36 million Communists say… Statement and appeal of the world's Communist and Worker's Parties, Moscow, 1960
7 year plan: Target figures for the economic development of the Soviet Union 1959-1965 (Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1959)
Britain's crisis: the Communist solution (Communist Party, n.d.)
British road to Socialism (Communist Party, 1951)
British road to Socialism: programme of the Communist Party (1958)
British road to Socialism: programme of the Communist Party (1968)
Gollan, John, Case for Socialism in the sixties (Communist Party, 1966)
Gollan, John, Which way for Socialists? The case for the Communist Party (Communist Party, n.d.)
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Gollan, John. Socialist democracy - some problems (Communist Party, n.d.)
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Gollan, John. Which road? (Communist Party, n.d.)
Harry Pollitt: a tribute. Speeches at the funeral of Harry Pollitt, 9 July 1960
I stake my life. Dewey report on the Moscow Trials. (Speech N.Y.9 Feb 1937)
It can be done: Report of the 14th congress of the Communist Party (1937)
Khrushchov, N.S. Dethronement of Stalin: full text of the Khrushchev speech (Manchester Guardian, 1956)
Khrushchov, N.S. Marxism-Leninism is our banner, our fighting weapon (Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1963)
Khrushchov, N.S. Peace and progress must triumph in our time: Khrushchov's report to the people of Moscow on his visit to the United States (Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1959)
Laski Harold J. The Webbs and Soviet Communism (Webb Memorial Lecture no. 3, n.d.)
Mahon, John. Report from Vietnam (Communist Party, n.d.)
On Lenin: speeches and articles (Little Stalin Library, no. 3, n.d.)
On Organization (Little Stalin Library, no. 6, n.d.)
People before profits: Communist Party general election manifesto (n.d.)
Policy for Britain: General election programme of the Communist Party (1955)
Pollitt, Harry, Communist Party on trial: Harry Pollitt's defence (Communist Party, 1925)
Preparing for power, vol. 5, no. 6 (Workers' International League, 1942)
Proletarian revolution and the renegade Kautsky (Little Lenin Library, vol. 18, n.d.)
Ramelson, Bert, Carr's Bill and how to kill it (Communist Party, n.d.)
Ramelson, Bert, Great wage freeze trick (Communist Party, n.d.)
Role of the Communist Party (n.d.)
Russian Revolution (n.d.)
Socialist road for Britain (Communist Party, 1949)
Trotsky, L. Leon Trotsky on the suppressed testament of Lenin (1954)
Trotsky, Leon, Communist manifesto today (n.d.)
Trotsky, Leon. Death agony of capitalism and the tasks of the working class (Worker's International League Fourth International, n.d.)
Verga, E. Process of capitalist decline (Communist International, 1922)
War and the Second International (Little Lenin Library, vol. 2, n.d.)
What Lenin said about the Jews (Communist Party, n.d.)
Zilliacus, K. Tito v. Stalin: Yugoslavia and the Cold War (n.d.)
100 years of Fabian Socialism 1884-1984 (Fabian Society, 1984)
Alexander, K. & Hughes, J. A socialist wages plan: the politics of the pay packet (New Left discussion booklet, n.d.)
Barry, Brian. Does society exist? The case for socialism (Fabian tract 536, 1989)
Challenge to Socialists (Victory for Socialism, n.d.)
Clark, Colin. National planning (Society for Socialist Inquiry & Propaganda, n.d.)
Cole, G.D.H. A guide to the elements of Socialism (Labour Party, 1958)
Cole, G.D.H. A guide to the elements of Socialism (Labour Party, n.d.)
Cole, G.D.H. A plan for Britain (Labour Party, n.d.)
Cole, G.D.H. Is this Socialism? (New Statesman, 1954)
Cole, G.D.H. World Socialism restated (New Statesman, 1956)
Communist manifesto - and the last hundred years (Socialist Party, 1948)
Cripps, Sir Stafford. Can socialism come by constitutional methods? (Socialist League, n.d.)
Crossman, R.H.S. (M.P.) Socialist values in a changing civilisation. Fabian autumn lectures, 1950. (Fabian tract 286, 1951)
De Leon, Daniel. Reform or revolution, address delivered at Well's Memorial Hall, Boston USA (Socialist Labour Party, n.d.)
De Leon, Daniel. Socialism versus Anarchism (Socialist Labour Party, n.d.)
De Leon, Daniel. What means this Strike? (Socialist Labour Party, n.d.)
Eaton, John. Towards Socialism (Institute of Workers' Control, n.d.)
Engels, Frederick. Development of Socialism from utopia to science (Socialist Labour Party of America, n.d.)
Equality in education: a policy for Labour (Council of Victory for Socialism, n.d.)
Fienburgh, Wilfred. International control of basic industries (Labour Party, n.d.)
Fletcher, Raymond. Russia through socialist eyes (Independent Labour Party, n.d.)
Foot, Paul. Why you should be a socialist: the case for a new Socialist party (Socialist Workers Party, 1977)
Forward to Socialism (Socialist League, 1934)
Harman, Chris & Dave Peers. Unemployment and how to fight it (International Socialists, 1971)
How, when and why: Guide for young socialists (Young Socialists Labour Party, n.d.)
Hyndman, H.M. Only way to avert anarchy (Social Democrats, n.d.)
In Pursuit of Peace (Victory for Socialism, n.d.)
Industry your servant: a policy for Labour (Council of Victory for Socialism, n.d.)
Kahan, Zelda. Principles of Socialism (Social Democratic Federation, n.d.)
Kautsky, Karl. Capitalist class (Social Democratic Party of Germany, n.d.)
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Newbold, J.T. Walton. Politics of Capitalism (Socialist Party, 1917)
Padley, Walter. The real battle for Britain (Independent Labour Party, n.d.)
Pattern of Trotskyism: a new form of subversion in industry (Socialist Labour League, n.d.)
Policy for summit talks: How to end the Cold War (Council of Victory for Socialism, n.d.)
Roof over your head? Socialist policy for housing and rents (Council of Victory for Socialism, n.d.)
Rosewell, Roger. Struggle for workers' power (International Socialists, n.d.)
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Socialism: theory and practice (Soviet Monthly Digest, 1975)
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Socialist foreign policy for the Labour Party (Socialist Europe Group, n.d.)
Socialist Party and war (Socialist Party, n.d.)
Socialist Party: its principles and policy (Socialist Party, n.d.)
Socialist Republic (Socialist Labour Party, n.d.)
Struggle for Socialism (International Socialists, n.d.)
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Tawney, R.H. The Webbs in perspective (Webb Memorial Lecture, 1952)
Transport is everyone's problem (Socialist commentary, n.d.)
United State of Europe (Socialist Europe Group, n.d.)
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Young, Wayland & Elizabeth. Socialist imagination: Socialism in the Sixties (Fabian tract 326, 1960)
Newspapers and journals
British gazette
British worker
Bromley times daily bulletin
Daily express
Daily mirror
Daily mirror news bulletin
Daily telegraph
Evening standard (London)
South Wales daily news
Alliance, of the Rockies [USA], 1902-05
Foroyaa : organ of the People's Democratic Organization for Independence and Socialism = Freedom [Gambia], 2010-
Fragua Social [Spain], 1936-39
Germinal : marxismo e educação em debate [Portugal], 2009-
L'Humanite [France], 1930-39
Indian Social Reformer [India], 1898-1933
Izquierdas [Chile], 2008-
Moscow News [Russia], 1987-2002
Mouvement social / Le mouvement social [France], 1960-
New charter [San Francisco], 1893-1901. Founded in 1893, and changed to Class struggle, 1899-1900, then Advance, 1901
Pravda [Russia], 1948-1983
Profil [Switzerland], Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz, 1967-80
Railway employees' journal [USA], 1902-05. Official organ of: United Brotherhood of Railway Employees. Later titles: American Labor Union; Voice of Labour
Social justice [California], 1988-90
Workers' call [Chicago], 1899-1907. Newspaper of the Socialist Labor Party of the USA. Continues as Chicago Socialist, 1902-07
Aneurin: student socialist opinion in Wales
Annual report for the year ending … Fabian Society
Capitalism, nature, socialism
Cyffro, later, Moving left in Wales
Fabian quarterly; Fabian journal
Fabian review : the quarterly journal of the Fabian Society
Faner Goch
Free review
International socialism
Journal and proceedings of the South Wales Colliery Officials’ Association
Labour organiser
Labour research
Monthly review
New Left review
New outlook
New Socialist
New standards
Partisan review
Praxis international
Red Kite: newsletter for the Democratic Left in Wales
Red pepper
Revolutionary history.
Socialism and democracy
Socialism, theory and practice : soviet monthly digest