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Care Leavers Bursary

We provide full time undergraduate and postgraduate care leavers with a bursary of £1,000 per year of their academic course.


To be eligible students must be:

  • a full time undergraduate or postgraduate taught student and
  • under 25 when you started your course and
  • be eligible for funding as a “home” student and
  • be a care leaver: A care leaver is a young person who has been in the care of, or has been given accommodation by, their local authority (LA) for a period of at least 13 weeks before the age of 14. They must also not have reconciled with their parents between leaving care and starting their course

Please note that if you have been adopted, you will not qualify for a care leaver bursary.

If you receive the care leaver bursary, we will also nominate you for a graduation package which covers the cost of hiring the academic dress and a photo package.

Find out more

For more details about this award, please contact Lena Smith.

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