Raymond Williams's works

A collection of works by social historian and critic Raymond Williams.
Raymond Williams’s personal copies of his own publications - including translations into other languages - acquired by purchase after his death. Also included are copies of some of the reviews and articles published in The Guardian and The Listener, and a number of interviews with him on audio cassette. The collection is listed in full below.
Raymond Williams (1921-1988) was a social historian, critic and novelist born in Pandy, near Abergavenny. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, Williams became a staff tutor of the Oxford University extra-mural delegacy in 1946. In 1961, he returned to Cambridge, this time to Jesus College, as a lecturer in English. He was made the University's first Professor of Drama in 1974 and retired in 1983. Williams was a prolific author, writing fiction and non-fiction, books, articles and reviews. His work touched on drama and literature but also encompassed wider social and political matters; his volumes Culture and Society (1958) and The Long Revolution (1966) brought him considerable recognition as a cultural historian. Some thirteen of Williams’ most important titles are represented in the collection, such as Culture and Society,Marxism and Literature, and Towards 2000, in translations which include Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Finnish, Danish, French, Croatian and Japanese.
- Adult education. Vol.34, no. 4, November 1961. London: National Institute of Adult Education, 1961. ‘The common good’.
- The bedside ‘Guardian’. 17, a selection from The Guardian, 1967-68 / edited by W.L. Webb; with an introduction by Alistair Cooke. London: Collins, 1968. ‘Another Phoenix’.
- The bedside ‘Guardian’. 18, a selection from the Guardian 1968-69 / edited by W.L. Webb; with an introduction by Harold Jackson. London: Collins, 1969. ‘Work on the human voice’.
- The bedside ‘Guardian’. 19, a selection from The Guardian 1969-70 / edited by W.L. Webb; with an introduction by Robert McKenzie. London: Collins, 1970. ‘Changing the terms of reason’.
- Bookmarks / edited and introduced by Frederic Raphael. London: Jonathan Cape, 1975.
- Bookmarks / edited and introduced by Frederic Raphael. London: Quartet Books, 1975.
- Britain in the sixties: communications. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962.
- British cinema history / edited by James Curran and Vincent Porter. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983
- Bunka to wa. [Japanese translation of Culture, by Koike]. Tokyo: Shobun-sha, 1985.
- O campo e a cidade : na história e na literatura [Portuguese translation of Country and the City, translated by Paulo Henriques Britto. São Paulo : Companhia das Letras, 1989.
- [Communications] / translated by Tachihara Hiromoto. Tokyo: Godo Shuppan, [196-?]
- Conviction / edited by Norman Mackenzie. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1958.
- Cultura e rivoluzione industriale: Inghilterra 1780-1950 [Italian translation of Culture and Society, by Maria Teresa Grendi]. Torino: Einaudi, 1968.
- Cultura e sociedade, 1780-1950 [Portuguese translation of Culture and Society, by Leônidas H.B. Hegenberg, Octanny Silveira da Mota and Anísio Teixeira. São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1969.
- Cultura i societat [Catalan translation of Culture and Society, by Jem Cabanes. Barcelona: Editorial Laia, 1974.
- Cultura: sociología de la comunicación y del arte [Spanish translation of Culture, by Graziella Baravalle. Barcelona: Ediciones Paidós, 1982.
- Culture and society, 1780-1950. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1961.
- Culture and society, 1780-1950. New York: Harper & Row, 1966.
- Culture and society, 1780-1950. New York: Columbia University Press, 1983.
- Drama from Ibsen to Brecht. London: Chatto and Windus, 1968.
- Drama from Ibsen to Brecht. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
- Drama from Ibsen to Brecht. London: Hogarth, 1987.
- Drama from Ibsen to Eliot. Harmondsworth: Penguin, in association with Chatto & Windus, 1964.
- Drama in performance. New York: Basic Books, [1969].
- Drama in performance. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
- Drama in performance. Milton Keynes ; Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1991.
- Drama od Ibzena do Brehta [Serbian translation of Drama from Ibsen to Brecht, by Marta Frajnd]. Beograd: Nolit, 1979
- Education for democracy. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.
- English drama: forms and development: essays in honour of Muriel Clara Bradbrook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977.
- English literature in history, 1730-80: an equal, wide survey / John Barrell. Series editor: Raymond Williams. London: Hutchinson, 1983.
- English story. 8th series / edited by Woodrow Wyatt. London: Collins, 1948. ‘A fine room to be ill in’.
- Exterminism and cold war / edited by New Left Review; [contributors Edward Thompson, Raymond Williams ... et al.]. London: Verso/NLB, 1982.
- Film and cultural tradition [sound recording] / Raymond Williams. [S.l.]: [S.n.], [1980]. 1 sound cassette.
- The Forward march of labour halted? / edited by Martin Jacques, Francis Mulhern. London: NLB in association with Marxism Today, 1981.
- From culture to revolution / edited by Terry Eagleton and Brian Wicker. London: Sheed & Ward, 1968. Includes chapters by Raymond Williams, ‘Culture and revolution: a comment’ and ‘Culture and revolution: a response’.
- George Orwell [French translation of George Orwell, by Michel Morvan]. Paris: Seghers, 1972.
- Hacia el año 2000 [Spanish translation of Towards 2000, by Paloma Villegas]. Barcelona : Editorial Critica, 1984.
- History workshop: a journal of socialist and feminist historians. Issue 16, Autumn 1983. Oxford: History Workshop Journal, 1983. Includes the Robert Tressell memorial lecture by Raymond Williams.
- Hodge and his masters / Richard Jefferies; introduction by Raymond Williams. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1966.
- Introduction to the sociology of ‘developing societies’ / edited by Hamza Alavi and Teodor Shanin. London: Macmillan, 1982. Includes a chapter by Raymond Williams.
- James Joyce: new perspectives / edited by Colin MacCabe. Brighton: Harvester, 1982.
- Keynes and the Bloomsbury group: the fourth Keynes seminar held at the University of Kent at Canterbury 1978 / edited by Derek Crabtree and A.P. Thirlwall. London: Macmillan, 1980. Includes: Raymond Williams: The significance of ‘Bloomsbury’ as a social and cultural group.
- Keywords: a vocabulary of culture and society. New York: Oxford University Press, 1976.
- Language, authority and criticism: readings on the school textbook / edited by Suzanne de Castell, Allan Luke and Carmen Luke. London: Falmer, 1989.
- The language of television: uses and abuses / Albert Hunt; with a foreword by Raymond Williams. London: Eyre Methuen, 1981.
- Leisure and society in Britain / edited by Michael A. Smith, Stanley Parker and Cyril S. Smith. London: Allen Lane, 1973. Includes two chapters by Raymond Williams, ‘Minority and popular culture’ and ‘Shaping cultural institutions’.
- A Listener anthology. [1], August 1967-June 1970 / edited by Karl Miller. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1970. Includes a chapter by Raymond Williams, ‘Crimes and crimes’
- A Listener anthology. 2, [June 1970 to May 1972] / edited by Karl Miller. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1973. Includes an article by Raymond Williams, ‘The question of Ulster’.
- Literature and environment: essays in reading and social studies / edited by Fred Inglis; with a foreword by Denys Thompson. London: Chatto and Windus, 1971. Includes an article by Raymond Williams, ‘An introduction to reading in culture and society’.
- Literature in revolution / edited by George Abbott White and Charles Newman. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972. Includes a chapter by Raymond Williams , ‘On Solzhenitsyn’.
- The long revolution. New York: Harper & Row, Harper Torchbooks, 1966.
- De loyale [Danish translation of Loyalties, by Allan Hilton Andersen]. Publisher:Århus : KLIM, 1986.
- Marksizm i literatura [Polish translation of Marxism and Literature, by Antoni Chojnacki and Edward Kasperski. Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1989.
- Marx: the first hundred years / edited by David McLellan. London: Fontana, 1983. Includes a chapter by Raymond Williams.
- Marxismi, kulttuuri ja kirjallisuus [Finnish translation of Marxism and Literature, by Mikko Lehtonen]. Tampere : Vastapaino, 1988.
- Marxismo y literatura [Spanish translation of Marxism and Literature, by Pablo di Masso]. Barcelona: Ediciones Península, 1980.
- Massemedierne [Danish translation of Communications by Hans Hertel and Torben Østerby. [S.l.]: Fremads Fokusbøger, 1963.
- Los medios de comunicación social [Spanish translation of Communications, by Manuel Carbonell. Barcelona: Ediciones Península, 1971.
- Modern tragedy. London: Chatto & Windus, 1966.
- My Cambridge / Muriel Bradbrook ... [et al.]; edited and introduced by Ronald Hayman. London: Robson Books, 1977. Includes a chapter by Raymond Williams.
- Nagai kakumei [Japanese translation of Long Revolution]. Kyoto : Minerva Publications, 1983.
- News from nowhere. No.6, February 1989. Oxford: Oxford English Ltd., 1989. Special issue: Raymond Williams, third generation.
- Partisan review. No.2, Spring 1960. New York: American Committee for Cultural Freedom, 1960. Includes an article by Raymond Williams, ‘The new British left’.
- The politics of modernism: against the new conformists / Raymond Williams; edited and introduced by Tony Pinkney. London: Verso, 1989.
- The press we deserve / edited by Richard Boston. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1970. Includes a chapter by Raymond Williams, ‘Radical and/or respectable’.
- Pretexts: studies in writing and culture. Vol 2, no.1, Winter 1990. Rondebosch: University of Capetown, English Department, 1990. Issue title: Presenting modernism. Includes an article by Raymond Williams.
- Racine / [by] Lucien Goldmann; translated [from the French] by Alastair Hamilton; with an introduction by Raymond Williams. Cambridge: Rivers Press Ltd, 1972.
- Racine / Lucien Goldmann; translated by Alastair Hamilton, with an introduction by Raymond Williams. London ; New York: Writers and Readers, 1981.
- Raymond Williams: critical perspectives / edited by Terry Eagleton. Cambridge: Polity, 1989.
- Raymond Williams in conversation with Kenneth Churchill [sound recording] . [London]: British Council, 1980. 1 sound cassette.
- Raymond Williams with Michael Ignatieff [videorecording]. ICA Video, 1985. 1 videocassette (VHS) (45 min.): sd., col ; 1/2 in. Series: Writers in conversation
- Reading and criticism. London: Frederick Muller, 1950.
- Reading landscape: country - city - capital / edited by Simon Pugh. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1990. Includes a chapter by Raymond Williams.
- Second generation: a novel. London: Chatto and Windus, 1964.
- Second nature / edited by Richard Mabey with Susan Clifford and Angela King for Common Ground. London: Jonathan Cape, 1984. Includes a chapter by Raymond Williams.
- Socialism on the threshold of the twenty-first century / edited by Miloš Nicolić. London: Verso, 1985. Includes a chapter by Raymond Williams.
- Sociologia della cultura [Italian translation of Culture, by Anna Lucia Natale]. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1983.
- The story-teller. 2, compiled by Graham Barrett and Michael Morpurgo. London: Ward Lock, 1979. Includes a story by Raymond Williams.
- Studies in entertainment: critical approaches to mass culture / edited by Tania Modleski. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986. Includes an interview with Raymond Williams.
- Talking films: the best of ‘The Guardian’ film lectures / edited by Andrew Britton. London: Fourth Estate, 1991. Includes a lecture by Raymond Williams.
- Teaching the text / edited by Susanne Kappeler and Norman Bryson. London ; Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983. ‘Monologue in Macbeth’ by Raymond Williams.
- El teatro de Ibsen a Brecht [Spanish translation of Drama from Ibsen to Brecht, by José M. Álvarez]. Barcelona: Ediciones Península, 1975.
- Three plays / by D. H. Lawrence; with an introduction by Raymond Williams. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969.
- TV as art: some essays in criticism / papers originally commissioned by the Television Information Office for the National Council of Teachers of English Television Festival; edited by Patrick D. Hazard. Champaign, Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English, 1966. Includes a chapter by Raymond Williams, ‘Some versions of Shakespeare on the screen’.
- The uses of fiction: essays on the modern novel in honour of Arnold Kettle / edited by Douglas Jefferson and Graham Martin. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1982. Includes a chapter by Raymond Williams.
- Visions and blueprints: avant-garde culture and radical politics in early twentieth-century Europe / edited by Edward Timms and Peter Collier; with an introduction by Raymond Williams. Manchester: Manchester University Press, c1988.
- Work: twenty personal accounts / edited by Ronald Fraser; with a concluding essay by Raymond Williams. Harmondsworth: Penguin in association with ‘New Left Review’, 1968-69.
- The year 2000. New York: Pantheon Books, c1983.
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