Cardiff Astrological Society collection

A small collection of publications owned by the Cardiff Astrological Society, plus a small run of the Society's annual report for its first few years of existence.
The collection was acquired as part of the purchase of duplicate materials from Cardiff Public Library in the late 1980s. One of the key figures in the Society was Arthur Mee, who was also connected with the Astronomical Society of Wales. Arthur Mee (1860-1926) was a journalist, amateur astronomer, amateur historian, author and educator, who moved to Cardiff in 1892. A list of the names of the Society’s first 36 members is included in the first annual report, noting at least 14 women amongst its membership.
An interesting set of astrological almanacs is included amongst the volumes, including an American set from the Llewellyn College of Astrology, Portland, Oregon, plus The Adept, an almanac from Minnesota. Others from Britain include issues of The Green Book of Prophecies, Alan Leo's Astrological Manuals, the Astrological Bulletin, Zadkiel's Almanac, Raphael's Almanac, and Antares Almanac.
A number of astrological works in French is included, possibly from a member named D. Conta from Newport, in the membership list, who was a teacher of French and Italian - one 1790s French work has marginalia. Other works comment on Annie Besant and theosophy, plus some novels with an astrological link, and a work by Heinrich Daath on 'Medical Astrology'.
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