Our Together at Cardiff community
We offer a variety of activities, events and socials and value the student voice to raise awareness of support needed in their university journey.
Join our events
Everyone supported by Together at Cardiff is invited to attend our activities. We have taken part in National Care Leavers Week, Estrangement Solidarity Week, Refugee Week, Armed Forces Day and National Carers Week, to name a few.
At our events, others won’t know how you are supported by the service unless you choose to share this information.
We also create and take part in campaigns and events to raise awareness of the support we offer and the type of support that is needed by our community We value input from you to help us achieve this. .
Together at Cardiff Cafes
This regular social event runs once a fortnight on a Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 and midday on the 4th Floor of the Centre of Student Life.
You can enjoy free drinks and biscuits, while we play board games and have a chat.
Having spaces within university where we can go when we’re feeling alone, and be surrounded by those who truly understand what it’s like is practically a god-send. Along with this, having a dedicated person within the university who we can go to – and will just listen to us – truly makes the whole experience a lot easier to manage.
Together at Cardiff Reading list
In collaboration with the University Library, we have developed a Together at Cardiff Reading List to support our students and the wider Cardiff University community learn more about the experiences and obstacles that those who are care experienced, estranged, military experienced, carers and asylum seekers face, without our own students’ personal situations being shared.
If you would like to recommend a book for our reading list please gte in touch using the details below.
Share your feedback
Our students share their experiences with us throughout their university studies, to help us shape how others in the community are supported in the future. We encourage you to share feedback with our team to help us to improve our service.
Support while you are studying
We aim to foster an excellent and supportive student experience. This includes to nurture and encourage confident and successful futures for all. We offer dedicated support on top of general student life support on offer to all students.
Get in touch
Lena Smith is the dedicated contact for Together at Cardiff. If you have any questions please get in touch with the Together at Cardiff team.