terms and conditions of the funding bodies, the two funding options are:

  1. NHS Wales Bursary Scheme is available via the NHS Wales Student Awards Service. The Welsh Government has confirmed that the NHS Wales Bursary Scheme will continue to be available for new UK students starting between September 2024 and March 2025. To receive this funding you will need to make a commitment to work in Wales for the NHS for 2 years after qualification OR
  2. Sole funding from your student finance body. This will be dependent on where you are ordinarily resident before you start your course. If you choose this funding option you will have to formally opt out of the NHS Wales Bursary Scheme to be correctly assessed by your finance body

To determine which funding option is best for you we advise that you compare both systems and consider:

  • your anticipated living costs, the two funding systems offer different upfront living costs funding and loan amounts
  • your commitment to work for the NHS in Wales for 2 years after you finish your course

You can find further information about the terms and conditions of the NHS Wales Bursary Scheme via the NHS Wales Student Awards Service.

Funding for specific healthcare courses

Find out more about the funding option available for a specific healthcare course:

If you plan to study:

  • Pre-Registration Physiotherapy (MSc)
  • Pre-Registration Occupational Therapy (MSc)

More information is on available NHS funding specific to these courses.

The funding for this short course is different to other healthcare courses and dependent on where you live before the start of the course.

Funding information for home students who usually live in Wales

For applicants who usually live in Wales, and who qualify for UK fee funding under this criteria, the tuition fees for this course are usually paid for by NHS Wales. There is no commitment to work in Wales for the NHS following this course.

In addition, there is a non-repayable NHS bursary of £1,000 available to help towards living costs. Students with young children may also qualify for support through a means-tested NHS Childcare Grant.

The funding for this course is arranged through the School of Healthcare Sciences Finance office. For further enquiries about this Return to Practice course email

Funding information for students not normally resident in Wales including those resident elsewhere in the UK and all international (overseas) students

If you are not ordinarily resident in Wales and/or have an overseas fee status, you are not able to apply for this course.

Get in touch

If you have any queries about funding for your course, please contact the Student Funding and Advice team:

Student Funding and Advice Team