
Various prophetic writings and works on prophecy, a key theme in early modern religion and witchcraft beliefs.
Aubrey, John, Miscellanies, upon the following subjects: I. Day-fatality. II. Local-fatality. III. Ostenta. IV. Omens. V. Dreams. VI. Apparitions. VII. Voices. VIII. Impulses. IX. Knockings. X. Blows invisible. XI. Prophesies. XII. Marvels. XIII. Magick. XIV. Transportation in the air. XV. Visions in a beril, or glass. XVI. Converse with angels and spitits. XVII. Corps-candles in Wales. XVIII. Oracles. XIX. Extasie. XX. Glances of love and envy. XXI. Second-sighted-persons. XXII. The discovery of two murders by an apparition (2nd edition with larger additions; London, 1721). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BF1410.A8.
Aubrey, John, Miscellanies: viz. I. Day-fatality. II. Local-fatality. III. Ostenta. IV. Omens. V. Dreams. VI. Apparitions. VII. Voices. VIII. Impulses. IX. Knockings. X. Blows invisible. XI. Prophesies. XII. Marvels. XIII. Magick. XIV. Transportation in the air. XV. Visions in a beril, or glass. XVI. Converse with angels and spirits. XVII. Corps-candles in Wales. XVIII. Oracles. XIX. Exstasie. XX. Glances of love. envy. XXI. Second-sighted persons, (London, 1696). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BF1410.A8.
B., R., Wonderful prodigies of judgment and mercy: discovered in above three hundred memorable histories, containing I. Dreadful judgments upon atheists, perjured persons, blasphemers, swearers, cursers and scoffers. II. The miserable ends of divers magicians, witches, conjurers, &c. with several strange apparitions. III. Remarkable presages of approaching death, and of appeals to divine justice. IV. The wicked lives, and woful deaths of wretched popes, apostates, and desperate persecutors. V. Fearful judgments upon cruel tyrants, murderers, &c. with the wonderful discovery of murders. VI. Admirable deliverances from imminent dangers and deplorable distresses at sea aud [sic] land. VII. Divine goodness to penitents, with the dying thoughts of several famous men concerning a future state after this life. Faithfully collected from antient and modern authors, of undoubted authority and credit, and imbellished with divers curious pictures, of several remarkable passages therein, (London, 1685). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BV4517.R2 1685.
Bulstrode, Whitelocke, Essays upon the following subjects: Viz.1. Of generosity. 2. Of the new man. 3. Of the government of the eye. 4. De ratione fidei, &c. 5. Of the soul of man. 6. Of freedom of liberty of body and mind. 7. Of the passions and affections. 8. Of human perfection. 9. Of the origin of sin, &c. 10. Of gratitude. 11. Of the blessed Trinity, and somewhat of the mode. 12. Of eternal damnation for temporal sin; the justice and even mercy of God therein, vindicated. 13. Of dreams. 14. Of the government of our thoughts. 15. Of happiness. 16. Of sinful ideas. 17. Of families, and leaving a great estate to children. 18. A letter to Sir R. Southwell, when president of the Royal Society, touching the equivocal generation of plants and insects; wherein the creation of the world is particularly lookt into. 19. Of reading the Holy Scriptures, &c. 20. Of persons running in debt, and dying without payment, (London, 1724). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, AC7.B8.
Curzon, Henry, The universal library: or, Compleat summary of science: containing above sixty select treatises. In two volumes. I. Of theology, philosophy, metaphysicks, ethicks, oeconomy, religion, games used at ancient festivals, cosmography, elements, geography, hydrography, travel, government, chronology, history, laws, coins, medals, weights and measures, meteors, rarities, mankind in the different sexes of men and women, physick, chyrurgery, chymistry, cookery and dyet. II. Of animals, vegetables and agriculture, gems, metals, grammar and languages, hieroglyphicks, poetry, logick, rhetorick, musick, arithmetick, geometry, architecture, surveying, gauging, dyalling, navigation; the military art, fortification, gunnery, astronomy, astrology, augury, magick, mathematical magick, dreams and apparitions heraldry, painting, colours and dying, opticks, angling, fowling, inventions, ignorance in the ancients, and errors among the people. With divers secrets, experiments and curiosities therein, (London, 1712). SCOLAR@Newport Road: Ask at desk. Carmarthen Collection, AG104.C8 1712.
Heywood, Thomas, Merlins prophesies and predictions interpreted, and their truth made good by our English annalls, with the life of Merlin: being a chronographicall history of all the kings, and memorable passages of this kingdom from Brute, to the reign of the late king. A subject that deserves to be known, and observed by all men, (London, 1651). Salisbury WG30(1651).
Howard, Henry, A defensative against the poyson of supposed prophecies: Not hitherto confuted by the pen of any man, which being grounded, either vpon the warrant and authority of old painted bookes, expositions of dreames, oracles, reuelations, inuocations of damned spirits, iudicials of astrologie, or any other kinde of pretended knowledge whatsoeuer, de futuris contingentibus; haue beene causes of great disorder in the common-wealth, especially among the simple and unlearned people. Very needfull to be published, considering the great offence, which grew by most palpable and grosse errors in astrologie, (London, 1620). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, BF1812.E6.N6.
Keach, Benjamin, Antichrist stormed: or, Mystery Babylon the great whore, and great city, proved to be the present Church of Rome. Wherein all objections are fully answered. To which is added, the time of the end, or a clear explanation of Scripture prophecies, with the judgment of divers learned men concerning the final ruine of the Romish Church, that it will be in this present age. Together with an account of the two witnesses, who they are, with their killing, resurrection & ascention [sic]. Also an examination and confutation of what Mr. Jurieu hath lately written concerning the effusion of the vials, proving none of them are yet poured out, with Mr. Canns reasons to confirm the same. Likewise a brief review of D. Tho. Goodwins Exposition of the 11th chapter of the Revelations, concerning the witnesses, and of that street in which they should be slain, proving it to be meant of Great Brittain. And a brief collection of divers strange prophecies, some very ancient, (London,1689). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BX1763.K3.
Lacy, John, The strange and wonderful predictions of Mr. Christopher Love: minister of the Gospel at Lawrence Jury, London; who was beheaded on Tower-Hill, in the time of Oliver Cromwell,… : With a most extraordinary prophecy of the late revolution in France ... : To which is annexed, the singular predictions of John Lacy, : Nixon's Cheshire prophecy at large, : and Baxter's corpse candles in Wales, (London, 1794). Salisbury WG30(1794).
Lilly, William, A collection of ancient and moderne prophesies concerning these present times, with modest observations thereon : the nativities of Thomas Earle of Strafford, and William Laud late Archbishop of Canterbury, His Majesties great favorites, astrologicall judgements upon their scheames, and the speech intended by the Earle of Strafford to have beene spoken at his death (London, 1645) Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BF1681 .L45 1645.
Lilly, William, Merlini Anglici ephemeris: or, Astrological judgments for the year 1685, (London, 1685). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, AY751.L4 1685.
Lilly, William, The vvorld's catastrophe, or, Europes many mutations untill, 1666: The fate of Englands monarchy untill its subversion. Government of the vvorld under God by the seven planetary angels; their names, times of government. An exact type of the three svns seen in Cheshire and Shropshire, 3.April 1647. Their signification and portent, astrologically handled, (London, 1647). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BF1681.L4.
Lloyd, Owen, The panther-prophesy, or, A premonition to all people: of sad calamities and miseries like to befal these islands. To which is added, an astrological discourse concerning that strange apparition of an army of horse seen in Wales, near Mountgomery, December the 20th. 1661, (London, 1662). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, DA432.C2 1696.
Maxwell, James , Admirable and notable prophesies, uttered in former times by 24 famous Romain Catholicks, concerning the Church of Romes defection, tribulation, and reformation, (1615). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos.
Mede, Joseph, The key of the revelation, searched and demonstrated out of the naturall and proper characters of the visions, [2nd ed in English] (1650). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos.
Newton, Isaac, Observations upon the prophecies of Daniel, and the apocalypse of St. John. In two parts, (1733). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos.
Nostradamus, Michael, Les propheties de M. Michel Nostradamus. (1565 ?) Cardiff Rare Books: Contintental.
Perkins, William, The works of that famous and vvorthy minister of Christ in the Vniversitie of Cambridge, M. VVilliam Perkins: The second volume. Newly corrected according to his owne copies. VVith distinct chapters, and contents of every booke prefixed: and two tables of the whole adjoyned; one of the matters and questions, the other of choice places of Scripture, (London, 1631). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BR75.P3.
Saunders, Richard, Physiognomie, and chiromancie, metoposcopie, the symmetrical proportions and signal moles of the body: fully and accurately handled; with their natural-predictive-significations. The subject of dreams; divinative, steganographical, and Lullian sciences. Whereunto is added the art of memorie. By Richard Sanders, student in the divine and celestial sciences, (London, 1653). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, BF911.S2.
Savonarola, Girolamo, Compendio di reuelatione, (Impresso i Firenze, 1495). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Incunabula 152.
Shipton, Mother, The life and death of the famous Mother Shipton; containing an account of her strange birth, and the most important passages of her life; also her prophecies, now newly collected and explained, and illustrative of some of the most wonderful events that have happened, or are to come to pass, (London, 17??). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos.
Turner, William, A compleat history of the most remarkable providences, both of judgment and mercy, which have hapned in this present age: Extracted from the best writers, the author's own observations, and the numerous relations sent him from divers parts of the three kingdoms. To which is added, whatever is curious in the works of nature and art. The whole digested into one volume, under proper heads; being a work set on foot thirty years ago, by the Reverend Mr. Pool, author of the Synopsis criticorum: and since undertaken and finish'd, (London, 1697). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, BT135.T8.