Medicine and science

Bates, William Horatio. The cure of imperfect sight by treatment without glasses. London: Arthur F. Bird. c. 1920. Law: Optometry Library Use Only, 617.75 BAT
Boswell, P.G.H. A memoir on British resources of sands and rocks used in glass-making, with notes on certain crushed rocks and refractory materials. London: Longmans Green for Imperial College of Science and Technology. 1918. Science Main collection: 553.622 B
British Dental Association. The report on odontomes. London: BDA. 1914. Dental Historical Collection
Cantrill, Thomas Crosbee. The geology of the South Wales coal-field: being an account of the region comprised in sheet 227 of the map Part XII, the country around Milford. London: HMSO. 1916. Salisbury: WG6.27.G
Cardiff City. Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health for the year… 1914–1918. Available via the Internet Archive.
Carruthers, Robert George et al. Fluorspar. HMSO. 1917. Science Main collection: 553.0942 S
Chemist and Druggist. London: Publisher of Chemist & Druggist. Chemist and Druggist is a trade publication, promoting medicines and beauty, health, and hygiene products. Issues feature illustrations of pharmaceutical supplies and equipment, advertisements and articles about pharmacists and the pharmacy community in Great Britain. It also includes a column for obituaries, illustrated by portraits. Special Collections: Journals.
Collie, Arnold E. Aides to material medica. London: Baillière, Tindall & Cox. 1919. Dental Historical Collection
Cowley, W.L. Aeronautics in theory and experiment. London: Edward Arnold. 1920. Trevithick Main Collection: TL570.C6
Freud, Sigmund. On dreams. London: Heinemann. 1914. Arts and Social Studies: BF1078.F7
Freud, Sigmund. Psychopathology of everyday life. London: T. Fisher Unwin. 1914. Arts and Social Studies: BF173.F7
Freud, Sigmund. Wit and its relation to the unconscious. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner. 1916. Arts and Social Studies: BF173.F7
Freud, Sigmund. Totem and taboo: resemblances between the psychic lives of savages and neurotics. Routledge. 1919. Arts and Social Studies: GN489.F7
Great Britain Board of Education. Annual report of the Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education. London: H.M.S.O. 1910-1921.
Gill, Eric. Birth control. Ditchling, Sussex: S. Dominic’s Press. 1919. Cardiff Rare Books: HQ766.3.G4
Kemp, Philip. Alternating current electrical engineering. London: Macmillan. 1918. Trevithick Main Collection: TK1141.K3
Jones, James Ifano. Ysbyty Tywysog Cymru i Forwyr a Milwyr Cymru a Sir Fynwy Wedi Colli Aelodau yn y Rhyfel: hanes yr ysbyty a agorwyd gan ei uchwelder Brenhinol Twysog Cymru, Marchog y Gardys, Ddydd Mercher, Chwefror yr 20fed, 1918. Cardiff: The Committee. 1918. Salisbury: WG4.38.P
Kelynack, T. N. The drink problem of today: in its medico-sociological aspects. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd. 1916. Archie Cochrane Library: Historical Collection.
Lahee, Frederic H. Field geology. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1916. Science Main collection: 551 L
MacCurdy, John T. War neuroses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1918. Archie Cochrane Library: Historical Collection.
Orla-Jensen, S. The lactic acid bacteria. Københaven: Andr.Frred.Host & Son. 1919. Science Main Collection: 576.163 O
Parker, George Howard. The elementary nervous system. Philadelphia: Lippincott. 1919. Science Main Collection: 591.188 P
Raper, H.R. Elementary and dental radiography. London: Claudius Ash. 1918. Dental Historical Collection.
Royal Ontario Nickel Commission. Nickel deposits of the world. Toronto: Wilgress. 1917. Science Main Collection: 553.485 R
Sherlock, R.L. and B. Smith. Gypsum and anhydrite: and Celestine and strontianite. London: HMSO. 1918. Science Main collection: 553.0942 S
Strahan, Aubrey. The Coals of South Wales: with special reference to the origin and distribution of anthracite. London: J. Truscott and son ltd. 1915. Science Main collection: 554.294 S
Strahan, Aubrey. The geology of the South Wales coalfield. Pt. 11, the country around Haverfordwest: being an account of the region comprised in sheet 228 of the map. London: HMSO. 1914. Salisbury: WG6.27.G and Science Main collection: 554.296 G
Strahan, Aubrey, et al. The geology of the South Wales coalfield. Part 4, The country around Pontypridd and Maesteg. 1917. Science Main collection: 554.297 G
Strahan, Aubrey, et al. Potash, Felspar, Phosphate of Lime, Alum shales, Plumbago or Graphite, Molybdenite, Chromite, Talc and steatite (soapstone, soap-rock and potstone), Diatomite. London: HMSO. 1917. Science Main collection: 553.0942 S
Weinschenk, E. The fundamental principles of petrology. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1916. Science Main collection: 552 W
Wilson, G. V. et al. Special reports on the mineral reports of Great Britain. Vol. 2, Barytes and Witherite. London: HMSO. 1915. Science Main Collection: 553.499 C
Wilson, G. V. et al. Special reports on the mineral reports of Great Britain. Vol. 2, Barytes and Witherite. London: HMSO. 1916. Science Main Collection: 553.499 C