
Angell, Norman. Two keels to one is not enough: a reply to the President of the Navy League. London: War and Peace Publishing Co. 1914.
Belloc, Hilaire. A general sketch of the European war. London: Nelson. 1915-1916. Arts and Social Studies: D521.B3
Brailsford, Henry Noel. Belgium and “the scrap of paper”. London: Independent Labour Party. 1915. Main: D615.B7
Breton, Jean. A l’arrière. Paris: Delagrave. 1916.
Claes, Jules (with an introduction by J. Holland Rose). German mole, a study of the art of peaceful penetration. London: G. Bell & Sons, Ltd. 1915.
Curtis, L. The Commonwealth of Nations part 1. London: Macmillan & Co. 1916. (Paper cutting 'Polish facts & Figures' no. 120 23/10/1948). Schwarzenberger Collection
Daniels, Driver S. With the NTF: a history of the 95th Field Company of the Corps of Royal Engineers. London: Adlard & Son & West Newman. 1919. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG4.2.D
Dauzat, Albert. L’argot de la guerre, d’après une enquéte auprès des officiers et soldats. Paris: A. Colin. 1918.
Davignon, Henri. Belgium and Germany: texts and documents. London: Thomas Nelson & Sons. 1915.
Dickinson, G. After the war. London: Fifield. 1915. Arts and Social Studies: D646.D4
Die vermogenssteuem der deutschen bundesstaaten und der schweitzerischen Kanantone. Geithain: Scmidt, 1915.
Duhamel, George. Vie des Martyrs, 1914-1916. Paris, 1918.
Duhem, Jules. Question of Alsace-Lorraine, Trs. By Mrs. R. Stawell London: Hodder & Stoughton 1918.
Essen, Léon van der. The invasion & the war in Belgium: from Liège to the Yser, with a sketch of the diplomatic negotiations preceding the conflict. London: T. Fisher Unwin. 1917.
Esson, C.C. Squad drill illustrated including section drill, rifle exercises, platoon drill, extended order. London: Harrison and Sons. 1917? Main Collection: se DA68.E8
Firth, C.H. Then and now or a comparison between the war with Napoleon and the present war: being the Creighton Lecture for 1917, delivered at King’s College, London, on October 17th. London: Macmillan. 1917.
Flaischlen, Caesar. Gedenkbuch mit Worten aus den Werken. Berlin: Egon Fleischel & Co. 1914.
Fortescue, J.W. Welsh regiments. London: Macmillan. c1915. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG4.2.F
George, Arthur. The Welsh at Mametz Wood. Merthyr: H.W. Southey, printers. 1918. Salisbury: WG16.9.G
Gerard, James W. My four years in Germany. Toronto: McClelland, Goodchild & Stewart. 1917. Arts and Social Studies: D640.G3
Gooch, G.P. and J.H.B. Masterman. A century of British foreign policy. London: G. Allen & Unwin, for the Council for the study of international relations. 1917.
Grant, J. The heart beneath the uniform. London: Morgan & Scott Ltd. 1917. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG4.2.G
Hacobian, A.P. (with a preface by The Rt. Hon. Viscount Bryce, O.M.) Armenia and the war. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1917.
Hammerton, J.A. (ed.) The war illustrated: a pictorial record of the conflict of the nations. London: Amalgamated Press. 1914-1919. (9 volumes).
Hobson, J.A. Towards international government. 1915.
Independent Labour Party (Great Britain). Persia, Finland, and our Russian alliance. London: The Party. 1915. Main: D514.P3
Institute of International Law. Resolutions of the Institute of International Law dealing with the law of nations: with an historical introduction and explanatory notes. London: Oxford University Press. 1916. Law: International Law
Instruction to the American delegates to the Hague Peace Conferences and their reports. London: Oxford University Press. 1916. Law: International Law
Italy. Commissione per la pubblicazione dei documenti diplomatici. I documenti diplomatici italiani. 5a serie, 1-4, 7, 9, 1914-1918. Rome: La Libreria dello Stato. 1954-1985. History Research Collection: DG498.I8
Jeffrey, Jeffrey E. (ed.) 1918 souvenir of the Welsh Division. Cardiff: London Western Mail. 1918. Salisbury: WG4.2.N
Jellicoe, John Rushworth Jellicoe. The grand fleet, 1914-1916: its creation, development and work. London: Cassell. 1919. Arts and Social Studies: D581.J3
Jones, David. Talar gwroldeb: nodion côf cewri fy ardal. Amlwch: Argraffwyd gan J.T. Williams. 1920. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG4.3.J
Jugoslav Committee in London. Southern Slav culture. London: Nisbet. 1916. Arts and Social Studies: DR312.L8
King, Joseph. The Russian Revolution: the first year. London: Union of Democratic Control. 1918. Arts and Social Studies: DK265.17.K4
Ladd, William. An essay on a Congress of Nations for the adjustment of international disputes without resort to arms. London: Oxford University Press. 1916. Law: 341.215 L
Lange, F.W.T. and W.T. Berry. Books on the Great War, an annotated bibliography of literature issued during the European conflict. London: Grafton & Co. 1915.
Lange, F.W.T. and W.T. Berry. Books on the Great War, an annotated bibliography of literature issued during the European conflict, volume II. London: Grafton & Co. 1915.
Lenin, Vladimir Il’ich. Lessons of the Russian Revolution. London: British Socialist Party. 1918.
Lenin, Vladimir Il’ich. State and revolution: Marxist teaching on the state and the task of the proletariat in the revolution. London: British Socialist Party. 1919. Arts and Social Studies: HX314.L3
Lintier, Paul. Avec une batterie de 75. Ma pièce ; souvenirs d’un canonnier, 1914. Paris. 1918.
MacDonald, James Ramsay. The war and the Far East. London: Independent Labour Party. 1915.
Maine, H.S. The Whewell Lectures - International Law a series of lectures delivered to the University of Cambridge 1887… London: John Murray. 1915. Schwarzenberger Collection
Mesopotamia Commission Report … HMSO. Cd. 8610. 1917.
Muir, Ramsay. Nationalism and internalism, the culmination of modern history. London: Constable & Company Ltd. 1916.
Nalkowski, W. Poland as a geographical entity. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1917.
Newbolt, Henry John. Submarine and anti-submarine. London: Longmans, Green. 1918. Arts and Social Studies: D593.N3
Owen, W.J. Cofeb y dewrion: Heroes’ memorial, 1914-1918. Liverpool: printed for the author by Hugh Evans and Sons. Ca. 1919-20? Salisbury: Jarman WG39.3.0164
Pakenham, Richard J. A short history of the South Wales Borderers (The 24th Regiment of Foot). London: Gale & Polden. 1919. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG4.2.P
Pan American Scientific Congress (2nd: 1915-1916: Washington, D.C.). Recommendations on international law and official commentary thereon of the second Pan-American Scientific Congress held in Washington, December 27, 1915-January 8, 1916. London: Oxford University Press. 1916. Law: International Law
Passelecq, Fernand. La question flamaande et Allemagne. Paris: Nancy: Berger-Levrault 1917.
Pyke, Geoffrey. To Ruhleben – and back, a great adventure in three phases. London: Constable And Company, Ltd. 1916.
Rambaud, Alfred. Histoire de la russie. Paris: Librairie Haghette et cie. 1914.
Rathenau, Walther Von. Kommenden dingen. S. Fischer Verlag Berlin: 1918.
Reiss, R.A. Kingdom of Serbia report, Trs. By F.S. Copeland. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd. 1916.
Richter, Lina Spiess. Family life in Germany under the blockade. London: National Labour Press. 1919. Arts and Social Studies: DD228.8.R4
Ross, Edward Alsworth. Russia in upheaval. London: T. Fisher Unwin. 1918. Arts and Social Studies: DK265.A56.R6
Sanders, Stephen (with a preface by Sidney Webb). Trade Unionism in Germany. London: Fabian Society. 1916.
Stuart, Campbell. Secrets of Crewe house: the story of a famous campaign. London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1920.
Swinton, Ernest Dunlop. The defence of Duffer’s Drift: A few experiences in field defence for detached posts which may prove useful in our next war. London: William Clowes & Sons, Limited. 1918.
Thomas, T.C. With a Labour Company in France: being the war diary of the 58th Labour Company. 1919? Arts and Social Studies: D640.T4
The Times history of the war. London: The Times. 1914-1921. Arts and Social Studies: Folio D521.T4
Tipping, H. Avray. The story of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. London: “Country Life”. 1915. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG4.2.T
Torpedo manual for His Majesty’s Fleet (in three volumes). Volume 1, 1911 Electricity and magnetism, electric lighting and machinery. London: Printed for His Majesty’s Stationery Uffice. 1911.
Toynbee, Arnold. Nationality & the War. London: J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. 1915. Arts and Social Studies: D511.T6
Toynbee, Arnold (with an introduction by The Earl of Cromer). New Europe, some essays in reconstruction. London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd, 1916.
Trumpet and Bugle sounds for the Army with instructions for the training of trumpeters and buglers 1914. London: HMSO. 1914.
University of Wales. Roll of service 1914-17: corrected to June 30, 1917. Bangor: Jarvis & Foster. 1917. Salisbury: WG12.U
Wiener, Leo (with an introduction by Sir D. Mackenzie Wallace). Interpretation of the Russian people. London: McBride, Nast & Company, Ltd. 1915.
Wilson, H.W. and J.A. Hammerton (ed.) The Great War. The standard history of the all-Europe conflict. 12 volumes. London. 1914-1919.
Woolf, Leonard. International government: two reports prepared for the Fabian Research Department. London: Fabian Society. 1916. Arts and Social Studies: JX1952.W6
Colin Hughes (Mametz). A collection of correspondence, diary extracts, photographs and other useful material collected by A. C. Hughes while researching his book 'Mametz: Lloyd George's 'Welsh Army' at the Battle of the Somme', first published in 1976. In 1974, Hughes placed advertisements in local papers requesting contact from those with memories of the fighting at Mametz, and recieved a large number of replies, collected here. Browse the online catalogue.
Edward Thomas. This collection includes 27 letters (58 pp) from Edward to Helen Thomas (his wife) between 1916-1917. Also, there are 41 original poems written between 1914-1917 and 10 photos. Edward Thomas’s possessions in France were returned to his wife and included in this collection are his watch, tobacco box, badge, button, clay pipes, wallet (with enclosed notebook and letters from mother and father upon his 21st birthday) officer’s railway pass, and miniature Shakespeare with mud. Browse the online catalogue.
WW1 press cuttings scrapbooks. Cuttings on war stories between 1914-1918 from the Yorkshire Telegraph, Sheffield Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, The Times. Includes many images. There are approximately 1,000 items.
Journals, newspapers and magazines
Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung. (Germany) 1914. Journals
Camp Magazine, nos. 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, May-Nov., 1918. First Royal Naval Brigade Groningen Holland.
The Gasper. Salisbury: Bennett Bros. 10 Sept 1915-30 Sept 1916.
A weekly trench journal printed by the Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) 18th – 21st battalions (Universities and Public Schools Brigade).
Journal of the East India Association. 1915-1941. Journals: Journal/Jo
Land and Water. London: Land and Water, 1914-1918. A weekly journal chronicling the progress of the First World War. Hilaire Belloc served as editor and was a frequent war correspondent of event on the Western Front. A.H. Pollen frequently contributed articles about the Navy. Within this collection are issues published between 3 April 1915 to 13 November 1915 and 4 December 1915 to 25 May 1916.
The New Age. London: New Age Press, 1894-1938. A weekly British literary magazine, The New Age published debates on political and social issues of the day. Topics of particular interest included the role of private property (with contributions from Hilaire Belloc), the need for a socialist party, and women’s suffrage. The journal also became one of the first places in England in which Sigmund Freud’s ideas were discussed. Library has issues between 1913-1917.
Ifor B. Powell Pamphlet Collection. Ifor B. Powell Pamphlet Collection: Box A
Beck, James Montgomery. The case of the Double Alliance v. the Triple Entente: [an American on the war]. Reprinted… from the New York Times. London: Times Publishing Company, 1915.
Grey, Edward. The Peace Conference – and after. [Two articles reprinted from Round Table, Dec. 1918.] Macmillan.
Lavisse, Ernest and Christian Pfister. The question of Alsace-Lorraine. Hodder & Stoughton, 1918.
Ligue Patriotique des Alsaciens-Lorrains. The question of Alsace-Lorraine. London: Ligue Patriotique des Alsaciens-Lorrains. 1917?
Lloyd-George, David. British war aims: statement by the Prime Minister, the Right Honourable David Lloyd George, on January 5th, 1918. Published by authority of the British government. London: Haymen Christy & Lilly. 1918.
Morgan, John Hartman. Germany’s dishonoured army: additional records of German atrocities in France. London: Parliamentary Recruiting Committee. 1915.
Parliamentary Recruiting Committee. The Great War and how it arose. London: Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, 1915.
Parliamentary Recruiting Committee. The truth about German atrocities, founded on the report of the Committee on Alleged German Outrages. London: Parliamentary Recruiting Committee. 1915.
See Also: The Ifor B. Powell pamphlet collection in the library of University College Cardiff: a checklist. Cardiff: University College, Cardiff. 1972. Z6461.U6
Oxford Pamphlets. London: Oxford University Press. 1914-1915.
A series of 86 pamphlets, of which 77 are held.
Adams, W.G. | Responsibility for the war |
All for Germany | |
Archer, William | Fighting a philosophy |
Arnold, J.O. | British and German steel metallurgy |
Ashley, W.J. | War and its economic aspects |
Barker, Ernest | Nietzche and Treitschke |
Beaven, Murray | Austrian policy since 1867 |
Beck, James, M. | Double alliance versus the triple entente |
Bennet, W. | England's mission |
Beven, Murray | Austrian policy since 1867 |
Bishop of Lincoln | Church and the War |
Bjorkman, Edwin | Scandinavia and the war |
Bowley, A.L. | Prices and earnings in time of war |
Bowley, A.L. | War and employment |
Buchan, John | Britain's war by land |
Chapman, S.J. | War and the cotton trade |
Chirol, Valentine | Germany and 'the fear of Russia' |
Chirol, Valentine | Serbia and the Serbs |
Collier, Gerard | Leading ideas of British policy |
Dane, A. | War through Danish eyes |
Davis, H.W. | Battle of Ypres-Armentieres |
Davis, H.W. | Battles of the Marne and Aisne |
Davis, H.W. | Retreat from Mons |
Davis, H.W. | What Europe owes to Belgium |
Dearmer, Percy | Russia and Britain |
Dicey, A.V. | How we ought to feel about the war |
Duchesne, A.E. | Asia and the War |
Eccles, F.Y. | Alsace-Lorraine |
Egerton, H.E. | British Dominions and the war |
Egerton, H.E. | Is the British Empire the result of wholesale robbery? |
Ehrlich, Ludwik | Poland, Prussia and culture |
Feiling, Keith | Italian policy since 1870 |
Fisher, H.A. | Value of small states |
Fletcher, C.R. | Germans I: their empire and how they have made it |
Fletcher, C.R. | Germans II: what they covet |
Forbes, Nevill | Southern Slavs |
Hassall, Arthur | Just for a scrap of paper' |
Higgins, A. Pearce | Law of Nations and the war |
Higgins, A. Pearce | Non-combatants and the war |
Hilditch, A. Neville | Stand of Liege |
Hilditch, A. Neville | Troyon: an engagement in the Battle of the Aisne |
Jane, L. Cecil | Action off Heligoland |
Lewin, Evans | Germans in Africa |
Lindsay, A.D. | War against war |
Marvin, F.S. | Leadership of the world |
Morgan, F. | French policy since 1871 |
Muir, Ramsay | National principle and the war |
Muirhead, J.H. | German philosophy and the war |
Murray, Gilbert | How can war ever be right? |
Murray, Gilbert | Thoughts on the war |
Norton, Roy | Man of peace |
Orwin, C.S. | Farmer in war-time |
Osler, William | Bacilli and bullets |
Pangloss | All for Germany |
Peterson, W. | War through Canadian eyes |
Prior, W.R. | North Sleswick under Prussian rule 1864-1914 |
Pyke, H. Reason | Contraband and the war |
Raleigh, Walter | Might is right |
Richards, H. Erle | Does international law still exist? |
Robertson, Charles Grant | Germany the economic problem |
Row, Ernest, F. | Outline of Prussian history to 1871 |
Sanday | Deeper causes of the war |
Selbie, W.B. | War and theology |
Smith, A.L. | Christian attitude to War |
Sonnesnschein, E.A. | Through German eyes |
Strong, T.B. | Christmas and the war: a sermon |
Terry, Charles Sanford | German sea-power |
Thursfield, J.R. | Navy and the war |
Thursfield, J.R. | Sea power and the war |
To the Christian scholars of Europe and America | |
Toynbee, Arnold, J. | Greek policy since 1882 |
Trevelyan, Ernest, J. | India and the war |
Turkey | Turkey in Europe and Asia |
Urquhart, F.F. | Eastern question |
Vinogradoff, Paul | Russia: the psychology of a nation |
Wilkinson, Spenser | Great Britain and Germany |
Wundt, Wilhelm | Concerning true war |