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Key dates

The following timeline should be used as a guide and applies to those choosing to begin their studies in September 2025.


  1. 29 January Closing date for most undergraduate courses

    You can still apply until 30 June but admissions tutors will only consider your application at their discretion.

  2. 26 February UCAS Extra opens

    If you are interested in studying a full-time undergraduate degree at Cardiff University, but have already declined or have been rejected by your five choices or are applying after the UCAS equal consideration deadline (29 January), you might be eligible for UCAS Extra.

  3. 14 May

    Universities must make a decision on remaining applications that were submitted by 29 January, otherwise those choices are automatically made unsuccessful.

  4. 4 June

    If you receive all university decisions by 14 May, you must reply to any offers by this date, or they'll be declined (except if you are using Extra to find a place).

  5. 30 June Closing date for late applications

    These are applications received after the deadline of 29 January. It is possible to submit a late application to courses and programmes that are still open for application.

  6. 4 July

    Last date to add an Extra Choice in UCAS Track.

  7. 5 July

    Clearing opens, vacancies will be displayed.

  8. 6 July

    International Baccalaureate (IB) results day.

  9. 17 July

    University decisions due on applications submitted by 30 June, otherwise those choices are automatically made unsuccessful.

  10. 23 July

    If you receive all university decisions by 17 July, reply to any offers by this date, including Extra, otherwise they'll be declined and your application will be entered into Clearing if you're eligible.

  11. 5 August

    SQA results are published.

  12. 14 August

    GCE A level results are published.

  13. 24 September

    Last day students can apply directly into Clearing.

  14. 15 October

    Closing date for applications for Medicine and Dentistry for September 2026 entry.

  15. 20 October

    Clearing and the 2025 cycle closes.