Europe 1500 - 1850

A variety of works from the 16th to 19th centuries on the geographical, imperial and historical development of Europe.
Baker, L. M., The Letters of Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, (London, 1953). Special Collections: Reference, DB211.E5 1953.
Blount, Henry, Sir, A voyage into the Levant: A breife relation of a iourney, lately performed by Master H. B. Gentleman, from England by the way of Venice, into Dalmatia, Sclavonia, Bosnah, Hungary, Macedonia, Thessaly, Thrace, Rhodes and Egypt, unto Gran Cairo: with particular observations concerning the moderne condition of the Turkes, and other people under that empire, (London, 1636). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, DS47.B5.
Büsching, Anton Friedrich, A new system of geography: in which is given, a general account of the situation and limits, the manners, history, and constitution, of the several kingdoms and states in the known world; and a very particular description of their subdivisions and dependencies; their cities and towns, forts, sea-ports, produce, manufactures and commerce, (London, 1762). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, G114.B8.
Buckinghamshire, John Hobert, The despatches and correspondence of John, Second Earl of Buckinghamshire, ambassador to the court of Catherine II of Russia 1762-1765, (London, Camden Society, 1900-1902). Special Collections: Reference, DA20.C2.
Comenius, Johann Amos 1592-1670, The labyrinth of the world and the paradise of the heart, (London, 1950). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Private Presses, Golden Cockerel, BV4509.C8.C6.
Echard, Laurence, The gazetteer's; or newsman's interpreter: Being a geographical index of all the considerable cities, patriarchships, bishopricks, universities, dukedoms, earldoms, and such like; imperial and Hance-towns, ports, forts, castles, &c. in Europe. Shewing in what kingdoms, provinces, and countries they are; to what prince they are now subject; upon, or nigh what rivers, bays, seas, mountains, &c. they stand; their distances (in English miles) from several other places of note; with their longitude and latitude, according to the best and approved maps: with the addition of a table of the births, marriages, &c. of all the kings, princes and potentates of Europe. Of special use for the true understanding of all modern histories of Europe, as well as the present affairs; and for the conveniency of cheapness and pocket-carriage, explained by abbreviations and figures, (London, 1716). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, D904.E24 1716.
Edwards, H. Sutherland, The Slavonian provinces of Turkey: an historical, ethnological, and political guide to questions at issue in these lands, (London, 1876). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG20.E.
Erben, Homann, Atlas compendiarius seu ita dictus scholasticus minor in usum erudiendae juventutis adornatus, (Nuremberg, 1753). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Atlases Folio, G1015.H6.
Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, Letters and other documents illustrating the relations between England and Germany at the commencement of the Thirty Years' War, (London, Camden Society, 1865-1868). Special Collections: Reference, DA20.C2.
Great Britain, The definitive treaty of peace, union, friendship, and mutual defence, between the crowns of Great Britain, Hungary, and Sardinia, concluded at Worms on the 2/13 of September, 1743, (London, 1743). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, D291.G7 1743.
Hanes Louis Kossuth, Llywydd Hungari: yn cynnwys rhagdraith ar ei nodwedd fel dyn, gwladwr, areithiwr, &c., a hanes ei fywyd o'i febyd i'w ddymchweliad gan Awstria a Rwssia, ynghyd â diangfa ryfedd ei wraig a'i blant : hefyd, ei areithiau yn Southampton, Llundain, Winchester, etc., etc, (Bala, 1852). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG37(1852).
Heber, Anna Shipley, The life of Reginald Heber, D.D., Lord Bishop of Calcutta: with selections from the correspondence, unpublished poems, and private papers; together with a journal of his tour in Norway, Sweden, Russia, Hungary, and Germany, and a history of the Cossaks, (New-York, 1830). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG16.95.H.
Helmold, Helmoldi presbyteri bozoviensis Cronica Slavorum, (Hannoverae et ; Lipsiae, 1909). Special Collections: History Research Collection, Folio PA8112.M6.
Herget, Franz Leonhard, Praha 1791, faksimile Hergetova plánu Faksimile des Hergetschen Plan =The facsimile of the Herget map, (Prague, 1991, c1980). Special Collections: Reference, G6514.P7.H3.
Heylyn, Peter, Cosmography in four books: Containing the chorography and history of the whole world: and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas, and isles thereof, (London, The 7th edition / corrected & inlarged by Edmund Bohun Esq., 1703). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Atlases Folio, G114.H3.
Heywood, Thomas, A marriage triumphe: solemnized in an epithalamium in memorie of the happie nuptials betwixt the high and mightie Prince Count Palatine and the most excellent Princesse the Lady Elizabeth, (Bristol, 1936). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Private Presses, PR2294.H33.M2.
Howell, James, Instructions and directions for forren travell: shewing by what cours, and in what compas of time, one may take an exact survey of the kingdomes, and states of Christendome, and arrive to the practicall knowledge of the languages, to good purpose ; with a new appendix for travelling into Turkey and the Levant parts, (London, 1650). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG30(1650).
Howell, James, A glance on the present state of the German empire: of the diet, or imperiall court of Parlement, of the college of electors, and how from seven, they came to be an octumvirat or eight electors? As also the context twixt the count palatine of the Rhin, and the duke of Bavaria, touching the vicarship of the Empire, &c, (London, 1663). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG30(1663).
Humilis, John Jones, Traethawd ar Rwsia a'i rhyfel; ym mha un y rhoddir hanes y wlad, a phrif agweddau y rhyfel presenol rhwng Rwsia a Thwrci, (Machynlleth, 1854). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG37(1854).
Jones, William, The history of modern Europe: from the Peace of Paris in 1763 to the death of the Emperor Alexander, of Russia, in 1825, (London, 1828). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG36.5.745.
List & Index Society, 223. State papers foreign, Germany (Empire) and Hungary 1661-1700 (SP 80/11-17), (S.l, 1987). Special Collections: History Research Collection, Folio DA25.EA.
Ludwig, Karl, A protestation of the most high and mighty prince Charles Lodowicke, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Archidapifer, and Prince Elector of the sacred Empire, Duke of Bavaria, &c, (London, 1637). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, DD801.P47.K2.
de Parival, Jean-Nicolas, The history of this iron age: vvherein is set dovvn the true state of Europe, as it was in the year 1500: also, the original, and causes of all the vvarres, and commotions, that have happened: together with a description of the most memorable battels, sieges, actions and transactions, both in court and camp, from that time till this present year 1656. Illustrated vvith the lively effigies, of the most renowned persons of this present time, (London, 1656). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Folios, D246.P2.
Phillips, John, Historical address on the Hungarian war and executions: and on the conduct of the Austrian government towards its subjects in its Hungarian, Polish, and other provinces, delivered at a public meeting of the City of Bangor, held in the present year, (1850), to express sympathy with the Hungarians, (Caernarfon, 1850). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG37(1850).
Pugh, John, Remarkable occurrences in the life of Jonas Hanway, Esq: Comprehending an abstract of his travels in Russia, and Persia; a short history of the rise and progress of the charitable and political institutions founded or supported by him; several anecdotes, and an attempt to delineate his character, (London, 1798). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG30(1798).
Rees, Evan, Sketches of the horrors of war: chiefly selected from Labaume's narrative of the campaign in Russia, in 1812, (London, 1818). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG37(1818).
Richardson, Gabriel, Of the state of Europe: XIIII. bookes. Containing the historie, and relation of the many prouinces hereof. Continued out of approved authours, (Oxford, 1627). Cardiff Rare Books Collection, Early English Folios, D208.R4.
The friendship of King Lewis, always fatal: illustrated in the histories of the alliances between France, and the following princes, and states, viz: the Emperor Leopold, the Hungarian Lords, the Republick of Venice, the DeWit faction, Charles XI, King of Sweden the Messinesses in Sicily, the city of Strasburgh, the family of Furstemburgh, Count Teckely, the Grand Signior and the Turks, King Charles II, King James II, the Duke of Mantua, the Elector of Bavaria, the Elector of Cologn, Prince Vaudemont, (London, 1713). Cardiff Rare Books Collection: Early English Octavos, DA230 .A88 1713.
The history of the Treaty of Utrecht: In which is contain'd, a full account of all the steps taken by France, to bring the allies to a treaty during the war, and by that means to divide them. Her several offers to the confederates jointly and separately, from the Elector of Bavaria's, after the Ramilles campaign, to Monsieur Mesnager's at London. Her intrigues to procure the congress at Utrecht, and during the negotiations there. To which is occasionally added, a brief relation of the progress of the arms of the allies, and a state of their affairs at the commencement of the treaty, (London, 1712). Special Collections: Schwarzenberger, 341.89 H.
Williams, John, The rise, progress, and present state of the northern governments; viz. the United Provinces, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, and Poland: or, Observations on the nature, constitution, religion, laws, policy, customs, and commerce of each government; the manners and dispositions of the people; their military forces by land and sea; the revenues and resources of each power; and on the circumstances and conjunctures which have contributed to produce the various revolutions which have happened in them. The whole digested from the most suthentic records and histories, and from the reflections and remarks made during a tour of five years through these nations, (London, 1777). Special Collections: Salisbury, Folio WG30(1777).