Welsh Marches

19th-20th century books on travel to the Welsh Marches, or Border Counties.
Antiquarian and topographical cabinet: containing a series of elegant views of the most interesting objects of curiosity in [Salop, Monmouth, Hereford, Chester and Wales] (London, [S.n.], 1818).
Brief historical sketch of Ludlow Castle : to which is added, a short account of the fossils, shells, & plants, found in the neighbourhood (Ludlow : printed by Edward Hodson 1832).
Cruikshank, William Cathrall Percy, History of Oswestry, comprising the British, Saxon, Norman, and English eras : the topography of the borough and its ecclesiastical and civic history with notices of botany, geology (Oswestry : printed by George Lewis 1855).
Harper, Charles George, Marches of Wales: notes and impressions on the Welsh borders, from the Severn Sea to the Sands o’ Dee (London, Chapman & Hall, 1894).
Hassell, John, Hassell’s castles and abbeys of the Border Counties and Cambria, engraved in aquatinta (London, [S.n.], 1807).
Howson, John Saul, River Dee: its aspect and history (London, Virtue, Spaulding, & co, [1875]).
Parry, Edward, of Chester, Railway companion from Chester to Shrewsbury, containing a descriptive and historical account of the ... stations, the gigantic viaducts ... the ancient border towns of Wrexham, Oswestry, and Shrewsbury (Chester, T. Catherall, [1849]).
Taylor, Robert, Taylor's illustrated guide to the banks of the Wye : including Chepstow, Piercefield, Windcliff, the magnificent ruins of Tintern Abbey, Monmouth, Ross, Raglan and Goodrich Castles, and other parts of the Welsh borders (Chepstow : R. Taylor 1854?)
Traveller’s companion or stranger’s guide, from Hereford to Aberystwyth: with a colored plan (Kington, J. Wilson, pr., [c.1831]).
Waudby, A.J., Sketches on the Wye (London, Thos. McLean, 1839).
Willett, Mark, Stranger's guide to the banks of the Wye: including Chepstow, Piercefield, Windcliff, Tintern Abbey, Raglan Castle, and other parts of the Welsh borders : with historical, topographical, and antiquarian remarks (Bristol : T. Bedford 4th ed. 1845?)
Wright, Thomas, Historical and descriptive sketch of Ludlow Castle; and of the Church of Saint Lawrence, Ludlow (Ludlow : R. Jones, 1854).
Wright, Thomas, History of Ludlow and its neighbourhood : forming a popular sketch of the history of the Welsh border (Ludlow : R. Jones; London : Longman and co., etc. 1852).
Bradley, Arthur Granville, In the march and borderland of Wales (London, Constable, 1905).
Gardner, Don, Discovering Mid-Wales (Cardiff, Jones, 1978).
Helme, Andrew (comp.), Monmouth and the River Wye in old photographs from Goodrich to Brockweir, from the collections of Monmouth Museum (Gloucester, Sutton, 1989).
Jones, P. Thoresby, Welsh marches and lower Wye Valley (Gloucester, The British Publishing Co., [n.d.])
Lumsdon, Les, Marches Way (Wilmslow, Sigma Leisure, c1992).
Mais, Stuart Petre Brodie, Highways and byways in the Welsh Marches (London, Macmillan, 1939).
Millward, Roy, Welsh Borders (London, Eyre Methuen, 1978).
Millward, Roy, Welsh Marches (London, Macmillan, 1971).
Moore, John Cecil, Welsh Marches (London, Chapman & Hall, [1933]).
Rainsbury, Anne, (comp.), Chepstow and the River Wye in old photographs from the Severn to Tintern, from the collections of Chepstow Museum (Gloucester, Sutton, 1989).
Richards, Mark, Through Welsh border country following Offa’s Dyke Path (Cheltenham, Thornhill Press, 1976).
Snell, Frederick John, Celtic borderland: a rediscovery of the Marches from Wye to Dee (London, R. Scott; Philadelphia, Macrae Smith company, [1928]).
Somerville, Christopher, Philip’s Welsh Borders: landscape, architecture, history (1991).
Winter, Dylan, Hack in the borders: Along the Offa’s dyke path (1991).