Pure Mathematics
Pure Mathematics is a research area within which you can focus your studies as part of our suite of Mathematics research programmes (MPhil, PhD).
The following specialisations are available within this research area:
- Ordinary and partial differential equations
- Functional analysis
- Analytical and computational spectral theory
- Quantum mechanics
- Number theory and its applications
- Mathematical physics
- Operator algebras and Noncommutative Geometry
- Algebraic geometry
- Algebraic topology
- K-theory
- Combinatorics
- Quantum field theory and statistical mechanics
- Conformal field theory and vertex operator algebras
Three research networks have been coordinated from Cardiff:
- the EU-TMR Network on Non-Commutative Geometry
- the EPSRC Network on Algebraic Geometry, Boundary Conformal Field Theory and Non- Commutative Geometry
- the EPSRC Network on Spectral Theory (jointly with a group from the School of Computer Science).
Academic contact(s)
Pure Mathematics research is conducted within the Mathematical Analysis Research Group and the Geometry, Algebra, Mathematical Physics and Topology Research Group. For information regarding these groups and their work, see their webpages:
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Tuition fees
Students from the UK
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Students from the EU, EEA and Switzerland
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Students from the rest of the world (international)
Programme information
For programme structure, entry requirements and how to apply, visit the Mathematics programme.
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