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Czechoslovak Special Collection

Prague, by Krlstýna Zikovská.

A selection of primary and secondary sources on the turbulent history of Czechoslovakia throughout the 20th century, concentrating on diplomacy, espionage, propaganda, minorities, show trials and tourism. Deposited at Special Collections and Archives by kind permission of Professor Mary Heimann.

Published works

American Council on Public Affairs, Czechoslovakia Fights Back, with an introduction by Jan Masaryk, Czechoslovak Minister of Foreign Affairs, (Washington, 1943). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Anon., Ústava:Československej Socialistickej Republiky, (Bratislava, 1983). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Anon., Knižnice Členská Základy vědeckého komunismu, (Praha, 1971). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Anon., On Events in Czechoslovakia: Facts, documents, press reports and eye-witness accounts (also known as The White Book/ The Soviet White Book), (Moscow, 1968). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Anon., Procès contre les agents du Vatican en Tchécoslovaquie: Évêque Zela et consorts, (Prague, Orbis, 1951). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Anon., Trial of Vatican Agents in Czechoslovakia: Bishop Zela and Accomplices, (Prague, Orbis, 1951). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Ash, Timothy Garton, The Magic Lantern: The Revolution of 89 witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague, (New York, 1990). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Beattie, Andrew, Visitor's Guide: Czechoslovakia, (Ashbourne, 1991). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Beneš, B. (ed.), Wings in Exile: Life and Work of the Czechoslovak Airmen, (London, 1942). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Beneš, E., Memoirs of Dr Eduard Beneš, From Munich to New War and New Victory, trans. by Godfrey Lias, [1954], (Connecticut, 1978). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Beneš, E., Projev pana presidenta republiky Dr Edvarda Beneše na sjezdu Českých Spisovatelů v červnu 1946 v Praze, (Praha, 1946). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Beneš, E., My War Memoirs by Dr. Beneš: Czechoslovak Minister of Foreign Affairs since 1918, trans. by Paul Selver, (London, 1928). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Beneš, E., Détruisez L’Autriche-Hongrie! Le Martyre des Tchéco-Slovaques à Travers L’histoire, [1916], (London, reprint edition, 2018). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Beneš, E., Bohemia’s Case for Independence, [1917], (New York, Reprint edition, 1971). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Beneš, Vojta, Bojovali jsme za svobodu Vol. 1 (Prague: Pokrok, 1947). Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Bezruč, Petr, Slezské písně, (Prague, 1958). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Bláha, Inocenc Arnošt, Sociologie, (Prague, 1968). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Bláha, Inocenc Arnošt, Problém Lidu, (1940). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Bláhy, I. A., Řeč prof. PhDra I. A. Bláhy, pronesená dne 22 listopadu 1945 při tryzně na paměťčlenů akademické obce Masarykovy university, zahynulých a padlých v době nesvobody, (1947). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Bloomfield, Jon, Passive Revolution: Politics and the Czechoslovak Working Class, 1945-48, (London, 1979). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Böhm, Jaroslav, et al., Velká Morava: Tisíciletá tradice státu a kultury (Prague: Československá akademie věd, 1963). Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Bolton, Jonathan, Worlds of Dissent: Charter 77, The Plastic People of the Universe, and Czech Culture under Communism, (London, 2012). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Borneman, John, Settling Accounts: Violence, Justice, and Accountability in Post-Socialist Europe, (Princeton, 1997). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Bourdeaux, Michael, One Word of Truth: The Cold War Memoir of Michael Bourdeaux and Keston College (London: Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd, 2019). Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Bradley, Joihn. F. N., Czech Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century, (New York, 1984). Donated by the Rev. Dr Mark Dimond. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Bratislava Orientačný Plán, (1972). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

The British Embassy, 100 Years of the British Embassy in Prague, (Prague, 2019). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Čapek, Karel, Letters from England, (London, 2001). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Čapek, Karel, Four Plays, (London, 1999). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Čapek, Karel, Hovory s T. G. Masarykem, (Praha, 1969). Donated by the Rev. Dr Mark Dimond. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Chaszar, Edward (ed.), Hungarians in Czechoslovakia Yesterday and Today, (Florida, 1988). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

de Colonna, Bertram, Czecho-Slovakia Within, (London, 1938). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Cooke, Alistair, A Generation on Trial: USA v Alger Hiss, (London, 1950). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Cornwall, Mark & Evans, R. J. W. (eds.), Czechoslovakia in a Nationalist and Fascist Europe 1918-1948, (Oxford, 2007). Donated by the Rev. Dr Mark Dimond. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Clementis, Vladimír  and L. Clementisová, Listy z väzenia (Bratislava: Tatran, 1968). Kindly donated by James Moffatt. Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Czechoslovakia in Maps and Statistics, (London, 1940). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Deich, Gene, For the Love of Prague: the true love story of the only free American in Prague during 30 years of Communism, [1995] (Praha, 2002). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Denis, Ernest, La Renaissance Tchèque: Extraits de la Bohême Depuis La Montagne-Blanche, (Prague, 1904).

Dokumenty o okupácii ČSSR, (Bratislava, 1968). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Doležal, Jiří, & Křen, Jan, Czechoslovakia’s Fight (1936-45), (Prague, 1964). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Doležal, Jiří, & Štech, V, et al, Zlatá Praha: The Golden Prague, (Czechoslovakia, c. 1970?). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Dubček, Alexander, Hope Dies at Last: The Autobiography of Alexander Dubcek, (ed.), Jiri Hochman, (London, 1993). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Duff, S. Grant, A German Protectorate: The Czechs Under Nazi Rule, [1942] (London, Second Impression, 1970). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Duff, S. Grant, Europe and the Czechs, (London 1938). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Dvořáková, Vladimíra, Rozkládání státu, (Prague, 2012). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Ello, Paul (ed.), Czechoslovakia’s Blueprint for “Freedom”: Dubček’s Statements: The Original and Official Documents Leading to the Conflict of August, 1968, (Washington, 1968). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Erdley, E. V., Prague Braves the Hangman, (London, 1942). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Fajtl, František, Vzpomínky na padlé kamarády (Horizont, 1991). Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Felak, James Ramon, “At the Price of the Republic”: Hlinka’s Slovak People’s Party, 1929-1938, (Pittsburgh & London, 1994). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Franckenstein, Sir George, Facts and Figures of my Life by Sir George Franckenstein, Austrian Minister to the Court of St. James 1920-1938, (London, 1939). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Frolik, Josef, The Frolik Defection: The Memoirs of an Intelligence Agent, (London, 1976). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Fronek, Josef, English-Czech, Czech-English Dictionary, (Prague, 1999). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Gál, Fedor & Urban, Jan, Vel’ký Tresk, (2019). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Fedor Gál.

Gál, Fedor (ed.), Mojich Trisdsať Rokov, (Bratislava, 2019). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Fedor Gál.

Gál, Fedor & Zajac, Peter, November ’89: Foto, (Bratislava, 2009). Ask at Desk. Donated by Fedor Gál.

Galla, Karel, Třídy Ve Společnosti a Třídní Boj, (Prague, 1930). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Gellhorn, Martha, A Stricken Field, [1940] (London, 1986). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Glassner, Martin Ira & Krell, Robert (eds.), And Life is Changed Forever: Holocaust Childhoods Remembered, (Detroit, 2006). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Glenny, Misha, The Rebirth of History: Eastern Europe in the Age of Democracy, [1990], (London, 1993). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Gordievsky, Oleg, Next Stop Execution: The Autobiography of Oleg Gordievsky, (London, 1995). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Gorys, Erhard, Pallas Czechoslovakia, (London, 1991). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Gregor, Miro, Slovensko Moje, (n. pl. 1987). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by F. Mary Horák in memory of her husband Tomás Horák.

Halász, Zoltan, Budapest, (Budapest, 1958). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Hancock, Ian, We are the Romani People: Ames am e Romane džene, (Hatfield, 2002). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Hašek, Jaroslav, The Red Commissar: Including Further Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk and other Stories, (London, 1981). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Havel, Václav, The Power of the Powerless: Citizens against the State in central-eastern Europe, (New York, 1985). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Helsinki Watch Report, Rights Denied: The Roma of Hungary, (New York, 1996). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Helsinki Watch Report, Struggling for Ethnic Identity: The Gypsies of Hungary, (New York, 1993). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Helsinki Watch Report, Struggling for Ethnic Identity: Ethnic Hungarians in Post-Ceausecu Romania, (New York, 1993). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Helsinki Watch Report, Struggling for Ethnic Identity: Czechoslovakia’s Endangered Gypsies, (New York, 1992). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Helsinki Watch Report, Glasnost in Jeopardy: Human Rights in the USSR, (New York, 1991). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Helsinki Watch Report, Toward Civil Society: independent Initiatives in Czechoslovakia, (New York, 1989). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Helsinki Watch Report, Violations of the Helsinki Accords: Czechoslovakia, (New York, 1986). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Helsinki Watch Report, Violations of the Helsinki Accords: Hungary, (New York, 1986). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Helsinki Watch Report, Violations of the Helsinki Accords: Poland, (New York, 1986). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Henderson, Alexander, Eyewitness in Czecho-Slovakia, (London, 1939). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Hensel, Jana, After the Wall: Confessions from an East German Childhood and the Life that Came Next, (New York, 2004). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Hesse, Fritz, Hitler and the English, (London, 1954). Contains 2 letters: 1) a review request from the editor; 2) review letter dated October 12, 1954.  Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Hlaváč, Ľudovít, Sociálna fotografia na Slovensku, (Bratislava, 1974). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Hoffmann, Gabriel, Zamlčaná pravda o Slovensku, (Slovakia, 1996). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Hora-Hořejš, Petr, Toulky Českou minulostí, (Praha, 1998). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Horthy, Nicholas, Admiral Nicholas Horthy: Memoirs: Annotated by Andrew L. Simon, (Safety Harbor, 2000). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Hromádka, J. L., Masaryk as European, (Prague, 1936). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Husák, Gustáv, Svedectvo o Slovenskom Národnom Povostaní, (1974). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Husák, Gustáv, Svedectvo o Slovenskom Národnom Povostaní, (Bratislava, 1969). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Hviezdoslav, Pavol Országh, The Bloody Sonnets: Translated from Slovak by John Minahane, (Bratislava, 2018). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Indra, Alois, Československo Osmdesátých Let: Czechoslovakia in the Eighties, (Prague, 1985).

Jacobs, Michael, Blue Guide: Czechoslovakia, (London, 1992). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Jaksch, Wenzel, Europe’s Road to Potsdam, (New York, 1963). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

James, Hilary A. & Musil, Jiří P., Prague, My Love: An Unusual Guide Book to the Hidden Corners of Prague, (Prague, 1992). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Jelinek, Yeshayahu, The Parish Republic: Hlinka's Slovak People's Party, (New York & London, 1976). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Jorotka, Zdeněk, In Saturnin, [1943], (Prague, 1999). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Josten, Josef, Oh My Country, (London, 1949). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Kaldova, Josef, The Genesis of Czechoslovakia, (New York, East European Monographs, 1986). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Kantůrková, Eva, My Companions in the Bleak House: A Novel, (New York, 1987). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Kaplan, Karel, Pět kapitol o Únoru, (Czech Republic, 1997). Donated by the Rev. Dr Mark Dimond. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Kaplan, Karel, Československo v RVHP 1949-1956, (Prague, 1995). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Kaplan, Karel, Report on the Murder of the General Secretary, (Columbus, 1990). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Kaplan, Karel, The Short March: The Communist Takeover in Czechoslovakia 1945 - 1948, (New York, 1987). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Kemp-Welch, Klara, Antipolitics in Central European Art, (London, 2014). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Kennan, George F., From Prague after Munich: Diplomatic Papers 1938-1940, (Princeton, 1968). Donated by the Rev. Dr Mark Dimond. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Kirschbaum, Stanislav J., A History of Slovakia: The Struggle for Survival, [1995] (New York, 1996). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Klaus, Václav, President of the Czech Republic, Europe: The Shattering of Illusions, (London, 2011). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Kniha, Černá, O Kardinálovi, (n. pl., 1949). Kindly donated by Jan Svehla, 2019. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Knižnice, Členská, Základy vědeckého komunismu, (Prague, 1971). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Kolektiv Autorek, Vaříme: zdravě, chutne a hospodárne, (n. pl., 1983). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Korbel, Josef, Twentieth-Century Czechoslovakia: The Meanings of its History, (New York, 1977). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Košický Vládny Program (The Košice Programme of the New Czechoslovak Government), [1945], (1985). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Kováks, János (ed.), Documents on the Mindszenty Case, (Budapest, 1949). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Krejčí, Antonín, T. G. Marsaryk a Sokol, (Československá obec sokolská, 1947). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Kriseová, Eda, Václav Havel: Životopis (Prague: Atlantis 1991). Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Kuras, Benjamin, Jako psa ke kandelábru, (Praha, 2005). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by F. Mary Horák in memory of her husband Tomás Horák.

Kýr, Aleš, Pankrác Memorial, Památník Pankrác: Expozice Vězeňské Služby České Republiky: Exhibition of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic, (1999). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Laček, Jozef, (ed.), Zamlčaná Pravda o Slovensku II. Diel Dr Jozef Tiso o sebe, [1947], (Bratislava, 1997). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Láníček, Jan, Arnošt Frischer and the Jewish Politics of Early 20th Century Europe, (London, 2017). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Laštovička, Bohuslav, V Londýně za války: zápasy o novou ČSR 1939-1945, (1961). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Leff, Carol Skalnik, The Czech And Slovak Republics: Nation Versus State, (Boulder & Oxford, 1997). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Lettrich, Jozef, History of Modern Slovakia, (London, 1956). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Lewis, Flora, Red Pawn: The Story of Noel Field, (New York, 1965). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Lewis, Flora, The Man Who Disappeared: The Strange History of Noel Field, (London, 1965). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Life, August 30 (1968). Feature on ‘Czechoslovakia: Death of the Bright Young Freedom’.  Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Littell, Robert, (Ed.), The Czech Black Book: An eyewitness documented account of the invasion of Czechoslovakia, (London, 1969). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Lockhart, R. H. Bruce, Memoirs of a British Agent: Being an account of the author’s early life in many lands and of his official mission to Moscow in 1918, [1932] (London, 1937). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

[Łukasiewicz,  Juliusz], Diplomat in Paris 1936-1939: Papers and Memoirs of Juliusz Łukasiewicz Ambassador of Poland, ed. W. Jędrzejewicz (New York: Columbia University Press, 1970). Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Luža, Radomír, The Transfer of the Sudeten Germans: A Study of Czech-German Relations 1933-1962, (New York, 1964). Donated by the Rev. Dr Mark Dimond. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

MacDonald, Callum, The Killing of SS Obergruppen-Führer Reinhard Heydrich, (New York, 1989). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Machacek, Karel A., Escape to England, (Sussex, 1988). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by F. Mary Horák in memory of her husband Tomás Horák.

Macht, Ant., Pankrác Terezín Malá Pevnost (Prague: Bureš, 1946). Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Macků, Jan, Vybrané Kapitoly z Dějin Českoslenské Sociologie, (Prague, 1968). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Mackworth, Cecily & Stransky, Jan, Czechoslovakia, with a Preface by Jan Masaryk, (London, 1942). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

MadeInPrague, 5 November – 2 December 2016.

Magocsi, Paul R., The Rusyn-Ukrainians of Czechoslovakia, (Vienna, 1981). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Martin, Nikolaus, Prague Winter, (London, 1990). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Martin, Pat, Czechoslovak Culture: Recipes, History and Folk Arts, (Iowa City, 1989). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Martinová, Ina, (ed.), Slovak Literature Abroad: Collected Essays, (Bratislava, 2015). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Marwick, Arthur (ed.), Class in the Twentieth Century, (Brighton, 1986). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Masaryk, Jan, Volá Londýn, [1948] (Prague, 1990). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Masaryk, Jan, Speaking to my Country, (London, 1944). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Masaryk, Thomas Garrigue, Světová revoluce za války a ve válce 1914-1918 (Praha, 1938). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Masaryk, Thomas Garrigue, The Making of a State: Memories and Observations 1914-1918, (New York, 1927). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Masaryk, Thomas Garrigue, The New Europe (The Slav Standpoint), [1918] (New Jersey, 1972). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Masaryk, Thomas Garrigue, Suicide and the Meaning of Civilization, [1881] (Chicago, 1970). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Massing, Hede, This Deception: The story of a woman agent with an introduction by Morris L. Ernst, (New York, 1951). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Mastny, Vojtech, The Czechs Under Nazi Rule, (New York & London, 1971). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Mencl, Vojtěch et al., 20 Století: Světlo na bílá místa v nejnovějších dějinách, (1990). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Michnik, Adam, Letters from Prison and Other Essays, (Berkeley & London, 1985). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Mindszenty, Jósef, Cardinal Mindszenty Speaks (Various documents relating to religious affairs in Hungary and the arrest of Cardinal Mindszenty), (New York, 1949). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

[MINISTRIES OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE ČSSR AND THE USSR Federální ministerstvo zahraničních věcí ČSSR Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí SSSR], Dokumenty k historii Mnichovského Diktátu 1937-1939. Prague: Svoboda, 1979. Kindly donated by James Moffatt. Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Mitchell, Ruth Crawford (ed.), Alice Garrigue Masaryk 1879-1966, (Pittsburgh, 1980). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Mlynář, Zdeněk, Night Frost in Prague: The End of Humane Socialism, (London, 1980). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Mlynář, Zdeněk, Socialistou na volné noze (Prague: Prospektrum,1992). Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Molloy, Peter, The Lost World of Communism: An Oral History of Daily Life Behind the Iron Curtain, (London, 2009). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Moravec, Frantisek, Špión, jemuž, nevěřili, (Praha, 1990). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Moravec, Frantisek, Master of Spies: The Memoirs of General Frantisek Moravec, (New York, 1975). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Moravec, Jan, Antipučení, (Praha, 1990). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Moťka, Leo, Touring Czechoslovakia, (Praha, 1962). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Mucha, Jiří, Alfons Mucha, (Praha, 1994). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Mullek, Magdalena, & Sherwood, Julia, Into the Spotlight: New Writing from Slovakia, (Indiana, 2017). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Navrátil, Jaromír (ed.), The Prague Spring 1968, (Budapest, CEU Press, 1998). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Němcová, Božena, Babička: Obrazy venskovského života, illustrations by Adolf Kašpar (Prague: Česká grafická unie, 1926). Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Neubert, Karel, & Jan Royt, Poklady Minulosti: Umělecké a historické památky Československa, (Prague? 1990). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Newsweek, July 29 (1968). Feature on ‘Czechoslovakia’s Alexander Dubcek’.  Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Osers, Jan, (ed.), Students in Czechoslovakia: Life and Work of the Young Intelligentsia, (Prague, 1949). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Overseas Press Club of America, As We See Russia, (New York, 1948). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Palacký, František, Dějiny národu českého vols. I-VI, [1848], (Prague, 1939). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Pejskar, Jožka, Od boje (proti komunistům) ke kolaboraci. Dokumenty...Čs. strany socialistické v letech 1948-1989 (studie). (Prague and USA: Pallbrook, 1993). Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Pelikán, Jiří (ed.), The Secret Vysočany Congress: Proceedings and Documents of the Extraordinary Fourteenth Congress of the Communist Part of Czechoslovakia, 22 August 1968, (London, 1971). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Pelikán, Jiří (ed.), The Czechoslovak Political Trials, 1950-1954, (London, 1971). Donated by the Rev. Dr Mark Dimond. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Peroutka, Ferdinand, Jací jsme (Prague: Fr Borova, 1934). Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Petráň, Josef, and Petráňová, Lydia, Prague University Town, (Prague, 2018). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Petulengro, Gipsy, A Romany Life (London: Methuen & Co., 1935 (3rd edn 1948). Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Piekalkiewicz, Jaroslaw A., Public Opinion Polling in Czechoslovakia, 1968-69: Results and Analysis of Surveys Conducted During the Dubcek Era, (New York, 1972). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Pollitt, Harry, In Memory of Joseph Stalin and Klement Gottwald, (London, 1953). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Popescu, Julian, Let's Visit Czechoslovakia, (London, 1970). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Procházka, Theodore, The Second Republic: The Disintegration of Post-Munich Czechoslovakia (October 1938-March 1939), (New York, 1981). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Rais, Karel V., Čtení o Karlu Havlíčovi a Váscalvu Beneši-Třebízském, (Prague, 1902). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Rais, Karel V., Povídky II, (Prague, 1960). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Reichart, Rufus, Dr Edvard Beneš, President of Czechoslovakia: The Czechoslovak Stateman’s Official Wartime Visit to the United States and Canada in 1943, (USA, 1944). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Remington, Robin Alison (ed.), Winter in Prague: Documents on Czechoslovak Communism in Crisis, with an Introduction by William E. Griffith, (Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, 1969). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Renčín, Vladimír, To nejlepší Renčína: The Best of Renčín, (1991). Donated by F. Mary Horák in memory of her husband Tomáš Horák. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Rice, Condoleezza, The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army, 1948-1983: Uncertain Allegiance, (Princeton, 1984). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Ročník, I., Kulturní AdresářČSR: Biografický Slovník Žijích Kulturních Pracovníků a Pracovnic, (Prague, 1934). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Rothermere, Viscount, My Campaign for Hungary, (London, 1939). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Rupnik, Jacques, The Other Europe: The Rise and Fall of Communism in East-Central Europe, (New York, 1989). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Rychlík, Jan; Marzik, Thomas D, & Bielik, Moroslav (eds.), R. W. Seton-Watson: Documents: Dokumenty 1906-1951 Volume II, (Slovakia, 1996). Donated by the Rev. Dr Mark Dimond. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Rychlík, Jan; Marzik, Thomas D, & Bielik, Moroslav (eds.), R. W. Seton-Watson: Documents: Dokumenty 1906-1951 Volume I, (Slovakia, 1995). Donated by the Rev. Dr Mark Dimond. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Šalda, F. X., Dr. Edvard Beneš ve fotografii: Historie velkého života, (Prague, 1936). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Satow, Sir Ernest, A Guide to Diplomatic Practice, fourth edition, [1917] (London, 1957). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Schuschnigg, Kurt Von, The Brutal Takeover: The Austrian ex-Chancellor’s account of the Anschluss of Austria by Hitler, (London, 1971).

Šedivý, Ivan, Češi, České Země a Velká Válka 1914-1918, (Prague, 2001). Donated by the Rev. Dr Mark Dimond. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Seidl, B., Czechoslovakia: A Handbook of Facts and Figures, (Prague, Orbis, 1964). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Shawcross, William, Dubcek: Dubcek and Czechoslovakia 1918-1990, (London, 1990). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Shillinglaw, Draga B. (ed.), The Lectures of Professor T. G. Masaryk at the University of Chicago, Summer 1902, (London, 1978). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Sinclairová, Soňa, Baťa Švec pro Celý Svět: Tomáš J. Baťa, (Prague, 1991). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Skilling, H. Gordon, T. G Masaryk: Against the Current, 1882-1914, (Pennsylvania, 1994). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Skilling, H. Gordon, & Paul Wilson, Civic Freedom in Central Europe: Voices from Czechoslovakia, (New York, 1991). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Skvorecky, Josef, The Miracle Game: A Novel, (New York, 1991). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Skrobucha, Heinz, Icons in Czechoslovakia, (London, 1971). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by F. Mary Horák in memory of her husband Tomás Horák.

Slánská, Josefa, Report on my Husband: The First-hand Account of the Trial and Death of Rudolf Slánský, Vice Premier of Czechoslovakia, (New York, 1969). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Slánská, Josefa, Zpráva o mém muži (Prague: Svoboda, 1990). Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Šlingová, Marian, Truth Will Prevail, (London, 1968). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Slovak Literary Review, 2016. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

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Státník, Dalibor, Jan Palach a Československo 1948-1989, (Prague, 2016). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Štefánek, Branislav, Anton Štefánek 1877 – 1977 Ľud a národ očami sociológa, (Aschheim, 1977). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Stransky, Jan, East Wind over Prague, (London, 1950). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by the Rev. Dr Mark Dimond.

Suchl, J, Jizerské Ticho, (Praha, 1983). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by F. Mary Horák in memory of her husband Tomás Horák.

Suda, Zdenek, Zealots and Rebels: A History of the Ruling Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, (Stanford, 1989). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Szász, Béla, Volunteers for the Gallows: Anatomy of a Show-Trial, (London, 1971). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Teichova, Alice, An Economic Background to Munich: International Business and Czechoslovakia 1918-1938, (Cambridge, 1974). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Thomas, Daniel C., The Helsinki Effect: International Norms, Human Rights, and the Demise of Communism, (Princeton, 2001). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Tiso, Josef, Remembrances and Testimony: Dr. Josef Tiso and the Slovak Republic 1939-45, (ed.) Charles Murin, (Montreal, 1992). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Tivadar, Gorszky, The Trial of József Mindszenty, (Budapest, 1949). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Tomášek, Michal et al., Czech Law: Between Europeanization and Globalization, (Prague, 2010). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Trnka, Bohumil, The English Visitor in Czechoslovakia, (Prague, 1937). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Vacek, Miroslav, Prečo by som mal mlčat… (Praha, 1991). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Vago, Bela, The Shadow of the Swastika: The Rise of Fascism and Anti-Semitisim in the Danube Basin, 1936-9, (London, 1975). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Volf, Miloslav, Naše Dělnické Hnutí V Minulosti, (Prague, 1947). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Voska, Emanuel Victor, Spy and Counter-Spy: The Autobiography of a Master-Spy, (London, 1941). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Walker, Denver, Czechoslovakia: Believe it or not! (London, 1986). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Williams, Kieran, The Prague Spring and its aftermath: Czechoslovak politics 1968-1970, (Cambridge, 1997). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Windsor, Philip & Roberts, Adam, Czecho-Slovakia 1968: Reform, Repression, and Resistance, (London, 1969). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Winter, Dr Gustav, Culture Lives on in Occupied Czechoslovakia: Lecture delivered on the 13 November 1941 at the Czechoslovak Institute, London, (London, 1941). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Young, Edgar P., Czechoslovakia, (London, 1946). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by Margaret Smales.

Zeman, Z.A.B., Pursued by a Bear: The Making of Eastern Europe, (London, 1989). Donated by the Rev. Dr Mark Dimond. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Zeman, Zbyněk, The Life of Edvard Beneš 1884-1948: Czechoslovakia in Peace and War, (Oxford, 1997). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Zeman, Zbyněk, The Masaryks: The Making of Czechoslovakia, (London, 1976). Donated by the Rev. Dr Mark Dimond. Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Vlček, Emanuel, Jak zemřeli (Praha, 1993). Special Collections: Ask at Desk. Donated by F. Mary Horák in memory of her husband Tomáš Horák.

Zubek, T. J., The Trial of Three Slovak Bishops, (Washington, 1955?). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Unpublished works

Korzendőrfer, Helmut, ‘So Erlebte Ich Das Jahr 1945‘, (April, 1997). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Prašilova-Bihellerová, Květuše, This photo album belongs to Květuše (Kvéta, Kytá), born in 1917 in Kutná Hora, the Bohemian Crown Lands, Habsburg Empire (n.d.). Special Collections: Ask at Desk.

Straka, Josef unpublished papers. Scrapbook kept by Josef Straka, containing clippings from Studentský věstnik (1930s-1940s); Plzeňský kraj (1935); Český deník (Plzeň 1936); Tagblatt (1936); full copy Národní střed (31 Dec. 1939); Věstník (1 Sept. 1940); handwritten text by Joseph V. Straka, 'Les nouvelles problèmes de la Démocracie' (Geneva, August 1932); typescript 'La constitution de l'état Lithuanien' [unpublished typescript of the Lithuanian constitution, unpaginated]; handwritten letters and notes. Kindly donated by James Moffatt. Special Collections: Ask at desk.

Unpublished theses

All unpublished works are still subject to copyright and due acknowledgment must always be made of the use of any material contained in, or derived from any of the following theses:

Doctoral theses

Green, David Alexander, ‘The Czechoslovak Communist Party’s Revolution, 1986-1990’, PhD Thesis, University of Strathclyde, (2014).

Johnson, Owen, ‘Sociocultural and National Development in Slovakia, 1918-1938: Education and its Impact’ Vols 1 & 2, PhD thesis, University of Michigan, (1978).

O’Donnell, Stephen, ‘From Pittsburgh to Pressburg: The Transatlantic Slovak National Movement, 1880-1920’, PhD thesis, University of Strathclyde, (2017). (Under embargo).

Smales, Margaret Bolton, ‘Class, Estate and Status in Czechoslovakia, 1918-1938’, PhD thesis, Open University, (1983).

Masters theses

Kincová, Ester, ‘Project Perfect Woman: The mobilisation of motherhood in the communist women’s magazine Vlasta, 1969-1989, MA dissertation, Bristol University, (2018).

Smith, Emily, ‘”The Hive of Industry, The Alchemists’ Lair”: Jewish refugee businesses in the South Wales Special Areas, and their impact on the local industrial landscape’, MA Thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, (2017). (Under embargo until 2024).

Cardiff undergraduate dissertations

Blair, Claudia, ‘Britain and the 1948 Czechoslovak ‘Coup’: A Question of Propaganda, BSc Thesis, Cardiff University, (2017).

Boyd, Melanie, 'Understanding the Czech Women's Suffrage Movement, 1905-1920', BA Thesis, Cardiff University, (2021).

Brockbank, Kitty, ‘The Cultural Representations of the Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich: A Critical Analysis’, BA Thesis, Cardiff University, (2017).

Burr, Louise, ‘The British and the Czechoslovak Independence Campaign’, BA Thesis, Cardiff University, (2019).

Carmichael, Ella, ‘British Humanitarian Criticism of the German Transfers from Czechoslovakia, 1945-47’, BA Thesis, Cardiff University, (2017).

Davis, Ellie; ‘The Czech answer to the ‘Jewish Question’: Post-War treatment of the Bohemian Jews, 1945-1953’, BA Thesis, Cardiff University, (2018).

Dodd, Isobel, 'February 1948: The Creation of the Cold War Myth', BA Thesis, Cardiff University, (2021).

Evans, Rhian, 'Beyond the Winton Narrative: Wales and the Kindertransport' BA Thesis, Cardiff University, (2021).

Kincová, Ester, ‘Beneš’s ‘Minority’ Problem: The Decision to Expel the Germans 1938-1945’, BA Thesis, Cardiff University, (2017).

Moffatt, James, 'Charter 77 on Trial: Normalisation, Neo-Stalinisim and Non-Conformity within Czechoslovakia, 1976-1982', BA Thesis, Cardiff University, (2021).

Pearce, Elle, ‘Clandestine British Support for The Czech Underground 1984-1988’, BA Thesis, Cardiff University, (2019).

Sheriff, Lucy, ‘Belonging and Belief: Exploring Identity inside Theresienstadt’, BA Thesis, Cardiff University, (2018).

Thompson, William, ‘Framing Lidice: How a Small Czech Village Has Been Reconstructed Throughout History’, BA Thesis, Cardiff University, (2017).

Selected DVDs and documentaries also available. Please ask at desk for details.