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National Museum Wales

Natural History, Art, History and Archaeology (Including Industry), Learning, Participation, Interpretation, Community Engagement.



  • are employing a Research Coordinator (part-funded by Welsh Government) to coordinate the evaluation and monitoring aspects of the whole Pioneer Area programme
  • are willing to lead or partner funding bids, subject to relevance and resources. Work is based on our extensive collection of objects, all of which could be made available for Pioneer Area activities
  • have exhibition spaces, both at NMC and St Fagans (following completion of the redevelopment in 2017-18). Please note that the exhibition programme is developed 2-3 years in advance
  • can provide access to experts in art, sciences, history and archaeology, as well as liaising with artists and specialists in these areas throughout Wales and beyond
  • have limited funds, but could adapt current and planned activities to coincide with Pioneer Area goals – to be discussed further
  • have allocated internal lead contacts for each of the Pioneer Areas, therefore have a dedicated team in place ready to further develop the project as it moves forward.


St Fagans redevelopment, including extensive community engagement and participation with local and national charities, third sector bodies, and individuals e.g. providing training and volunteering opportunities to young people through Action Caerau Ely, linked to building of new Iron Age structure Bryn Eryr and the CAER Heritage project.

Ongoing programme of events at St Fagans including Craft Festival, Food Festival, Black History Month, informal learning through participation.

Ongoing exhibition and events programme at NMC, including Fragile (ceramics), Chalkie Davies (photography) and Treasures (archaeology), all with community engagement and participation elements e.g. youth forum produced alternative interpretation for Fragile, Grass Roots involved in Chalkie Davies events, and Ely community will advise on design of Treasures.

Transforming Futures, ACNMW led group which includes Welsh Government, Swansea Council, Arts Council Wales, Literature Wales and others, aimed at coordinating responses to Baroness Kay’s Culture and Poverty report, working towards reducing poverty through culture and heritage

Youth Forums at St Fagans and NMC aiming to recruit young people from Pioneer Areas in September 

ACNMW are a leading partner with Welsh Government Pioneer Areas programme, and are included on the Cultural Inclusion Board. We’re  committed to the principle that poverty can be alleviated through cultural inclusion, and all our exhibitions, events and activities are developed with this in mind.

Contact details

Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales
Cathays Park
CF10 3NP

Key contacts

Janice Lane, Director of Learning, Exhibitions & Digital Media

Owain Rhys, Community Engagement and Participation Manager