
Books, tracts and pamphlets examining witchcraft trials, magic, sorcery, and the reality of witchcraft.
B., R., Wonderful prodigies of judgment and mercy : discovered in above three hundred memorable histories, containing I. Dreadful judgments upon atheists, perjured persons, blasphemers, swearers, cursers and scoffers. II. The miserable ends of divers magicians, witches, conjurers, &c. with several strange apparitions. III. Remarkable presages of approaching death, and of appeals to divine justice. IV. The wicked lives, and woful deaths of wretched popes, apostates, and desperate persecutors. V. Fearful judgments upon cruel tyrants, murderers, &c. with the wonderful discovery of murders. VI. Admirable deliverances from imminent dangers and deplorable distresses at sea aud [sic] land. VII. Divine goodness to penitents, with the dying thoughts of several famous men concerning a future state after this life. Faithfully collected from antient and modern authors, of undoubted authority and credit, and imbellished with divers curious pictures, of several remarkable passages therein, (London, 1685). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BV4517.R2 1685.
Bobbin, Tim, Tim Bobbin's toy-shop open'd, or, His whimsical amusements: Containing, his view of the Lancashire dialect, (with a large glossary) being the adventures and misfortues of a Lancashire clown. The poem of the black bird; or whistling ouzel. The goose; a poem, (by an unknown hand) corrected by T. B. A humorous (but real) codicil to a conjurer's will. Prickshaw witch bown up; or the conjuror out-conjured. Hoantung's letter to the empress of Rishworth, alias the Queen at the Booth. A letter to T. P. Esq; being an explanation of the above letter; and a state of the case between her ladyship and the author. Together with several other humorous epistles, epitaphs, &c. in prose and rhyme. Also some original Lancashire, Scotch, and other letters, never before published. Embelished with copper-plates designed by the author and engraved by Mr. Barlow of Bolton, (Manchester, 1763). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, PR3349.C8.T4 1763.
Cotta, John, The triall of vvitch-craft: shewing the true and right methode of the discouery: with a confutation of erroneous ways, (London, 1616). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BF1565.C6 1616.
Glanvill, Joseph, A blow at modern Sadducism in some philosophical considerations about witchcraft: and the relation of the famed disturbance at the house of M. Mompesson; with reflections on drollery, and atheism, (London, 1668). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BF1565.G5 1668.
Glanvill, Joseph Saducismus triumphatus: or, full and plain evidence concerning witches and apparitions: In two parts. The first treating of their possibility. The second of their real existence (London, third edition with additions With two authentick, but wonderful stories of certain Swedish witches, 1700). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BF1565.G5 1700.
Guazzo, Francesco Maria, Compendium maleficarum: collected in three books from many sources by Brother Francesco Maria Guazzo, showing iniquitous and execrable operations of witches against the human race, and the divine remedies by which they may be frustrated, ed., Montague Summers (London, 1929). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Limited Editions, BF1565.G8.
Heywood, Thomas, The hierarchie of the blessed angells : Their names, orders and offices the fall of Lucifer with his angels, (London, 1635). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, PR2574.H3.
Heywood, Thomas, Gynaikeion: or books of various history concerning women; inscribed by ye names of ye nine Muses, [no printed title page - handwritten] (1624). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios.
Huarte, John, Examen de ingenios. The examination of mens wits [a traill of wits], (1596). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos.
Hutchinson, Francis, An historical essay concerning witchcraft: with observations upon matters of fact; tending to clear the texts of the sacred scriptures, and confute the vulgar errors about that point: and also two sermons: one in proof of the Christian religion ; the other concerning good and evil angels, (London, 1720). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BF1565.H8 1720.
Insitoris, Heinrich, Malleus Maleficarum, translated with an introduction by Montague Summers, [1487] (London, 1928). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Limited Editions, BF1569.I6.
de Ledrede, Richard, A contemporary narrative of the proceedings against Dame Alice Kyteler: prosecuted for sorcery in 1324, (London, printed for the Camden Society, 1843). Special Collections: Reference, DA20.C2.
Meinhold, Wilhelm, Mary Schweidler, the amber witch: The most interesting trial for witchcraft ever known. Printed from an imperfect manuscript by her father, Abraham Schweidler, the pastor of Coserow in the island of Usedom, (London, 1903). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Private Presses, Quartos, PT2430.M35.M2.
Naudé, Gabriel, The history of magick : by way of apology, for all the wise men who have unjustly been reputed magicians, from the creation, to the present age, (London, 1657). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG30(1657).
Remy, Nicholas, Demonolatry, ed., Montague Summers, (London, 1930). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Limited Editions, BF1520.R3.
Scot, Reginald, Scot's Discovery of vvitchcraft: proving the common opinions of witches contracting with divels, spirits, or familiars; and their power to kill, torment, and consume the bodies of men women, and children, or other creatures by diseases or otherwise; their flying in the air &c. To be but imaginary erronious conceptions and novelties; wherein also, the lewde unchristian practises of witchmongers, upon aged, melancholy, ignorant, and superstious people in extorting confessions, by inhumane terrors and tortures is notably detected. Also the knavery and confederacy of conjurors. The impious blasphemy of inchanters. The imposture of soothsayers, and infidelity of atheists. The delusion of pythonists, figure-casters, astrologers, and vanity of dreamers. The fruitlesse beggerly art of Alchimistry. The horrible art of poisoning and all the tricks and conveyances of juggling and liegerdemain are fully deciphered. With many other things opened that have long lain hidden: though very necessary to be known for the undeceiving of judges, justices, and juries, and for the preservation of poor, aged, deformed, ignorant people; frequently taken, arraigned, condemned and executed for witches, when according to a right understanding, and a good conscience, physick, food, and necessaries should be administered to them. Whereunto is added, a treatise upon the nature, and substance of spirits and divels &c. all written and published in anno 1584, (London, 1651). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BF1581.A2.S2 1651.
Shadwell, Thomas, The Lancashire vvitches, and Tegue o Divelly the Irish priest : a comedy, acted at the Dukes's [sic] Theatre, (London, 1691).Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Restoration Drama, PR3671.S8.L2.
Shipton, Mother, The life and death of the famous Mother Shipton; containing an account of her strange birth, and the most important passages of her life; also her prophecies, now newly collected and explained, and illustrative of some of the most wonderful events that have happened, or are to come to pass, (17??). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos.
Vaughan, Thomas, Magia Adamica: or The antiquitie of magic, and the descent thereof from Adam downwards, proved ; whereunto is added, a perfect, and full discoverie of the true coelum terrae, or the magician's heavenly chaos, and first matter of all things, (London,1650). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG30(1650).