Religious works and sermons

Various sermons and didactic works on family and domestic life, marital duties, immorality, adultery, sin, seduction, and the nature of the body, from the seventeenth to early twentieth centuries.
Annogaeth i wragedd i dalu diolch i Dduw, ar ôl esgor plant, (Llanerchymedd, 1822). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG37(1822).
Atterbury, Francis, Atterburyana: Being miscellanies, (London, 1727).Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, PR1134.A8 1727. Includes: "Court secrets: or the lady's chronicle historical and gallant"; "The virgin-seducer" and "The batchelor-keeper".
Y Carbwncl, neu'r tlws anghydmarol : wedi ei ddangos a'i egluro mewn pregeth a bregethwyd yn Eglwys B. yn S. ar ddydd priodas rhwng W. B. ac E. S., merch L. S., marsiandwr, yn Llundain : yn yr hon yr adganmolir i bob meddwl ystyriol a phwyllog, anghydmarol werth gwraig rinweddol, ac y datguddir cymdeithas gas a chyflwr uffernol y ddrygionus, (Llanrwst, 1830). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG37(1830).
Cawdrey, Daniel, Family reformation promoted: In a sermon on Joshua 24. ver. 15. and by short catechisms fitted for the three-fold relations in a family. Of I. Children and parents, II. Servants and masters, III. Husbands and wives, (London, 1701). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BV4526.C2.
Cherubino, da Siena, frate, Fratris Cherubini minorum ordinis ad Iacobum de Bo[n]giannis [sic] spiritualis uite compendiosa regula quedam hec est., (Florentie : Per me Nicholaum Alamanum Die XXII. octobris. MCCCCLXXXII. [22 Oct. 1482]) Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Incunabula 59.
Coleman, Charles, The duties of husband and wife: a sermon preached in the cathedral church of Winchester, May the 7th 1764. Before the Society for Maintenance of Widows, and published at their request, (Winchester, 1764). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BV837.C6 1764.
Cosin, John, Bishop Cozens's argument, proving, that adultery works a dissolution of the marriage: Being the substance of several of Bishop Cozens his speeches in the House of Lords, upon the debate of Lord Ross's case. Taken from original papers writ in the Bishop's own hand, (London, 1700). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, BX5092.A5.C4.
Dawson, Bertrand Edward Viscount, Love - marriage - birth control: being a speech delivered at the Church congress at Birmingham, October, 1921, (London, 1922). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, HQ31 .D29 1922.
Digby, Kenelm, Two treatises: in the one of which, the nature of bodies; in the other, the nature of mans soul, is looked into: in way of discovery of the immortality of reasonable souls, (London, 1658). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Octavos, BT920.D4 1658.
Downame, John, The conflict betvveene the flesh and the spirit. Or the last part of The Christian warfare : wherein is described the nature of these combatants, the malice and power of the flesh and fleshly lusts, with the meanes whereby we may subdue and ouercome them, (London, 1618). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BV5030.D6 1618.
Elias, David, Sylwadau ar y pechodau o ieuo yn annghydmarus a'r digred, a'r arferiad lygredig sydd gan rai ieuengctyd digrefydd yn ein gwlad yn ei rhag-gyfeillach : yn nghydag esgeulusdra penau-teuluoedd i wrthwynebu y llygredigaeth; wedi ei gyhoeddi trwy anogaeth cyfeisteddfod Cyfarfod Misol y Trefnyddion Calfinaidd yn Môn, (Caernarfon, 1845). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG37(1845).
Fleetwood, William, The relative duties of parents and children, husbands and wives, masters and servants : consider'd in sixteen practical discourses: with three sermons upon the case of self-murther, (London, 1716). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Octavos, BV4526.F53 1716.
Fordyce, James, Addresses to young men, (London, 1789). Special Collections - Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Octavos, BJ1671.F6 1789.
Gataker, Thomas, Marriage duties briefely couched togither: out of Colossians, 3. 18, 19, (London, 1620). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BV837.G2 1620.
Gataker, Thomas, Tvvo mariage sermons: the former on Prov. 19. 14. By Thomas Gataker B. of D. and pastor of Rotherhith. The latter on Iohn 2. 1--12. By that learned and judicious divine Mr William Bradshaw some time fellow of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge, (London, 1620). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, BV837.G2 1620.
Gouge, William, Of domesticall duties, eight treatises. I. An exposition of that part of Scripture out of which domesticall duties are raised. II. 1 A right conjunction of man and wife. 2 Common mutuall duties betwixt man and wife. III. Particular duties of wives. IV. Particular duties of husbands. V. Duties of children. VI. Duties of parents. VII. Duties of servants. VIII. Duties of masters. Whereunto are added patterns of prayers for the severall members of a family, gathered out of the severall treatises of domesticall duties. And an alphabeticall index, (London, 1634). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Octavos, BV4526.G68 1622.
Homili yn erbyn putteindra ac aflendid, (Bala, 1847). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG37(1847).
Johnson, John, Manteision ac anfanteision ystad priodas, yn ôl fel yr elir iddi gyda phersonau crefyddol neu anghrefyddol; wedi eu gosod allan dan gyffelybiaeth breuddwyd: gydag attodiad, yn yr hwn yr ystyrir y pwngc y'mhellach, ac y cadarnheir y rhesymau trwy brofion o hen hanesion Iuddewig ; at ba un y chwanegwyd cywydd, am ddyn yn ei gyflwr o ddiniweidrwydd, gan y cyfieithydd, (Liverpool, 1819). Special Collections: Hymnology (1449); WG9.J.
Meriton, George, Immorality, debauchery, and profaneness, exposed to the reproof of scripture, and the censure of the law..., (London, 1698). SCOLAR@Newport Road, BV4627.I5.M3. Please ask at desk.
Reynolds, John, The triumphs of Gods revenge against the crying and execrable sin of murther: Expressed in thirty several tragical histories, To which is added Gods revenge against the abominable sin of adultery, (London The sixth edition, very carefully corrected, 1679). Special Collections: Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, HV6505.R3.
Secker, William (d.1681), Y fodrwy briodas, gymwys i'r bys : sef pregeth a gyhoeddwyd mewn priodas yn St. Edmond's, yn Llundain, ger bron y Brenhinol deulu, (Llanrwst, 1830). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG37(1830).
Smith, John, Polygamy indefensible: two sermons preached in the parish-church of Nantwich, in Cheshire, on Sunday, the 10th of December 1780. Occasioned by a late publication, entitled "Thelyphthora." To which is prefixed, a letter to the Rev. Mr. Madan, (London, 1780). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG30(1780).
Watkins, William, Y ddyledswydd deuluaidd: yn cael ei hegluro mewn pregeth oddiar Diar. XIX. 18, (Caerfyrddin, 1844). Special Collections: Salisbury, Aneirin Lewis WG39.1.154.
Whately, William, Llusern, neu bregeth priodas: yn yr hon yr arddangosir, yn eglur a chryno, ddyledswyddau y rhai priodasol, yn y cyflawniad o ba rai bydd priodas iddynt yn gymmorth mawr, y rhai yn awr sydd yn ei chael yn uffern fechan, (Llanrwst, 1834). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG5.3.W; WG37(1834).