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Travel and leisure

'Courtesies of the Road', Out and away: a posy of travellers’ joy (London: Robinson and Birch, Ltd., July 1919-Spring 1920).
'Courtesies of the Road', Out and away: a posy of travellers’ joy (London: Robinson and Birch, Ltd., July 1919-Spring 1920).

Bagley, Arthur L. Holiday rambles in North Wales. London: Skeffington & Son. 1920. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG6.1.B

Black, Charles Bertram. Brittany and Touraine: their Celtic monuments and ancient castles, ocean and sea-bathing stations, place of pilgrimage; the Loire from Orleans to the ocean. London: A. and C. Black. 1914. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WF4.B

Gallichan, Walter M. Fishing waters & quarters in Wales: A practical guide to fishermen with cost of fishing accommodation, &c. London: Cranton. 1916. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG6.1G

The Illustrated Michelin Guides to the Battle-fields (1914-1918). Clermont-Ferrand: Michelin. 1914-1919 [Serial]. Travel collection. A series of travel guides published toward the end of the war and immediately after including descriptions of the battles accompanied by maps, before and after photographs of sites, and photographs of individuals. holds the following 9 volumes from this series:

  • The Americans of the Great War. Volume I: the second Battle of the Marne: Chateau-Thierry, Soissons, Fismes. Clermont-Ferrand: Michelin. 1919.
  • The American of the Great War. Volume II: the Battle of St. Mihiel: St. Mihiel, Pont-a-Mousson, Metz. Clermont-Ferrand: Michelin. 1919.
  • The Americans in the Great War. Volume III. The Meuse-Argonne Battlefields: Montfaucon, Romagne, Sainte-Menehould. Clermont-Ferrand: Michelin. 1919.
  • Amiens before and during the war. Clermont-Ferrand: Michelin. 1919.
  • Arras, Lens-Douai and the battles of Artois. Clermont-Ferrand: Michelin. 1919?
  • The battle of Verdun (1914-1918). Clermont-Ferrand: Michelin. 1919.
  • Lille: before and during the war. Clermont-Ferrand: Michelin. 1919.
  • The Somme. Vol. 1. The first battle of the Somme (1916-1917): (Albert, Bapaume, Péronne). Clermont-Ferrand: Michelin. 1919.
  • Ypres and the battles of Ypres: itinerary: Lille – Armentieres – Messines – Poelcappelle – Ypres – Poperinghe – Les Monts – Bailleul – Bethune – Lille. Clermont-Ferrand: Michelin. 1919.

Swansea: a souvenir of the forty-ninth Co-operative Congress, Whitsuntide, 1917. Record of historic, co-operative, industrial, and romantic features of South Wales. Manchester: Co-operative Wholesale Society. 1917. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG4.38.C

Ward, Lock & Co. Ltd. A pictorial and descriptive guide to Brecon and South Wales: six district maps and plans of Brecon, Cardiff and Tenby. London: Ward, Lock and Co. Ltd. 1915? Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG6.1.W

Ward, Lock & Co. Ltd. A pictorial and descriptive guide to Cardiff and South Wales: six district maps and plans Cardiff, Tenby, and Brecon. London: Ward, Lock and Co. Ltd. 1918. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG6.1.W

Ward, Lock & Co. Ltd. Pictorial and descriptive guide to Tenby, Pembroke, Carmarthen, and South Wales: with a plan of Tenby and seven district maps. London: Ward, Lock and Co. Ltd. 1917? Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG6.1.W

Ward, Lock & Co. Ltd. Pictorial and descriptive guide to North Wales (southern section): Aberystwyth, Aberdovey, Towyn, Barmouth… [&c.]. London: Ward, Lock and Co. Ltd. 1919? Salisbury: WG6.1.P