Historical background (pre-1970)

Morgan, R. H. Disestablishment of the Church in Wales. 1888.
Darlington, Thomas. Iaith a chenedlaetholdeb. 1891.
A Celt. Cymru fydd Gymru rydd: or, the national movement in Wales. 1895.
Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart). The speeches of the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone: on home rule, criminal law, Welsh and Irish nationality, national debt and the Queen's reign. 1902.
Wade-Evans, Arthur W. Papers for thinking Welshmen. 1909.
John, E. T. National self-government: how Wales stands to gain by it. [1910?]
John, E. T. Ymreolaeth gyfunol: safle a hawliau Cymru: manteision Senedd Gymreig. [1910?]
John, E. T. Wales and self-government. [1910?]
John, E. T. Senedd Gymreig: ei neges a'i gwaith. 1911.
United Campaign Committee for Welsh Disestablishment. Leaflets on Welsh disestablishment. [1911].
Morgan, J Vyrnwy. A study in nationality. 1911.
Central Campaign Committee for the Disestablishment of the Church of England in Wales. The disestablishment and disendowment of the Church of England in Wales: a handbook on the subject containing the text of the Established Church in Wales Bill (1912), together with full explanatory notes thereon. 1912.
Griffith, Gwilym Oswald. The new Wales: some aspects of national idealism: with a plea for Welsh home rule. 1913.
Phillips, W. F. Y ddraig goch ynte'r faner goch?: ac erthyglau eraill. 1913.
Lewis, Sir Henry. Is disestablishment just?: letters on the disestablishment and disendowment of the Church of England in Wales. 1914.
Jones, Griffith. New work on the Welsh Church Bill controversy: facts not generally known by English & Welsh people. [1914?]
Downing, S. E. Church in Wales disestablishment and disendowment under the Welsh Church Act 1914. 1915.
John, E. T. Cymru a'r Gymraeg. [1916].
John, E. T. Ymreolaeth gyfunol: safle a hawliau Cymru: manteision Senedd Gymreig. 1919.
John, E. T. Wales: its politics and economics: with the text of the Government of Wales Bill 1914. 1919.
League of Nations Union. Cymru a Chynghrair y Cenhedloedd: [adroddiad blynyddol Pwyllgor Gweithiol Cyngor Cenedlaethol Cymreig Undeb Cynghrair y Cenhedloedd am y flwyddyn ariannol yn diweddu ... ]. [192-?]
League of Nations Union. Wales and world peace: [annual report : being the annual report of the Executive Committee to the Welsh National Council of the League of Nations Union ... ]. [1923?]
Lewis, Saunders. Egwyddorion cenedlaetholdeb. 1926.
Lewis, Saunders. The banned wireless talk on Welsh nationalism. [1930?]
Davies, D. J. The economics of Welsh self-government. 1931.
Lewis, Saunders. The case for a Welsh National Development Council. Y Blaid Genedlaethol, [193?]
Lewis, Saunders. Y frwydr dros ryddid: anerchiad ar bolisi Plaid Genedlaethol Cymru yng Nghaernarfon, Chwefror 23. 1935.
Lewis, Saunders. Paham y gwrthwynebwn yr Ysgol Fomio?: (anerchiad Saunders Lewis, Llywydd Plaid Genedlaethol Cymru, yng Nghynhadledd Sir Gaernarfon, Chwefror 29, 1936). 1936.
Communist Party of Great Britain, Cardiff Branch. Make Cardiff a capital city. [1937?]
Daniel, J. E. Welsh nationalism: what it stands for. [1937?]
Lewis, Saunders. Canlyn Arthur: ysgrifau gwleidyddol. 1938.
Griffith, T. Alun. Hunan-lywodraeth: anerchiad. 1938.
Davies, D. J. Can Wales afford self-government? 1939.
Welsh Courts Act, 1942. (See also, Parliamentary Papers)
Ellis, T. I. Undeb Cymru Fydd. 1943.
Chappell, Edgar L. Wake up, Wales!: A survey of Welsh home rule activities. 1943.
Evans, Gwynfor. They cry "Wolf”: totalitarianism in Wales, and the way out. [194-?]
Plaid Cymru. Ffeithiau: llwyddiant trwy hunan-lywodraeth. [1943?]
Campaign for a Welsh Assembly. Yr ymgyrch am senedd i Gymru: y ddeiseb. [194-?]
Undeb Cymru Fydd, Polisi addysg i Gymru. 1945.
Evans, Gwynfor. The radio in Wales. [1945?]
Griffiths, John Gwyn (gol.) Wedi'r ddarlith: casgliad o ysgrifau gan fyfyrwyr a chyn-fyfyrwyr. 1945.
George, William. Cymry Fydd: Hanes y mudiad cenedlaethol cyntaf. 1945.
Plaid Cymru. Mynnwn Gymru rydd. [194-?]
Griffith Evans. Christian social justice: a handbook for a united Welsh party. 1947.
Great Britain. Ministry of Education, Educational administration in Wales / report of the working party appointed by the Minister to investigate the need for a Welsh Joint Education Committee. 1948.
Rees, J. F. The problem of Wales. 1950.
Evans, Gwynfor. Plaid Cymru and Wales. 1950.
Evans, Gwynfor. Self-government for Wales and a common market for the nations of Britain. [19--?]
Gruffydd, William John. Gas for Wales: a summary of the annual report of the Wales Gas Board written at the request of the Board. [1951].
Jones, R. Tudur. Yr Annibynwyr a hunanlywodraeth i Gymru. [1951?]
Coupland, R. Welsh and Scottish Nationalism, a study. 1954.
Plaid Cymru. "Free Wales”: Plaid policy; accent on decentralisation. 1959.
Arnold, William. Wales - the next step: devolution, secretary of state, parliament for Wales, and all that. Western Mail & Echo. 1959.
Evans, Gwynfor. 80 questions and answers on Plaid Cymru (Welsh Freedom Party). [196-?]
Evans, Gwynfor. Self-government for Wales and a common market for the nations of Britain. [196-?]
Evans, Gwynfor. Wales as an economic entity: a reply. [1960?]
Kohr, Leopold. An Austrian looks at Welsh nationalism. [1960?]
Television Wales and the West. Wales today and tomorrow: [a symposium of views personally expressed by the members of the Welsh Board of Directors, TWW Limited]. 1960.
Undeb Cymru Fydd 1939-1960. 1960.
Lewis, Saunders. Tynged yr iaith BBC. 1962.
Thomas, Ceinwen. Self-government for the Celtic countries: the cases of Brittany, Wales and Scotland for the United Nations. 1964.
Great Britain, Welsh Office. Wales: presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Wales... 1964. 1965.
Committee on the Legal Status of the Welsh Language. Legal status of the Welsh language: report of the committee under the chairmanship of Sir David Hughes Parry, 1963-1965. 1965.
Morgan, Kenneth O. Freedom or sacrilege?: a history of the campaign for Welsh disestablishment. [1966].
Jones, John Robert. Prydeindod. 1966.
Evans, Gwynfor. Black paper on Wales. [1967].
Great Britain, Welsh Office. Wales: the way ahead, presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Wales. 1967.
Great Britain. Welsh Language Act 1967. 1967.
Edwards, O. D. Celtic Nationalism. 1968.
Griffiths, James. Pages from memory. 1969.
Greenberg, William. The flags of the forgotten: nationalism on the Celtic fringe. 1969.
Randall, P. J. Development of administrative decentralisation in Wales from the establishment of the Welsh Department of Education in 1907 to the creation of the post of Secretary of State for Wales in October 1964. 1969.
Lewis, Robyn, Elwyn Roberts. Iaith a Senedd: momorandum o dystiolaeth a gyflwynwyd ar ran Plaid Cymru i Gomisiwn Crowther ar y Cyfansoddiad. 1969/70?
Government of Scotland Bill, 1913. (See also, Parliamentary Papers)
Coupland, R. Welsh and Scottish Nationalism, a study. 1954.
Hanham, H. J. Scottish nationalism. 1969.
Wolfe, J. N. Government and nationalism in Scotland: an enquiry by members of the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh Seminar in the Social Sciences (5th : 1968). 1969.
Northern Ireland
Dicey, A. V. England's case against home rule. 1973 (rep. of 1886 edition).
Green, Alice Stopford. Irish nationality. 1911.
Third Home Rule Bill. 1912.
Henry, Robert Mitchell. The evolution of Sinn Fein. 1920.
Government of Ireland Act, 1922. (See also, Parliamentary Papers)
Mansergh, Nicholas. The government of Northern Ireland: a study in devolution. 1936.
Lawrence, R. J. The government of Northern Ireland: public finance and public services, 1921-1964. 1965.
Williams, Desmond. The Irish struggle 1916-1926. 1966.
Dicey, A. V. England's case against home rule. 1973 (rep. of 1886 edition).
Third Home Rule Bill, 1912.
Redcliffe-Maud Report (Cmnd. 4040) - report published by the Royal Commission on Local Government in England, 1966-1969.