Maps, geography and travel

Materials on European geography and travel, ranging from atlases, maps, historical accounts and travel writing, spanning the 17th to 20th centuries.
Aillitoe, Peter Chasseaud Alan, Topography of Armageddon a British trench map atlas of the western front, 1914-1918, (Lewes, 1991). Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Atlases Folio, G1037.C4.
Beech, Geraldine, Maps and plans in the Public Record Office. Vol. 4, Europe and Turkey, (London, 1998). Special Collections: History Research Collection, DA25.AG.
Büsching, Anton Friedrich, A new system of geography: in which is given, a general account of the situation and limits, the manners, history, and constitution, of the several kingdoms and states in the known world; and a very particular description of their subdivisions and dependencies; their cities and towns, forts, sea-ports, produce, manufactures and commerce, (London, 1762). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, G114.B8. * A translation by Patrick Murdoch of part of Büsching's 'Neue Erdbeschreibung' relating to the European countries.Maps engraved by the cartographer and engraver Thomas Kitchin. v.1. Denmark, Norway, Greenland, Sweden, Russia and Poland. -- v.2. Hungary, Transylvania, Sclavonia, Dalmatia, Turkey in Europe, Portugal, Spain and France. -- v.3. Italy, Sardinia, Naples, Sicily, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, United Netherlands, and Swisserland [sic]. -- v.4. Part of Germany, viz. Bohemia, Moravia, Lusatia, Austria, Burgundy, Westphalia, and the circle of the Rhine. -- v.5. Part of Germany, viz. circles of the Upper-Rhine, Swabia, Franconia, and Upper-Saxony. -- v.6. In Germany, part of Brandenburg, Pomerania, the circles of Upper-Saxony, Swabia, Franconia, and the county of Glatz. Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, G114.B8.
Chasseaud, Peter, Topography of Armageddon a British trench map atlas of the western front, 1914-1918, (Lewes, 1991). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Atlases Folio, G1037.C4.
Cochrane, John Dundas, A pedestrian journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary to the frontiers of China, the frozen sea and Kamtchatka, (London, 1983).Available at SCOLAR@Newport Road. Ask at desk.
Cruttwell, Clement, Atlas to Cruttwell's gazetteer, (London, 1799) Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Atlases Folio, G101.C7.
Erben, Homann, Atlas compendiarius seu ita dictus scholasticus minor in usum erudiendae juventutis adornatus, (Nuremberg, 1753). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Atlases Folio, G1015.H6.
Great Britain, Public Record Office, Maps and plans in the Public Record Office. Vol. 4, Europe and Turkey, (London, 1998). Special Collections: History Research Collection, DA25.AG.
Hanaway, Jonas, An historical account of the British trade over the Caspian Sea: with a journal of travels from London through Russia into Persia; and back again through Russia, Germany and Holland. To which are added, the revolutions of Persia during the present century, with the particular history of the great usurper Nadir Koull, (London, 1753). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, DS257.H2.
Herget, Franz Leonhard, Praha 1791, faksimile Hergetova plánu Faksimile des Hergetschen Plan =The facsimile of the Herget map, (Prague, 1991, c1980). Special Collections: Reference G6514.P7.H3.
Howell, James, Instructions and directions for forren travell: shewing by what cours, and in what compas of time, one may take an exact survey of the kingdomes, and states of Christendome, and arrive to the practicall knowledge of the languages, to good purpose ; with a new appendix for travelling into Turkey and the Levant parts, (London, 1650). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG30(1650).
Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, Atlas françois contenant les cartes geographiques dans lesquelles sont tres exactement remarquez les empires, monarchies, royaumes et estats de l'Europe, de l'Asie, de l'Afrique et de l'Amérique: avec les tables et cartes particulieres, de France, de Flandre, d'Allemagne, d'Espagne et d'Italie, (Paris, 1695). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Atlases Folio, G1015.J2.
Moll, Herman, The world described or, A new and correct sett of maps: shewing the Kingdoms and States in all the known parts of the earth, with the principal Cities, and most considerable Towns in the World. Wherein the errors of the antient geographers are corrected according to the latest observations of travellers, as communicated to the Royal Society of London, and the Royal Academy of Paris., (London, 1708-1720). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Atlases Folio, G1015.M6.
Morgan, E Delmar, Early voyages and travels to Russia and Persia by Anthony Jenkinson and other Englishmen; with some account of the first intercourse of the English with Russia and Central Asia, by way of the Caspian Sea, ed. by E. Delmar Morgan and C.H. Coote, (London, 1886). Special Collections: Reference, G149.H2.
Olearius, Adam, The voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein, to the Great Duke of Muscovy, and the King of Persia: begun in the year M.DC.XXXIII. and finish'd in M.DC.XXXIX ; containing a compleat history of Muscovy, Tartary, Persia... ; in VII. books. whereto are added the travels of John Albert de Mandelslo... from Persia, into the East-Indies... ; in III. books ; the whole work illustrated with divers accurate mapps, and figures, (London, 1669). Special Collections: Salisbury, Folio WG30(1669).
Palairet, Jean, Bowles's universal atlas being a general collection of the most accurate maps of all the known countries in the world; displaying the whole surface, whether habitable or uninhabitable, of the terraqueous globe, (London, 1791?). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Atlases Folios, G1015.P2.
Papers of Annie Grace Henderson: collection contains details of her travels in the Soviet Union during the 1930s.
Pugh, John, Remarkable occurrences in the life of Jonas Hanway, Esq: Comprehending an abstract of his travels in Russia, and Persia; a short history of the rise and progress of the charitable and political institutions founded or supported by him; several anecdotes, and an attempt to delineate his character, (London, 1798). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG30(1798).
Rybár, Ctbor, Prague: guide, information, facts, (Prague, 1971). Special Collections: Reference, 914.371204 RYB.
Scott, John (printer), A compendium of the most approved modern travels: containing a distinct account of the religion, government, commerce, manners, and natural history, of several nations, (London, 1757). Cardiff Rare Books: Early English Octavos, G160.C6 1757.
Visscher, Nicolaes, [Collection of maps], (1625-1641).Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Atlases Folio, G1015.C6.
Wilbraham, Richard, Travels in the Trans-Caucasian provinces of Russia, and along the southern shore of the lakes of Van and Urumiah, in the autumn and winter of 1837, (London, 1839). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG36.5.568.
de Wit, Frederik, Atlas, (Amsterdam, 1662). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Atlases Folio, G1015.W4.