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Standalone modules

A number of our postgraduate courses are available to study as standalone modules.

This gives you the opportunity to study flexibly and choose modules to suit your own development needs.

Physio skills session with Sue Annetts

Healthcare Sciences postgraduate modules

Explore the postgraduate taught modules in Healthcare Sciences.

eye examination

Optometry postgraduate modules

A range of modules designed especially to support eye care professionals in their work.

Student working on a model


We are pleased to offer a selection of postgraduate taught modules from the MSc in Environmental Design of Buildings, a programme which is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE).

Lab work


These modules are aimed at graduates or experienced practitioners who are interested in continuing their professional development (CPD) in the areas of biocatalysis and computational chemistry.

Pharmacy students

Clinically Enhanced Pharmacist Independent Prescribing

This programme has been developed to prepare pharmacists to practise as Independent Prescribers and to meet the relevant standards set by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC).

A closeup of a semiconductor chip

Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing

These standalone modules are taken from the MSc in Semiconductor Physics (School of Physics and Astronomy) and MSc in Compound Semiconductor Electronics (School of Engineering).

Students in a mock courtroom

Continuing Professional Development in Law

A selection of Continuing Professional Development programme for professionals interested in studying Masters level modules as single units.


Computer Science

Discover how machine learning is increasing throughout all industries and learn the in-demand skills to excel in your career.

Students talking in break room

Executive Education

A number of short courses for professionals across a range of business disciplines.

Image of students laughing and chatting in a canteen

Geography and Planning

The School of Geography and Planning is pleased to offer a range of standalone postgraduate modules.

School of Medicine standalone module group image

Medicine postgraduate modules

A range of standalone modules designed especially to support healthcare care professionals in their work.

Student on a rooftop overlooking a city

Modern Foreign Languages

The School of Modern Languages is pleased to offer a range of specialist translation short courses to those working as professional translators in the public and private sectors.