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'The Gap in the Bridge' Punch, 10 Dec 1919.
'The Gap in the Bridge' Punch, 10 Dec 1919.

Aldred, Guy. Socialism and war. Spur series No. 2. 1915.

Barrett, George. Anarchist revolution. London: Freedom Press 1920.

Bassett, A.T. Gladstone’s speeches, descriptive index and bibliography. London: Methuen. 1916. Arts and Social Studies: DA563.B2

Bucharin, N. Programme of the world revolution. Glasgow: Socialist Labour Press 1920.

Bergson, H.L. Meaning of war. 1915.

Bosanquet, Bernard. Social and international ideals: being studies in patriotism. London: Macmillan. 1917.

Boudin, Louis B. Socialism and war. New York: New Review. 1916.

Brockway, Fenner. Is Britain blameless? London: National Labour Press. 1915.

Bryce, James Bryce. The attitude of Great Britain in the present war. London: Macmillan. 1916. Arts and Social Studies: D517.B7

Carpenter, Edward. Never again!: a protest and a warning addressed to the peoples of Europe. Manchester: National Labour Press, Ltd. 1916.

Cocks, F. Seymour (with an introduction by Colonel Wedgwood). E. D. Morel: the man and his work. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1920.

Cocks, F. Seymour (with preface by Charles Trevelyan, M.P.). Secret treaties and understandings. London: Union of democratic control 1918.

Cole, G.D.H. Guild socialism re-stated London: Leonard Parsons 1920.

Cole, G.D.H. Labour in war time London: G. Bell And Sons, Ltd. 1915.

Cole, G.D.H. Payment of wages Trade Union series No. 5, London: Fabian Research Department 1918.

Cole, G.D.H. Self-government in industry. London: G. Bell and Sons Ltd. 1917.

Cole, G.D.H. and Mellor, W. Herald. Pamphlets. No. 5 Trade Unionism in war-time. London. Limit Printing and publishing Co., Ltd. (n.d).

Cole, G.D.H. An introduction to trade unionism: being a short study of the present position of trade unionism in Great Britain. London: Labour Research Department. 1918.

Cole, G.D.H. Labour in the Commonwealth: book for the younger generation. London: Swarthmore Press. 1918.

Cole, G.D.H. Trade unionism on the railways: its history and problems. London: Fabian Research Department. 1917.

Collett, John Kyte. Solving the land problem: being open letters to the Right Honourable D. Lloyd George, M.P., and Walter Long, M.P. Supplement 2, How the nation may, honestly, secure much of the land, also absorb and extinguish the national debt, gain vast wealth and acquire a perpetual government. Penarth: John Kyte Collett. 1914? Salisbury: WG8.C

Collett, John Kyte. An empire without taxes and, practically, without rates: how to abolish them, and, at the same time, to pay for the war, to pay off the national debt, &c without expense to anyone; being open letters to His Most Gracious Majesty the King ... [&c]. Penarth: John Kyte Collett. 1915. Salisbury: WG8.C

Collett, John Kyte. How the house and land problems may be solved, and in the solving redeem and replace our depreciated currency notes by others of more value as money tokens than golden sovereigns: an appeal to parliament, the press, the pulpit and the people. Penarth: John Kyte Collett. 1916. Salisbury: WG8.C

Craik, W.W. (Wiilliam White). Short history of the modern British working-class movement. London: Plebs League 1919.

Das kommunistische manifest: mit vorreden von Karl Marx und Frederick Engels und einem vonwart von Karl Kautsky. Berlin: Buchandlung Vorwarts 1917.

Development of socialism in Great Britain Glasgow: Socialist Labour Press [1919?].

Drage, Geoffrey. The state and the poor. London: Collins. 1914. Arts and Social Studies: HV78.D7

Eckart, Dietrich. Der Bolschewismus von seinen anfangen bis Lenin. Munchen (n.d).

Edwards, J. From village green to Downing Street: life of the Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George. London: George Newnes. Between 1906-1919. Salisbury: WG4.2.L

Engels, Frederick. Historical Materialism. Social Labour Party (n.d).

Evans, David. In memory of Right Hon. Viscount Rhondda of Llanwern, P.C. S. Wales: Cardiff Pub. Co. 1919? Salisbury: WG4.2.T

Fairchild, E. International Socialist Library. No.3 Economics of War, August. London: British Socialist Party 1917.

Fairlie, John A. British war administration. New York: Oxford U.P. 1919.

Farwell, George. A concise treatise on powers. London: Stevens. 1916. Law: 347.3026 F

Forty-third annual report of the local government board, 1913-1914: part 2 housing and town planning. London: HMSO 1914. Main: HD7288.78.G7.G7

Glasier, J. Socialism in song: an appreciation of William Morris’s “Chants for Socialists”; together with an introductory essay on poetry and politics. Manchester: National Labour Press. 1919?

Gould, Gerald (with preface by George Lansbury). Coming revolution in Great Britain. London: Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. [1920].

Graham, W.E. A Welsh hero: the career of the Right Hon. D. Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer. 1914 or 1915. Salisbury: WG4.2.L

Great Britain. Public Records Office. List of Cabinet papers, 1915 and 1916. London: H.M.S.O. 1964. History Research Collection: DA25.A4

Harvey, George. Capitalism in the South Wales coalfield. Glasgow: Socialist Labour Press. 1918? Salisbury: WG9.H

Hasse, Karl Paul. Philosophische Zeitfragen. Der kommunistische gedanke in der philosophie. Leipsig: Verlag von Felix Meiner 1919.

Hawtrey, R.G. Currency and credit. London: Longmans, Green. 1919.

Henderson, Arthur. The aims of Labour. London: Headley Bros. 1918. Main collection: se JN1129.L2.H3

Hogan, Albert E. The government of the United Kingdom, its colonies and dependencies. London: University Tutorial Press Ltd. 1920. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG10.H

Jenks, Edward. The state and the nation. London: Dent. 1919.

John, E.T. Wales: its politics and economics: with the text of the Government of Wales Bill (1914). Cardiff: Welsh Outlook Press. 1919. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG10.J

Jung, Franz. Proletarier Berlin: Arbeiter-Buchvertrieb. 1920/1.

Kautsky, Karl. Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Translated by H.J. Stenning. Manchester: National Labour Press (1918-1920)?

Keith, Arthur Berriedale. Imperial unity and dominions. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1916.

Keynes, John Maynard. The economic consequences of the peace. London: Macmillan. 1920. Arts and Social Studies: HB99.7.K3

Kropotkin, Pierre. Law and authority. London (192?).

Laski, Harold Joseph. Authority in the modern state. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1919.

Laughlin, J. Laurence. Money and prices. London: P.S. King. 1919.

The life of Lloyd George, the man, the statesman, the orator: 1. A character study. 2. A biographical sketch. 3. Selections from Mr. Lloyd George’s speeches. London: Daily News. 1917. Salisbury: WG30(1917)

Lloyd George, David. Appeal to Nonconformists. London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1914. Glyn Ashton: WG39.2.111

Lloyd George, David. British war aims: statement by the Prime Minister, the Right Honourable David Lloyd George, on January 5, 1918. London: H.M. Stationery Off., Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ltd. Printers. 1918. Salisbury: WG4.2.L

Lloyd George, David. The great crusade: extracts from speeches delivered during the Great War. London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1918. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG4.2.L

Lloyd George, David. Great speech by Mr. Lloyd George … delivered at the Queen’s Hall, London, Saturday, September 19th, 1914. Cardiff: Western Mail Ltd. 1914. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG4.2.L

Lloyd George, David. Honour and dishonour. London: Methuen & Co., Ltd. 1914. Salisbury: WG4.2.L

Lloyd George, David. When will the war end? London: Printed by Alabaster, Passmore & Sons. 1917. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG4.2.L

Maclean, John. Coming war with America. British Socialist Party, London: British Socialist Party [1920?].

Marriott, J.A.R. Right to work an essay introductory to the economic history of the revolution of 1848. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1919.

MacDonald, J. Ramsay. Labour’s message to a ruined world. Leicester: Midland Branch National Labour Press, Ltd., 1920.

MacDonald, J. Ramsay. Margaret Ethel MacDonald. London: Swarthmore Press Ltd. 1920.

MacDonald, J. Ramsay. Socialism after the war. Manchester: National Labour Press [1917].

Macara, Charles W. Social and industrial reform. Manchester: Sherratt & Hughes. 1919.

MacDonald, James Ramsay. Patriots and politics. London: National Labour Press. 1917.

Merthyr Tydfil (Wales) County Borough. The controller’s abstract of the various accounts under the control of the Council… Merthyr Tydfil: Joseph Williams & Sons. 1911-1915. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG4.38.M

Merthyr Tydfil (Wales) County Borough. County Borough of Merthyr Tydfil: minute book. From 9th November, 1914, to 2nd November, 1915.  Merthyr Tydfil: H.W. Southey & Sons. 1915. Salisbury:Folio WG4.38.C

Michels, Robert. Political parties: a sociological study of the oligarchical tendencies of modern democracy. London: Jarrold. 1915.

Monypenny, William Flavelle. The life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. London: John Murray. 1910-1920. Arts and Social Studies: DA564.D4.M6

Nineteen sixteen – nineteen twenty, the Lloyd George Coalition in war and peace (with an introduction by William Sutherland). London, [1920/21].

Owen, Wm. C. Anarchy verses socialism. New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association [1918].

Page, Arthur. War and alien enemies: the law affecting their personal and trading rights, and herein of contraband of war and the capture of prizes at sea. London: Stevens. 1915.

Paul, William. The new communist manifesto of the Third International. Glasgow: Socialist Labour Press. 1919?

Roch, Walter. Life of David Lloyd George. Vol.4, Mr. Lloyd George and the war. London: Caxton Pub. Co. 1920. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG4.2.L

Russell, Bertrand. Practice and theory of Bolshevism. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1920.

Seligman, Edwin R.A. An economic interpretation of the war. New York: D. Appleton & co. 1915. Arts and Social Studies: D511.S3

Smart, William. Second thoughts of an economist. London: Macmillan. 1916.

Snowden, Philip. Socialism and syndicalism. London: Collins. 1915.

Snowden, Philip and David Lloyd George. Who is to pay for the war?: report of a speech by Mr. Philip Snowden, M.P., delivered in the House of Commons on May 12th, 1915. Manchester: National Labour Press. 1915. Arts and Social Studies: DA577.S6

Spender, Harold. The prime minister. London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1920. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: WG4.2.L

Starr, Mark (with a foreword by George Barker). Worker looks at history. London: Plebs League. 1919.

Stilwell, Arthur Edward. How to reduce your income tax by liberty currency. London: Hodder & Stoughton. 1918.

Temple, Frederick. War finance and the worker. London: Commonwealth Press. 1915?

Thomas, Tom Llewelyn. An open letter to the Right Hon. David Lloyd George. Manchester: Blackfriars Press. 1917.

Trotsky, Leon. War or revolution: Bolshevist socialism versus capitalistic imperialism. Glasgow: Socialist Labour Press. 1918? Arts and Social Studies: DK254.T6

Trotter, W.F. The law of contract during war with leading cases, statutes and orders in council. London: William Hodge. 1914.

Trotter, W.F. Supplement to the law of contract during war with leading cases, statues and orders in council. London: William Hodge. 1915.

War Office. Manual of military law. London: H.M.S.O. 1914. Store: 346.7 M

Webb, S. J. Towards social democracy. 1916.

Webb, Sidney. The new constitution of the Labour Party. London: Labour Party. 1918. Arts and Social Studies: Folio JN1129.L2.W3

(Preface by Sidney Webb) Trade Unionism in Germany, Fabian Research Department, 1916.

Webb, Sidney and Webb, Beatrice. Constitution for the socialist commonwealth of Great Britain Trade Unionists of the United Kingdom, 1920.

Webb, Sidney. Restoration of Trade Union conditions. London: Nisbet & Co. Ltd. 1917.

Women’s Trade Union League (Annual Reports and Minute Books). 1891-1921. (Microfilm).

The Woman Worker. 1916-1921. (Microfilm).

Women’s Trade Union Review, 1917-1919. (Microfilm).

Newspapers and journals

Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung. (Germany) 1914. Journals

Biddy’s Annual. 1916, 1917, 1919, 1936. (Art and spiritualism/theosophy).

Camp Magazine. Nos. 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, May-Nov.; 1918, First Royal Naval Brigade Groningen Holland.

Cymru. Caernarfon: Gwmni’r Wasg Genhedlaethol Gymreig. 1891-1927. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: Journals W/Cy

Y Deyrnas. 1916-1919. (Conscientious objectors).

The Gasper (Royal Fusiliers). 1915-1916.

Journal of the East India Association. 1915-1941. Journals: Journal/Jo

Jubilee of the Western Mail: 1869-1919. Cardiff: Western Mail. 1919. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury Reference: WG40.W

Land and Water: 1915 – 1916. (Hilaire Belloc, war coverage).

The Mariner. 1915-1916.

New Age. 1913-1917. (Hilaire Belloc, literary and political coverage).

Out and Away (a posy of travellers’ joy). 1919-1920.

Punch. London: Punch Publications Ltd., etc. 1914-1918. Journal/Pu.

Socialist Review, 1918-1925. journals.

Seren Gomer. 1914-1920. Arts and Social Studies Salisbury: Journal W/Se

South Wales Daily News. Cardiff: D. Duncan & Sons. 1914-1918. Journal/So