Practising your religion

Our chaplaincy is a safe and welcoming service for people of all faiths and none. We have a strong history of diversity and culture, and welcome students from a wide variety of backgrounds.
Whatever you may face whilst at university, a sudden change in circumstances, a loss of some kind or a tough decision, our university chaplains can offer support, guidance and a willing ear.
Weekday drop-ins
We offer weekday drop-ins on the 4th floor of the Centre for Student Life, where you can speak to a chaplain without an appointment.
Practicing faith
We work alongside other faith communities in Cardiff and provide opportunities for practicing your faith and exploring your spirituality.
Building community
We offer weekly social events during term time, providing hospitality and welcoming students from all parts of the world regardless of your nationality, religion, gender, or orientation, and offering students an opportunity to make friends.
Our chaplaincy
Exploring life and faith, and building community, our diverse chaplaincy is at the service of the university helping students to settle in and meet new people. Our chaplaincy is made up of Christian (Catholic, Church in Wales (Anglican), Methodist, and Eastern Christian), Buddhist and Muslim chaplains. We also have a Jewish chaplain who is chaplain to all of the universities in the south west of the UK.
We work alongside other faith communities in Cardiff, welcoming students from all parts of the world, regardless of their nationality, religion, gender or orientation, and are committed to encouraging discussion between students of different faiths and backgrounds.
Our Chaplains will:
- listen non-judgmentally
- encourage you to develop and grow
- support you for as long as it takes
The chaplaincy has been there for me at some of the toughest times and has also helped me make some wonderful friends.

Our chaplaincy provides advice and care, supports student groups, and organise regular programmes of worship, lectures and social justice outreach, as well as fun events open to all. Find out more about our news and events on Facebook.
We also have a weekday drop-in sessions, where you are welcome to come by and have a chat with the on-duty chaplain on the 4th floor of the Centre for Student Life.
Finding others who share your faith
There are various religious societies in the Students’ Union representing different faiths which you can join including, the Islamic, Jewish and Christian Societies.
Places of worship for all major religions and faiths can be found around the city. The Chaplaincy has information about all the local churches, synagogues, temples and other places of worship around Cardiff.
Quiet rooms
A number of quiet rooms on both the Cathays and Heath Park campuses have been set up for individual prayer and reflection, meditation, contemplation or just quiet time. There is also a quiet room available every day during term-time on 3rd floor of the Students’ Union in The Lounge and on the 4th floor of the Centre for Student Life.
Get in touch
If you would like to find out more about practising your religion in the city of Cardiff, get in touch with our Chaplains for help and advice.
Chaplaincy, faith and religion
Offering opportunities for students and staff to explore their faith and spirituality.