
A collection of journal articles and newspapers relating to the Welsh in America and Canada.
Antrei, Albert, ‘Wales U.S.A’ Anglo Welsh Review, 66 1980, 72-76
Conway, Alan Arthur, ‘Welsh gold miners in British Columbia during the 1860s’ National Library of Wales Journal, 10:4 1957-58, 375-89
Conway, Alan Arthur, ‘Welshmen in the Union armies’ Civil War History, 4:2 1958, 143-74
Davies, James Conway, ‘Welsh settlers in Virginia’ National Library of Wales, 3:1 and 3:2 1943-44, 44
Davies, Phillips, G., ‘The Welsh settlement in Minnesota: the evidence of the churches in Blue Earth and Le Sueur counties’ Welsh History Review, 13:2 1986-87, 133-54
Dodd, Arthur Herbert (ed.), ‘Letters from Welsh settlers in New York State, 1816-44’ National Library of Wales Journal, 9:1 1955-56, 42-59
Ellis, David Maldwyn, ‘The Welsh in Utica’ Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1952, 15-41
Ellis, David Maldwyn, ‘The Welsh in Oneida County in New York State’ Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1961, 115-24
Ellis, David Maldwyn, ‘The assimilation of the Welsh in Central New York’ Welsh History Review, 6:4, 1972-73, 425-50
Jones, Bedwyr Lewis, ‘Goronwy Owen yn Virginia’ Barn, 157 1976, 43-45; 158 1976, 74-75; 159 1976, 116-18
Jones, Bill, ‘The largest Welsh community in the world: the Welsh in Scranton, Pennsylvania c1850-1920’. Translation of ‘Y gymuned fwyaf Gymreig yn y byd’: Cof Cenedl 7 1993, PHOTO
Jones, Bill, ‘Welsh migrant identities in late nineteenth century Scranton, Pennsylvania and Ballarat, Victoria: comparative perspectives’, 1997, 1-7 PHOTO
Jones, Edward Alfred, ‘Welshmen in the American War of Independence’ Y Cymmrodor, 27 1917, 230-63
Jones, Emyr Wyn (ed.), ‘The Welsh Indians – a later chapter’ National Library of Wales Journal, 12:1 1961-62, 36-53
Jones, Emrys, ’Some aspects of cultural change in an American Welsh community', Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1952, 15-41 PHOTO
Jones, Emrys, ‘Welsh-speaking in the new world: 1. The Unites States’ Lochlann, 1 1958, 241-50
Jones, Maldwyn Allen, ‘Welsh-Americans and the anti-slavery movement in the United States’ Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1965, 105-29
Jones, Maldwyn A., ‘From the old country to the new: the Welsh in nineteenth-century America’. Flintshire Historical Society Publications, 27 1975-76, 85-99. PHOTO
Owen, Bob, ‘Welsh American newspapers and periodicals’ National Library of Wales Journal, 6 1950, 373-84
Owen, Bob, ‘Cymry ac addysg America’ Lleufer, 13 1957, 25-28, 73-76, 137-42, 173-78; 14 1958, 29-34, 69-74
Richards, J. R., ‘Llythyrau William Williams o’r America at ei frawd’ Y Traethodydd, 106 1951, 77-88, 165-74
Roberts, D. Hywel E., ‘The printing of Welsh books in the United States: an introductory survey’ Journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society, 12:1 1983-84, 3-25
Taylor, Clare, ‘The Phillipps manuscript: a chapter in early Welsh migration to the West Indies and to the United States’ National Library of Wales Journal 19:3 1975-76, 243-48
Taylor, Clare, ‘Paddy’s Run: A welsh community in Ohio’ Welsh History Review, 11:3 1982-83, 302-16
Thomas David, ‘Welsh emigration to the United States: a note on surname evidence’ Cambria, 6:1 1979, 1-12
Thomas, David, ‘Early Welsh settlement in the USA – the surname evidence’ Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1987, 53-63
Thomas, Hugh Evan, ‘De a gogledd Cymru yn cydsylfaenu Pennsylvania’ Y Geninen, 13:4 1895, 288-90
Thomas, Hugh Evan, ‘Hen Gymry Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’ Y Geninen, 1:2 1883, 141-43
Thomas, Hugh Evan, ‘Hen grynwyr Cymreig America’ Y Geninen, 1:4 1883, 309-11
Thomas, Hugh Evan, ‘Ymchwil eto i hanes hen Gymry dwyreinbarth Pennsylvania’ Y Geninen, 4:3 1886, 197-208
Thomas, Lewis, ‘From the pampas to the prairies: the Welsh migration of 1902’ Anglo-Welsh Review, 26(57) 1976, 154-69. The movement of Patagonian Welsh to Canada.
Williams, David, ‘The contribution of Wales to the development of the United States’ National Library of Wales Journal, 2:3 and 2:4 1941-42, 97-108
Williams, Gareth Wyn, ‘Blackwell revisited: some evidence of Welsh Americana’ National Library of Wales, 17:2 1971-72, 208-10
Williams, Griffiths John (ed.), ‘Letters of Morgan John Rhys to William Owen (Pughe)’ National Library of Wales Journal, 2:3 and 2:4 1941-42, 131-41
Williams, Gwyn Alfred, ‘Frontier of illusion: the Welsh and the Atlantic revolution’ History Today, 30:1 1980, 39-45
Williams, Moelwyn Idwal, A note on Welsh emigration to America, 1697-1707. National Library of Wales Journal, 17:2 1971-72, 210-12
Williams, William, ‘1885-1950: The first three Welsh books printed in America’ National Library of Wales Journal, 2:3 and 2:4 1941-42, 109-19, continued in 3:1 and 3:2 1943-44, 19-22
Cenhadwr Americanaidd (Y)
43(1882)-44(1883); 47(1886)-49(1888)
Cyngor (Y): Welsh-American radical home journal.
1989-1994, 1995
Drych a’r Columbia (Y)
1946-50, 1986/87, 1990-2003
Eagle and the Dragon = Yr eryr a’r ddraig.
1988-96, 1999
Journal of American folk-lore
ASSL: 1992-
E-Journal: 1888-
Ninnau: the North American Welsh newsletter (Grosse Pointe, Mich.: NINNAU)
1986-87 (incomplete) 1990-
North American journal of Welsh studies
E-Journal and print 2001-
Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium
ASSL: 1981-
Traethodydd (Y)
ASSL: 1845- [Needs 1912]
Trafodion Cymdeithas Hanes Bedyddwyr Cymru
ASSL: 1906-1989
Transactions of the Cymmrodorion, or Metropolitan Cambrian Institution
ASSL: 1822-1828/43
Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion
ASSL: 1892-1994
Wawr (Utica): sef cylchgrawn misol y Bedyddwyr Cymreig yn America
1889, 1891-3, 1896
Cyfaill y gweithiwr: anrheg i dderbynwyr y "Drych" am 1862 (Utica, N.Y. : argraffwyd gan Thos. J. Griffiths, 1862) WG9.C
Davies, D. S., Adroddiad am sefyllfa y Wladfa Gymreig, allan o "Baner America" (Bala: H. Evans, pr., 1875?) WG4.6.D
Griffiths, Huw, Report of a research project on ’Y Drych’ and Welsh American identities, 1851-1951, [Aberystwyth] : University of Wales, Board of Celtic Studies, History and Law Committee, 2002 Folio WG4.6.G
Hopkin, Deian Rhys, Introduction to Welsh and other Gaelic language presses. In, Hoerder, Dirk (ed.), The immigrant labor press in North America, 1840s-1970s, Vol. 3, pp. 243-252. Z6953.5.A1.I6
Jones, Aled and Bill Jones, Welsh reflections: Y Drych and America 1851-2001 (Llandysul: Gomer, 2001) WG4.6.J
Lewis, Idwal, ‘Welsh newspapers and journals in the United States’ National Library of Wales Journal 2:3 and 2:4 1941-42, 124-30
Owen, Bob, ‘Welsh American newspapers and periodicals’ National Library of Wales Journal 6:4 1949-50, 373-84